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Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Start Living Again

Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Start Living Again

Revive your body with these seven keys to resilience, vitality and health.

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Revive is a book written by Dr. Frank Lipman that tells readers how to start living again and overcome fatigue. Revive was previously published under the title Spent. This book will show you how you can restore your energy and improve your health over a six week time period. Anyone that feels like they are running on empty can energize their system and feel younger than ever. You will find a section in the book that can tell you if you are Spent and then work towards becoming Unspent through the program. This book offers a six week restorative program for your body. Each week you focus on different parts of the Spent Restorative Program. The weekly themes include:

  • Week 1: Nourish
  • Week 2: Move
  • Week 3: Adapt
  • Week 4: Release
  • Week 5: Balance
  • Week 6: Sustain

You will also find information about staying Unspent, some recipes and several personal testimonies from those who have had success with the Revive program. Everything you need is included in the book.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Encourages healthy eating habits
  • Offers tips on how to gain more energy and feel younger
  • Includes sound advice
  • Offers changes that can be maintained for a lifetime
  • Gives weekly changes instead of asking you to make several changes at once
  • Book includes recipes
  • Both diet and exercise are the focus
  • Some of the suggested changes may be difficult to implement
  • Heavy emphasis on yoga which may not be appealing to everyone

One of the first things that is examined when trying to Revive your body is your eating. There are several changes that you can make over time to reverse those tired feelings. Each week you will be implementing something new to makeover your Spent body. The book carefully outlines a full seven days of activities for you to perform that follow the theme for the week. Below is an outline of the weekly changes you will be making while following the six week Revive program.

  • Week 1: Nourish – During this week you will completely eliminate sugar and sugar substitutes from your diet. Revive likens sugar to a socially acceptable, recreational drug because of the high and low effects it has on the body while remaining legal. Removing sugar and processed food is the first step that you need to conquer.
  • Week 2: Move – During this week you will continue with the elements from week one, and then focus on the way your body moves. This includes your posture as well as your exercise activities. You will be analyzing your posture to see if you have balance ad rhythm in your body. In case your posture has suffered, there are several suggested posture exercises that will fix that. Doing them regularly can gradually ease your body back into its ideal posture. Something else that will be done during week two is removing gluten from your diet.
  • Week 3: Adapt – This week focuses on giving your body more tools to adjust to the new way of eating and feeling. In addition to eliminating sugar, processed foods, and gluten, you will be eliminating dairy, caffeinated beverages and alcohol during week three.
  • Week 4: Release – This week will teach you how to release some underlying issues and habits that can contribute to you being Spent. Some of the food directions for this week include eliminating unfermented soy and genetically modified corn from your diet. Something you will add to your diet during this week is probiotics. These are important for a healthy gut function and in minimizing digestive problems.
  • Week 5: Balance – This week focuses on helping you find a balance between your eating program, exercise and life. For your foods in week five, you are encouraged to eat fish that is low in mercury. There is an easy to follow breakdown of the types of fish you should eat and how often you should eat them. You are also advised to start taking fish oil or a fish oil supplement.
  • Week 6: Sustain – This week you are focused on how to keep all of the elements going that you’ve worked on so that you don’t crash back to your old way of doing things. You will be continuing to implement some new practices during this week with the main one being cleaning out your medicine cabinet. There is a list of the things that can be most harmful to your body that you should remove from your home during this week.

There are several recipes available in Revive to help you stay on the program and get your energy back. Some of the recipes in the book include:

  • Breakfast Panini
  • Sardines on Toast
  • Blueberry Avocado Smoothie
  • Strawberry Mango Sensation
  • Arugula or Mixed Baby Greens Salad
  • Quinoa and Black Bean Salad
  • Tandori Chicken Wrap
  • Sautéed Shrimp with Garlic and Herbs
  • Carrot and Coriander Soup
  • Roasted Fish Fillets with Fresh Herbs
  • Trail Mix
  • Chocolate Fudge

Exercise is an important part of the Revive program. As you progress through the six week program, your exercise levels increase. Cardio exercise is encouraged as well as various yoga poses to release tension and stress that the body may be holding onto. The breakdown for exercise by week is listed below:

  • Week 1: Yoga – This week focuses on implementing some simple yoga poses that will make a difference physically, emotionally and psychologically. You will also be instructed on what pieces of equipment you will need to carry out your yoga exercises.
  • Week 2: During this week you will continue with your yoga practices, and also introduce restorative exercise. Restorative exercise resembles interval training and involves short bursts of intense exertion followed by rest and recovery. The recommendation given for your intervals is to start with high intensity for one minute followed by three to four minutes of rest or low intensity exercise, repeating the cycle several times for 30 minutes. The most highly recommended type of restorative exercise is walking, because it is so easily done no matter what shape you are currently in. During week two it is also recommended that you implement other changes in your movement like parking farther away from doors, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or getting off the subway or bus one stop early.
  • Week 3: During this week you continue with your restorative exercise. If you feel up to it, you are encouraged to add an additional five minutes to your daily routine. You are also encouraged to take your walks outside if the weather allows.
  • Week 4: For week four, you start out continuing your restorative exercise at 35 minute sessions. Later in the week you increase your length to 40 minutes. There are also some new yoga poses introduced in week four.
  • Week 5: You will find yourself increasing your restorative exercise to 45 minutes if you feel up to it. More yoga poses are featured as well.
  • Week 6: You will continue with your 45 minutes of restorative exercise during this final week. There are also some core exercises and more yoga diagrams for poses that you can do. You are also encouraged to revise your restorative exercise to better suit your needs.

There is a lot of information contained in Revive but the book focuses on helping you renew and refresh your body. All elements of diet and exercise are covered in detail and will allow you to make some healthy changes that should lead to weight loss and more energy. This program only asks that you commit to it for six weeks and you will see results. Revive will serve as a good resource for anyone that wants to restore energy and improve their health.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

revove, spents, spent, revived, revival, revive diet

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