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Dr. Barry Sears is the medical doctor and author behind the popular Zone Diet. He has expanded his medical knowledge into the area of fish oil and how it can benefit the body. Omega Rx Zone is a book that talks about the miracle of the new high-dose fish oil. This book will show you how to use the advances of fish oil to help treat chronic disease, improve athletic performance and many others. You use pharmaceutical grade fish oil to make you emotionally stable and healthier overall by allowing your brain to work at peak efficiency. This fish oil will also help you control the hormonal responses that govern your mind and body.
There is also some understanding provided of different diseases including heart disease, cancer depression, Alzheimer’s, attention deficit disorder, type 2 diabetes, infertility and many others. You can use the recommendations in this book along with the Zone Diet to maximize physical performance, lose weight and reverse chronic disease.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Helps deal with various diseases
- Offers information for maximum mental and physical performance
- Increase brain vitality and longevity
- Lose weight and keep it off
- Reverse chronic diseases
- Written by trusted Dr. Barry Spears
- Zone Diet may not be doable for everyone
- Book contains lots of information which can be hard to sift through
High-dose pharmaceutical grade fish oil may be the miracle drug of the 21st century according to Dr. Sears. Omega Rx Zone goes into great detail in describing how to use this high dose fish oil to reach the full potential of the Zone Diet. To reach the ideal Zone, you need the three elements of insulin control, calorie restriction and supplementation with fish oil. There are thorough sections covering how to understand carbohydrates and how they work with the body. The Zone Diet plan essentially limits carbs and encourages eating more fruits and vegetables along with lean proteins and some healthy fats. There are various tables that give lists of the best foods to eat and there is also some emphasis on the glycemic value of foods.
To make Omega Rx Zone meals, you simply balance the number of protein, carbohydrates, and fat blocking servings equally. Most females will need three blocks of each macronutrient at each meal. Males will need four blocks of each at each meal. All block measurements are explained in the book along with accompanying charts and graphs.
Exercise is an important element of Omega Rx Zone because it can aid in neural growth. Moderate daily exercise is recommended for optimal health. You can choose what exercise you do. The recommendation given by Dr. Sears is 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, and strength training two to three days per week. Exercising early in the day will help you sleep at night and 15 to 20 minutes of meditating each evening is also suggested.
Omega Rx Zone offers a solution that can greatly help your mental and physical health. This book takes an inside look at the use of fish oil for maximum health benefits. The use of fish oil is paired with the Zone Diet to allow you to lose weight and keep it off, maximize physical performance, and increase brain vitality and longevity. If you are interested in the Zone Diet or already following it and want to get the best possible results Omega Rx Zone is a great addition to your diet library.
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Omega Rx Zone
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