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Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is the author of the New York Times bestseller Eat to Live. In his book Super Immunity he explains how the human, specifically the American human, diet is majorly lacking in powerful micronutrients. Fuhrman explains how today we are racked with illnesses and disease and he’s pointing to our highly processed and low-nutrient diets as the culprit.
Fuhrman discusses the properties of macro- and micronutrients and explains how less macronutrients, such as fats, carbs, and proteins, will increase our health. Instead, Fuhrman promotes a diet comprised mostly of micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and enzymes. This breaks down to a diet high in green leafy vegetables, fruit, beans, and seeds. This also means a diet low in grains and meat. Obtaining the nutrients from the micro foods, will help prevent illnesses, promote immunity, and fight diseases, especially cancer. All of these finding are supported by research and noted in the book.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Author is a respected expert and member of the medical community
- Dr. Fuhrman explains in detail all the complex issues of the human immune system
- Diagrams and charts accompany many concepts
- There is research cited for all statements
- Content makes many striking points about the cancer rates in our country and world
- Meal plans are included in the book
- Recipes are included in the book
- Book contains many first-hand testimonials
- Promotes fitness
- The book is very scientifically based, may be hard to follow
- The plan calls for a radical shift in what is commonly believed as balanced nutrition
- The information will challenge the common thoughts of vaccines and antibiotics
- Highly restrictive diet
Dr. Fuhrman explains the reasons for his seemingly unique diet in a very convincing way. Those who begin his plan will eat only 150 calories a day (for females) or 200 calories a day (for males) of animal products and refined carbohydrates. The emphasis in the Super Immunity diet is placed on green leafy vegetables.
Daily, readers will eat one salad, ½ cup serving of beans/legumes in a salad or soup, three fresh fruits, one ounce of raw nuts and seeds, and a double sized serving of green vegetables. Protein will primarily come from deep greens, seeds, nuts, and beans.
Fuhrman calls for a strict avoidance of barbequed meat, processed meat, and commercial red meat. He also says to avoid fried foods, full-fat dairy, trans fats, soda, sugar, and artificial sweeteners, and all white flours.
Dr. Fuhrman advises people to exercise vigorously. He suggests jogging and jumping in place along with any other heart-rate-elevating activities. He explains that exercise helps your immune system fight infections, but it also decreases disease rates. While exercise is endorsed, Super Immunity has no specific exercise plan.
Super Immunity is a very convincing and interesting read. The book contains many studies and insights to many of our current rising health issues, especially cancer. The content makes a strong argument for what is essentially a vegetarian diet, very rich in green vegetables and antioxidant rich produce. Dr. Fuhrman has included extensive research and valuable details to help any reader understand the benefits of a vegetable rich diet.
Super Immune System, Super Imunity, Super Powered Immunity, Immunity Super, Super Immune Diet, Super Immunities Diet
Super Immunity
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