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Pure Acai is a supplement form of the uber popular acai berry which originates from the Amazon rain forest where it has been consumed for thousands of years because of its powerful nutrition punch. Coined as the latest Superfood, acai (pronounced ah-sigh-EE) is a small blueberry-sized berry and has a deep purple and blue color. It tastes like a mixture of chocolate and berries.
The acai berry has been lauded as a Superfood because it contains a host of disease-fighting antioxidants as well as essential fatty acids, amino acids, Vitamin E, iron, fiber, and calcium.
Pure Acai is a capsule form of this berry. It is designed to help you lose weight, reduce water retention, improve sleep, regulate digestion, promote younger looking skin, improve mental clarity and focus and regulate cholesterol levels.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?
- Acai berry is a nutritional powerhouse
- Pure Acai is a convenient form to get the health benefits of the acai berry
- May help to improve overall health
- The claims purported by Pure Acai may be exaggerated
- Very little research to support acai berry's ability to promote weight loss
- The extract form of acai berry is not as beneficial as consuming the whole fruit
- Not a long-term solution to weight loss
- Automatically enrolled in auto-shipment program upon signing up for the free trial offer
Contains acai berry. Does not advertise other ingredients.
There is no specific data on the frequency of using Pure Acai.
Although there is no specific dietary or exercise information cited on the company's website, any successful weight loss program also includes a low-fat and low-calorie eating plan as well as a consistent exercise program.
Pure Acai may help to improve your overall health, but its laundry-list of health and dietary claims may not be accurate. In addition, they are vague about ingredients and how to take Pure Acai. The phone number for the product was not accurate.
Currently, no human studies have shown a link between weight loss and the acai berry. But since it does contain a host of antioxidants as well as other nutrients, eating the acai berry in its whole berry form can be part of a healthy diet. If you have any current medical conditions or food allergies, talk to your medical doctor before consuming Pure Acai.
Pure Acai, PurAcai, Acai Pure, Pure Asai, Acia
Pure Acai Berry
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 13 total comments)johnrembo
+I have tried many diet pills on the market but ... Acai Berry is this product is the best for me. I started a month ago and I am very happy with their results; I have lost my 11lbs weight. Also, it helps me to feel not so hungry, but I can also eat what I like.
posted Dec 18th, 2009 8:36 amjonctionmishra
+I am taking the Acai berry for about 15 days. It does taste horrible but is worth the benefits. I�??ve very good experience with Acai Berry. After, trying this I have more energy and feel �??better�?� inside. Also, I�??ve dropped a few pounds.
posted Dec 13th, 2009 3:45 amjonymoster
+I have tried several different products, but Phentramin-d diet pills works the best for me and with no side effects. I�??d lose my 31lbs weight in 5 months with this pill in 6 months. I recommend to this one. For this pills related more details, checkout this link
posted Dec 11th, 2009 9:44 amrokey
One mounth ago, I started Phentramin-d Diet Pills and I have lost almost 6 pounds weight. Also I am not so
posted Dec 7th, 2009 10:14 amaddicted to sugary stuff. I have been very happy with this supplement, and I recommend you to try phentramin-d to get fast result.
If anyone needs more details about this supplement, then checkout this site
-Product made me so jittery that I felt ill and could hardly function. There are way too many 'extra' stimulant ingredients.
posted Apr 28th, 2009 3:51 pmhelen
I signed for the trial bottle $4.95. I called to cancel the order immediately and was told I had to wait until the order went through. The day they charged my account I called again. I was charged $78 plus the $5. I never received any product other than my trial bottle but am being charged anyway. They were most uncooperative in explaining the charge (said manager was in meeting - lie... he came on the line when I insisted. He told me he had no superior (lie... )
posted Apr 27th, 2009 8:43 pmPlease do not trust them. It is a rip-off.
-PLEASE read the return policy. If you don't return the unused product within the specified time (which starts when you order NOT when you receive the product) you will be charged a NON-refundable charge of 39.95. Buyer beware!!!!
posted Apr 20th, 2009 12:10 pmLidi2003
I'm trying it now and what I did was I ordered mine at got a gift card and paid 4.99 for S&H. If I don't like it they can't charge you because by the time they get to charge you there will not be enough funds to cover for the rest.
posted Feb 20th, 2009 4:13 pmjessica
i have been taking acia pure for just a week now and i've got to say that i believe this pill might just help me lose weight. it does supress my hunger and im real excited about it
posted Feb 20th, 2009 4:02 pmwhat?
Does anyone know how to get the real Acai berry and not the pill? I would like the be able to eat the real berry. I Live in the United States though. I wish we could get it in grocery stores!!!! This Pure ACAI BERRY PRO crap really sucked!! They charge all this that you didn't have a clue about!!!!
posted Feb 9th, 2009 1:15 amchristina
-I am very disappointed in this company. I ordered a trial of the Acai pure and ended up being charged $44.95 for hoodia gum and a water additive that I did not order. When I called the company, I was told this was part of the agreement. They generously credited my account for $20.00. The next month, there was a charge from the company on my checking account for $39.95. After being on hold for 59 minutes, the customer service representative threatened to hang up on me when I expressed my dissatisfaction with the company. I was told that because I kept the product, instead of sending it back, a charge was incurred for $39.95. I was given the option to return the unused product (minus a 15% restocking fee) to have my checking account credited for the original charge of $39.95. According to the customer servie representative, I agreed to pay for the product if I kept it and also agreed to be part of the program for additional shipments of products. I feel like I have been scammed and do not want this to happen to others.
posted Dec 10th, 2008 5:42 pmval
+I don't know about pure acia berry but you definitely want to watch the label and get real acai. Acai can be expensive so if the product is cheap beware!
posted Oct 21st, 2008 8:38 amFranksurfguy
+I had Acai Berries in Brazil when I was there surfing. They are so great for giving you energy and controlling hunger when out surfing for long periods of time.
posted Oct 21st, 2008 8:35 am