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Skinny Coffee Club is a weight loss drink made to produce results in just one week. It’s coffee mixed with other ingredients said to be clinically formulated for weight loss.
The intended benefits of this drink include decreased hunger, increased metabolism, more motivation and energy, better skin health, enhanced stamina and fitness, and anti-aging. Diet and exercise are not required, but the company strongly recommends it. Our experts have rated several diet plans and they found the most effective was the 18Shake Diet. It combines two all-natural weight loss supplements, an appetite suppressing meal replacement and a fat burning diet pill. To learn more about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet click the link here.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Organic Green Coffee Beans
Chlorogenic Green Coffee Bean Extract (50% Powder)
Siberian Ginseng
100% pure Matcha Powder
Organic Brazilian Coffee
Organic Green Coffee Beans: Unroasted coffee beans which contain higher than average amounts of chlorogenic acid.
Possible side effects from this may include: * Restlessness, insomnia, and fatigue. * Upset stomach, nausea, and diarrhea. * Increased heart rate, irregular breathing, and cardiovascular problems. * Agitation, mood swings, and anxiety. * Ringing in the ears, headaches and migraines.
For a comprehensive listing of the best weight loss diets click the link here.
The FTC has also had issues with companies who make weight loss claims about this ingredient. A hearing was had on the actual benefits of this ingredient, and the FTC described green coffee bean as being a “phony” weight loss additive.

According to their findings, there isn’t enough evidence to show this ingredient to be effective for weight loss. Chlorogenic Green Coffee Bean Extract (50% Powder): This extract is used for weight loss via reducing carbohydrates, though adds:
“that is insofar correlation and not necessarily due to chlorogenic acid”
As mentioned in the green coffee bean section, the FTC has also declined claims from companies who say this ingredient help with weight loss.
It’s seen as more likely to be effective in weight loss due to the added caffeine. Caffeine must be cycled due to it losing much of its effects after repeat use.
Siberian Ginseng: This plant extract is used as an adaptogen, which means it’s meant to help the body deal with stress. It may potentially cause side effects that include: * Headaches, nosebleeds, and confusion. * Irregular heart beat, vomiting, and nausea. * Drowsiness, high blood pressure, and hormone changes.
Studies have been mixed on this ingredient, with some reports saying it has no effect at all for reducing stress or improving mental function.
Click the link for our experts list of the highest rated weight loss diets.
Chlorella: Algae that is used due to its b12, protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. In certain people it can cause serious allergic reactions. Side effects may include: * Breathing problems and rashes. * Stomach cramping, nausea, and discoloration of stools. * Nausea, gas, and diarrhea.
There’s also fear of potential toxic effects, since this ingredient can be extracted from contaminated waters.
It can have untold levels of lead and mercury. The only way to be sure it does not have these contaminants, is if the company who provides it can certify and test for its safety.
It’s unknown if the chlorella added to Skinny Coffee Club is tested and treated to ensure it’s not potentially toxic.
100% Pure Matcha Powder: A finely processed form of green tea that is said to have more antioxidants than regular tea. Due to its caffeine, it may produce side effects that include: * Insomnia, restlessness, and agitation. * Rapid heart rate, anxiety, and mood swings. * Cardiovascular problems, headaches, and swelling.
It’s unknown how much caffeine is added from this ingredient.
Though this ingredient has been used of weight loss, it’s likely its only effects are due to the added caffeine. Matcha also degrades very quickly, and it’s unknown if the matcha added here is fresh.
Click here to check best diets of 2016.
Spirulina: Blue - green algea which contains vitamins and minerals, and it’s used to help regulate blood sugar and reduce liver fat.
It’s important to make sure this ingredient is processed correctly, as it can potentially contain harmful toxins. Web MD confirms “liver-damaging substance called microcystin, toxic metals, and harmful bacteria”

Possible side effects can include: * Liver damage, stomach, pain, and nausea. * Rapid heartbeat, weakness, and dehydration. * Shock, muscle pain and weakness, and death.
Much like chlorella, it’s unknown if the company tests this ingredient for potential contaminants.
Wheatgrass: This type of grass is used added due to its nutrients. It’s also used as an anxioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Web MD mentions:
“Not enough is known about the safety of long-term use of wheatgrass as medicine”
It can potentially cause side effects that include: * Nausea, loss of appetite, and constipation.
Organic Brazilian Coffee: Coffee from one of the largest distributors which is Brazil. This ingredient has caffeine which is used to stimulate the heart, increase energy, and increase metabolism.
