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Physique 57

Physique 57

Get Kelly Ripa's sleek arms with this workout DVD.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Have one look at Kelly Ripa's amazing body and you'll know why Physique 57 has gone from a small workout studio in New York City to one of the most popular workouts to hit the DVD world.

Physique 57 is a focused and proven cardiovascular program that uses a ballet barre and your own body weight to perform a series of isometric exercises and orthopedic stretches that tones your body, improves strength and posture and gives you a lean, elongated look.

Now you can experience the full effects of this program with the Physique 57 DVD workout series. The three-disc set includes the classic 57-minute total body workout, the Express 30-minute Full Body Workout and the Arm and Ab Booster 30-minute workout DVD.

In addition to the DVD series, The Physique 57 Solution will be released on January 4 which offers a complete exercise and nutrition program.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Brings a popular and effective workout to your own home
  • Exercise routine is a full-body workout
  • DVDs don't require the extra purchase of a workout barre
  • DVDs can be combined with the Physique 57 Solution for a complete program
  • Targeted more toward females

There is no diet or nutrition component provided. Those looking for a nutrition plan to pair with the workouts can find it in the new Physique 57 Solution book.


Physique 57 can be used in combination with your regular workout routine or it can be your sole routine. It is advised that you do the Classic 57-Minute video three times a week and the two Express 30-Minute workouts one time each throughout the week.

If you don't have a ballet barre at home, a piece of sturdy furniture will suffice; but purchasing Physique's own playground ball, which can be ordered from the studio's website, is strongly encouraged.


Made popular by Kelly Ripa and Gabrielle Reece, Physique 57 has developed a line of workout DVDs that offer their signature, effective NYC workout style to anyone looking to tone their arms, back and legs, improve muscle strength and develop sleek and lean body.

While you can buy each of the three DVDs separately, to receive the full effect of the workout system, you are encouraged to purchase the entire set for optimal results.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

physique57, fisique 57, phsyique 57, physique-57, physique 57 DVDs, physique 57 workout, kelly ripa workout, kelly ripa diet

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I've been going to the studio in NYC for 3 weeks now and my body has completely transformed. If only I knew this program, years ago. I really recommend a class if you are near a studio. The movements are a little hard to get at first and you need a person to tell you were your form is wrong. If you are not feeling a burn, you aren't doing it right! Good Luck!

posted Jan 25th, 2011 2:57 pm



Great, fun full body workout! I especially feel it in the legs, hips, butt, and abs but the back and arms also get a decent workout.

posted Jul 24th, 2010 1:16 pm


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