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STUPID Hormones

STUPID Hormones

Learn to balance your hormones and lose weight through natural foods.

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  • Established: May, 2012
  • Author: Jennifer Jolan
  • Accessibility: eBook
  • Diet Type: Hormone weight loss
  • Gender: Female

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Stupid Hormones: The Hormone Weight Loss Solution is a new book written by Jennifer Jolan that is available electronically. This book shows you how to balance your hormones to lose weight once and for all. Belly fat is specifically called out as an issue that can be caused by hormonal imbalance. Suffering from hormones that are unbalanced can be the reason why you can’t lose weight through diet and exercise. Once you have a chance to fix your hormones through the tips in this book, your weight loss will be a more effective process.

Jennifer Jolan is known for her eBooks filled with tips that can help enhance your weight loss. She is dedicated to helping women lose weight through methods that may be unconventional, but work. Jolan has also made it her mission to help women lose weight without starving themselves and without using painful dieting methods.

  • Includes several tips for balancing hormones naturally
  • Incorporating these tips can help your weight loss
  • Offers tips on what foods to eat and what to avoid
  • Available for instant download as an ebook
  • Focuses on eating natural and whole foods
  • Highly reviewed by customers
  • Some methods may be frowned upon because they are unconventional

Stupid Hormones: The Hormone Weight Loss Solution promotes an eating plan that can help you lose weight while balancing your hormones. This eating plan is a lifelong style of eating that should be adopted by you and your entire family. You are directed to avoid processed foods. Anything that contains an ingredient called paraben should be avoided. It actually mimics estrogen hormones and can be found in food, drugs and cosmetics. The number one hormonal enemy outlined in the book is sugar and sugar equivalents. The author outlines that all of the sugar equivalents fall into the same category of danger. The average American adult eats about 22 teaspoons of sugar each day while the average teenager consumes about 34 teaspoons of sugar per day. Sugar is allowed in moderation, but having too much can definitely cause some major health problems.

The fructose in sugar is called the worse sugar in existence. If you do eat fruit, it is suggested that you eat it with the skin as a rare treat. And with that it is suggested that you have farm-raised eggs, nitrite and nitrate-free bacon which can slow down the negative effects of that fruit. Fat slows down your insulin secretions. Overall your diet should consist of 35-40 percent healthy fat, 30-35 percent protein, 20 percent carbs and the remaining 10-20 percent on one of the other categories you happen to have more of that day. Your carbohydrates should come from colorful vegetables instead of bread and pasta. When it comes to what you should be eating, the following list is full of the things you need:

  • Eat more fat coming from animal sources like grass-fed beef, wild Alaskan salmon, farm-raised nitrate-free nitrite-free pork, free-range chickens, organic seeds, nuts and healthy oils
  • Organic or extra virgin coconut oil and olive oil that is dark in a dark glass bottle
  • Organic butter
  • Avocados
  • Eggs
  • Leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, lettuce, okra, green beans and colorful peppers
  • Bread can be consumed in moderation if you make it from fresh, organic ground wheat

Stupid Hormones: The Hormone Weight Loss Solution explains that a sedentary lifestyle without exercise can put you at risk for many health issues. This doesn’t mean you have to exercise for long periods of time. You just need to get up every hour and walk around if nothing else. You should avoid exercise that is extended over weeks and months. Instead use a paced high-intensity followed by a low-intensity pattern to make your hormones healthier and more plentiful. If you haven’t exercised in a long time, one recommendation is to walk in place while you are watching television. You can do short, explosive bursts of exercise to get results. You basically are in charge of choosing your exercise. Select something you like to do so that you will stick with it. One important message is to stop planning to exercise and just get started.


Stupid Hormones: The Hormone Weight Loss Solution offers some advice that many may find hard to follow because it is so vastly different than what you typically hear. This book does offer a fairly simple approach to naturally balancing your hormones through the food you eat. Simply put, increase your protein and fat and get rid of all the processed junk that passes as food. Instead of going for low-fat foods which are often loaded with sugar, the author suggests embracing the right fats so that you can lose weight. Cutting down on sugar and increasing colorful vegetable intake along with the proper proteins is something that will obviously help the body get to where it needs to be.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Stooped hormones, stupd hormones, hormone diet, stupid hormone diet, hormone eating plan

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