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A thorough workout and lifestyle program by Brett Hoebel.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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If you are looking for a great workout and lifestyle program that will challenge your body, you might consider reVamp. reVamp is a personalized total-health lifestyle program that represents the mind-body approach of HoebeL Fitness. This approach to fitness is created by fitness expert Brett Hoebel and is based on over a decade of research. Brett is one of the most sought after weight-loss and nutrition experts in New York and offers 15 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. His approach to fitness includes both the mind and body for maximum results. He has also created RevAbs which is a DVD workout and nutrition plan available to give you great abs in 90 days.

The reVamp Training System involves personal training, nutrition and weight management, fitness assessment and individualized program design. Some of the fitness components that you will do are martial arts, yoga, Pilates and some restorative spa treatments to create balance. There are three five week phases involved with the program to help you transform health and fitness into empowered living.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Offers a personalized total-health program
  • Program is rooted in the HoebeL Fitness body-mind philosophy
  • Created by fitness expert Brett Hoebel
  • Includes recommendations for both diet and exercise
  • Program broken down into three different phases
  • Success stories available
  • Appears to only be available to those in the New York area
  • Very little info on how to get started on the program
  • No info on the nutrition plan that comes with the program

There is a nutrition component that comes with the reVamp. Since the details of the program are personalized, your nutrition plan will be designed to meet your personal goals. The complete nutrition plan is given when you start the program. You will be eating whole fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding things like processed food and sugar.


Exercise is a key part of the reVamp program. You will be engaging in three different phases that have progressively harder intensity levels. The phases include base conditioning, strength training and energy system training. Each of the phases is five weeks in length. The base portion of the program is set, but there are changes made to provide an individualized program. The purpose of each of the phases you go through is listed below.

  • Phase I – Base Conditioning: Focuses on creating a strong fitness foundation and proper nutrition habits
  • Phase II – Strength Training: Challenges you to perform more advanced exercises and you are coached on how to integrate this new lifestyle into your daily routine
  • Phase III – Energy System Training: Strive to accomplish more goals and learn to maintain the life-long training and nutritional habits

You also use restorative spa treatments on this program. Some of the exercises that are incorporated include:

  • Yoga
  • Martial arts
  • Pilates

Losing weight requires having the right tools to make things happen. reVamp gives you the right tools and is based on years of research. The program is designed by a fitness expert and has had proven results. It does appear that the reVamp program is only for those in the New York area. Information on getting started is difficult to find, but the program itself seems solid. The program offers a total-health and lifestyle program so you cover all the bases to get in shape and have the body you want.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

revams, revamps, revmp, revamp, revamps

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