Due to this it may cause: * Withdrawal symptoms, headaches, and agitation. * Anxiety, irregular heartbeat, and increased breathing. * Nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach. * Ringing in the ears, migraines, and several other side effects.
Certain people have more of sensitivity to the caffeine found in this ingredient. Since the manufacturers of Skinny Coffee Club fail to mention the caffeine content, it’s impossible to determine how safe this brand might be. The highest rated weight loss diets can be seen in the link here.

There’s never any mention as to the amount of caffeine added, which is alarming as there’s green coffee bean extract, green coffee bean, coffee, and matcha powder. All of these ingredients may contain potentially high amounts of caffeine
Because of this caffeine, it may increase the risk for side effects.
Both spirulina and chlorella can be potentially contaminated depending on what they are extracted from. There’s also a lack of information from the manufacturers as to what safety handling process is in place.
Finally, there’s wheatgrass and Siberian ginseng which are unstudied for their long-term effects. There are many unanswered important questions about this product. It’s impossible to determine what would be a safe amount, as the manufacturers don’t give dosing information.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.
There is 8 week, 28 day, and 12 week programs offered. A total of 12 weeks of product sells for £59.95, which amounts to $77.88. This averages to a daily price of $2.78, assuming one cup a day.
Many of the ingredients in this that are made for weight loss produce these effects due to caffeine, which is not a long lasting solution for weight loss. It’s also unknown exactly how much caffeine is added, so it’s impossible to determine overall quality. Caffeine is a short lasting ingredient which loses its effects, causing only sleep loss as a result. It’s because of this, that routine use of this drink is not advised. This is likely why the company offers short periods for supplementation.
The top 10 list of the best diets for weight loss are made available in the link here.
The officall company name is also Skinny Coffee Club, they can be reachd via the following:
Skinny Coffee Club Ltd., Unit 9 Target Point, Kirkby, Merseyside, L33 7AD.
Returns are offered for 28 days, only on unused and undamaged packages. There isn’t much information about the company, and whether or not they have reliable customer service. It’s also unknown how they operate.
EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.
Reviews on this product outside of the company website are impossible to find. The company uses many Instagram popular women to advertise its weight loss effects.
Though there are no unbiased reviews available about this product. This is alarming, as it’s impossible to determine whether or not it’s safe to take, and what kinds of results are possible.
Due to this brand only having caffeine heavy ingredients for weight loss, its unknown what kind of an effect this might have on weight loss. Click the cited link to see the best diets for weight loss in a comprehensive list.
Before making a decision on this brand, it’s important to look over what’s added, and what the company reveals about this brand. There’s a high amount of caffeine containing ingredients, and some of the other additives such as spirulina and chlorella are potentially unsafe. It’s unknown how much caffeine is added to this, but the mixture is essentially green tea extract and coffee beans for weight loss. This is unlikely to produce long lasting effects, as caffeine tolerance quickly builds in the body, reducing any positive effects to only sleep loss.
Our experts have concluded that the best weight loss solution is the 18Shake Diet. Included is an appetite suppressing meal replacement as well as a fat burning diet pill. Both have only natural ingredients with no preservatives, stimulants, fillers, binders, or artificial additives. Customers have left rave testimonials on their official website due to its potent weight loss effects.
There’s also a full 30 day money back guarantee offered by the manufacturers on both the meal replacement and diet pill. Learn more information about the 18Shake Diet by clicking the link here.
Skinny Coffee Club
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 5, 98 total comments)Nichole Ellis
Does seem to work and I’m on a calorie controlled diet. Doesn’t taste that good
posted Jul 30th, 2018 9:41 amIsabel
I have been using the 28 program for 6 days I love it I lost about 4.4KG already. The coffee is tasty and the foodprogram is tasty.
posted Jul 22nd, 2018 5:12 amThabang
They are a scam. I ordered mine a month ago and they claimed I’ll have my package 7-15 working days. It’s been a whole month and no package or a tracking number. They must stop lying to people and scamming them 🙄🙄🙄 I want my money back
posted Jul 12th, 2018 9:51 pmArzamia begum
No difference. Just feels like normal cup of coffee. No benefits noticed after 1 weeks use. Did nothing 4 me
posted Jun 25th, 2018 1:48 pmirene
tried it for 28 days, more energy but no loss.
posted Jun 12th, 2018 9:21 amSarah
Works !! Got rid of bloatness first, then cleared me out , I combined with healthy diet some excercise , in creased energy levels , improved skin, lost weight , I believe it's a great booster/ a kick start as part of a healthy diet regime
posted Jun 5th, 2018 6:00 pmJennifer
Its a scam never work!
