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Spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra has written a book that inspires you to experience the miracles that unfold when you unite your body to the deeper, but invisible, soul, the part of the body that Chopra, like other spiritual gurus, believe is our true self.
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul redirects our attention to the "forgotten miracle" of all human life, namely the body's endless capacity to change, transform and renew itself.
Outlined in ten distinct "breakthroughs," five for the body, five for the soul, Chopra shows us how we can lead ourselves to self-transformation.
Chopra frames the nature versus nurture debate as a process in which we have consciously or unconsciously created and decided upon the body that we have created for ourselves. In this manner, he shows you the thoughts we have, the food we eat, the exercise we do or don't do and the relationships we have contribute to the stagnancy or reinvention of our bodies.
Chopra's ten breakthroughs help you reinvent your body in order to improve your entire self and contribute towards the complete evolution of the universe.
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- Offers a deeper solution to address and overcome dysfunctional lifestyle behaviors
- Teaches the interconnectedness of the mind-body-spirit dynamic
- Explained in clear and accessible terms and exercises
- Encourages reader to connect their actions to their health
- Spiritual and holistic tone may not resonate with some readers
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Spirit is not a diet per se, but throughout the book Chopra draws direct parallels between dietary choices and mental and physical health. He explains how every bite of food you eat alters your daily metabolism, electrolyte balance, and proportion of fat to muscle. In this sense, making wise food choices is essential to reinventing your body and resurrecting your soul.
Choosing foods that are natural, whole, minimally-processed and primarily plant-based are encouraged as is engaging in routine acts of reverence and appreciation toward your meals.
Teaching you that every time you exercise, you alter your skeleton and muscles and that every hour of inactivity that you spend, you contribute to muscle atrophy, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul strongly encourages daily physical activity as a way to improve your health in body, mind and spirit.
Moderate exercise like walking and jogging are encouraged, as is yoga.
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul by Deepak Chopra is an accessible and inviting guide for anyone seeking to find more meaning in their lives and alter their health as a way to improve their entire sense of self.
His ten breakthroughs are outlined in a clear and concise manner and include practical suggestions for their easy incorporation into daily life.
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Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul
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