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Stick With Exercise for a Lifetime

Stick With Exercise for a Lifetime

A Guide for Making Exercise Fun and Sticking with for Lifelong

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Robert Hopper has been teaching exercise through his job as a professor and through his position as head swim and polo coach for many years. His new book, Stick WIth Exercise For A Lifetime, highlights the common pitfalls of most Americans and their habits with physical activity.

Hopper points out that many people want to exercise and get fit, but a majority of plans fail after a short while. His book states research that says 70 percent of Americans do not exercise at all. Hopper points out the traditional route to an exercise routine and its flaws, as few stay on a regimen of going to the gym and doing a mix of cardio and strength training.

Hopper likes to encourage the alternate route, which is the path that focuses on finding an activity that is fun and happens to also be exercise. Some examples include dancing, riding bikes, or even gardening. Of course more traditional activities like running, swimming, or playing a sport can fit in this category if the reader chooses them. Simply put, Hopper states that if the activity isn’t fun, chances are passions will diminish and the reader will just be another person with good intentions who fell off their exercise plan for lack of motivation.

Hopper created a 7-step plan to keep one on track and help them accomplish their fitness goals. The steps include:

  1. Focus on Fun
  2. Get Coaching
  3. Join a Team
  4. Protect Your Time
  5. Supplementary Fitness
  6. Seek Continuous Support
  7. Win at Championship Moments

All of his steps mirror those of children’s coaches and the behaviors of professional athletes. The steps are tailored to an everyday person who needs to fit fun exercise into their busy lives.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Author is a professor and a coach, who has seen what works and what does not
  • Author points out so many good reasons why finding an activity that is fun is important
  • The book is very informative, with many examples and advice on how to get started
  • There are many testimonials from people who are successful in their activities
  • Author offers advice for all abilities to get started
  • Many support tactics are included to ward off the typical quitting attitude that comes with new exercise plans
  • The book relates to those who have been on a team and played a sport, not everyone will immediately relate to the concepts
  • The book is great for those with the will to exercise, may not speak to those who have no interest, despite the need
  • There are several steps to Hopper’s process, may seem daunting to some
  • For those who are of very low ability, the early steps may be very difficult

This book does not endorse any particular diet. As it’s a book about exercise and activity, caloric needs will have to assessed as the process builds.


The entire book is about finding an activity or exercise and a way to make it a fun lifelong habit. No particular exercise is endorsed, yet it is encouraged to gradually build all activities as a huge overdose will lead to burnout and quitting.

The author also has a stage that is called supplemental fitness. This refers to the activities that will support the chosen activities. For example, weight lifting and strength training will enhance the performance of many other activities, or cross training will enhance the skills of another.

Part of the plan includes getting one to a state in their enjoyable activity that that want to improve performance and supplemental fitness will be the tool that is needed.


Stick With Exercise for a Lifetime is a refreshing look at exercise. The author puts so much emphasis on making sure the activity is fun versus the traditional route of joining a gym and just burning calories for the sake of your health. These practices are good, but often lead to quitting and one more person not exercising. The book is full of great tips and examples from pro athletes. The book is a great read for anyone needing to break the bring rut of exercise.

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Stick With It, Stick With Exercise, Exercise for Life

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