posted May 10th, 2018 8:03 pmJose beattie
I ordered this product in March 28th, paid the extra for tracked shipping, which on the site says 5-7 days. My product tracked for two days and then I never received any other tracking information. When i emailed their customer service 10 business days to express I still had not received my package I was told that I would receive it by April 18th, which is still 3 weeks after my purchase. April 18th rolled around and I emailed customer service again thar I had not received my product and they told me it would arrive by April 23rd which is almost a month after my purchase and then April 23rd has passed and I still have not received my package so I emailed the customer service again and haven’t received any sort of reply from them and every time I’ve asked for a refund they have pushed it off and just thanked me for my patience.
posted Apr 24th, 2018 8:20 amLauran
I really loved it !! It worked for me I have lost 4 kilos in 3 weeks however I'm dieting and exercising ! But I tried other weight loss products and they never worked even with exercising! This products didn't give me any side affects in I love with it and it gives me so much coffee in the morning I'm always on the go and feel amazing !!!
posted Mar 10th, 2018 4:36 pmellie
Thought it worked really well!
posted Mar 1st, 2018 9:54 amSam
Absolutely no effect what so ever. No weight loss no increase in energy just leaves a nasty gritty taste in your mouth. Waste of money.
posted Feb 24th, 2018 4:16 amJackie
Have been using skinny coffee for about 3 weeks and see absolutely no difference. Very weak coffee and doesn't even work!
posted Feb 21st, 2018 8:57 amKatie Guyan
I have been using the night and day products for the past 3 weeks and have lost half a stone. I have been stricter with my diet and doing more exercise too so the weight loss could just be down to that. It does seem to give me more energy and the night decaf helps me sleep. Although this could all be coincidence. I had 50 percent discount on my order so it did work out quote good value but I wouldn't pay full price for this product. One real downside is it tastes nothing like coffee!! More like a green tea to me.
posted Feb 8th, 2018 12:00 pmDave Johnson
What i would love to know is how this product is legal to even be sold and distributed to health shops such as holland and barrett when there are so many harmful ingredients in it that cause horrible side effects and a product thats not tested or passed by the fta and has been branded a phoney product and even web md states that its untested and possibly unsafe for consumption the reason im asking is that my wife and mother to my child was rushed to hospital last week with severe abdominal pain and pancreatitis and even found gall stones too never had problems like this before but the only thing different she was using was this skinny coffee club. Now after doing the research and saving alot of screenshots about how dangerous the side effects are with this product i cant prove it was the cause but i will try my best to see if it contributed to her symptoms but i will ask again to see how you can sell and distribute a completely untested and potentially dangerous product on the high street
posted Feb 7th, 2018 10:23 amNisha
Honestly, I know several people to try this and they've all lost weight. They did it by following every step, including the little diet plan thing they give you and even exercising. Cause you know, fat is lost by producing energy. And you can't produce energy sitting on your ass eating bons bons. I seriously feel like this was a way to promote 18Shake Diet. And people being as dramatic as they are, are going to piggy back off the fact that the website said it didn't work, and now it doesn't work for them. Or, they're simply lying. It's amazing how this works. Cause I'm pretty sure the five people that I watched drop weight while drinking this stuff were making it up. Yup, noticed it when they had to buy new clothes. And never complained of any of these side effects. To things people use every. single. day. and not just in Skinny Coffee.
posted Feb 3rd, 2018 10:48 amsony
next day delivery
posted Jan 11th, 2018 2:12 pmso will post if and when i see results
first day today but im eating healthy and exercising like they anything
you need to help yourself as well quick fix will power and determation
happy so far like the taste without needing sugar :)
Company do NOT deal with unsubscribe requests but e mail daily. Customer service abysmal
posted Jan 10th, 2018 12:26 pmMel
Customer service was terrible. Promised free shipping but I was charged for postage in the end. Only found out after I checked my Paypal. Read on a few instagram and facebook posts that people have paid and not gotten the product. Managed to get a full refund from Paypal after reporting Skinny Coffee Club for fraud. Case was ruled in my favour. 10/10 would NOT recommend!
posted Jan 2nd, 2018 10:35 amMeeting Booking
Hi there,
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Meeting Booking
Don't really think this works, hasn't made any difference to me and I am eating to the food plan. Is a very week coffee with not a lot of flavour to it. I would not purchase again.
posted Dec 5th, 2017 11:45 am