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Swank MS Diet

Swank MS Diet

A diet for Multiple Sclerosis.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Swank MS Diet is a diet and lifestyle specially formulated for those living with Multiple Sclerosis. Created by Dr. Roy L. Swank, Ph.D in 1948, the Swank Diet looks back to the way we eat before the industrial food revolution when meat was a luxury and most of the food eaten came from the earth rather than processing plants.

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and the central nervous system. MS is a progressive condition that affects 250,000 to 350,000 Americans. Currently, there is no cure for MS but many treatments and therapies, such as specialized diets, have shown to alleviate some of the symptoms of MS.

There has recently been a rise in the number of people diagnosed with the MS. Whether this is due to better diagnostic tests or an environmental component is still up for debate.

The Swank MS Diet takes the stance that MS cases are largely due to the industrial lifestyle with special attention on the increase in fat and meat consumption in our diet.

Overall the diet is low in fat and very low in saturated fats as well as low in red meat consumption. It includes a diet high in vegetables, grains, fruit, and non-fat dairy.

The diet should be followed immediately upon diagnosis.

The MS Swank Diet is part of the Swank MS Foundation.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Many with MS have found the diet alleviated their symptoms and improved their condition
  • Plan is an overall healthy-eating plan focusing on whole and minimally-processed foods.
  • Reduced amounts of red meat and saturated fats have been associated with reduced health risks of certain diseases and cancers
  • Program created by an expert who has studied MS for decades
  • Plan is clearly organized
  • Requires discipline and dedication
  • No mention of an exercise component
  • Medical community remains skeptical about the effectiveness of the diet

The goal of the diet is to reduce the amount of fat and saturated fats that are consumed. The foods that are allowed can be consumed in any amount.

Here are some of the guidelines of the MS Swank Diet: - Saturated fat cannot exceed 15 grams per day - Unsaturated fat cannot exceed 20 to 50 grams per day - No red meat is allowed for the first year - Dairy products must be nonfat or contain less than 1 percent fat - No processed foods are allowed - Cod liver oil and other supplements should be taken daily.

Daily foods that are allowed include four servings of whole grains, two cups of vegetables, two fruits, and lean poultry, fish or shellfish. In addition,three eggs each week are allowed.


The Swank MS Diet does not include an exercise plan.


The Swank MS Diet is not only about food choices but also a more relaxed and calm lifestyle. This diet takes eating back to a time when we ate fruits from the soil and meat was more of a privilege than an everyday occurrence.

The plan is designed to be something that is done as a lifestyle way of eating, rather than just a short term diet. Red meat is excluded from the diet for the first year which shows that this is a commitment to a certain style of eating.

With the Swank MS Diet you will have to come up with your own exercise plan since there are no recommendations provided. The program does eliminate unhealthy fats and saturated fats from the body and allows you to go back to a healthy way of eating.

Common Misspellings

swonk ms diet, swank ms deit, swonk ms deit, swnk diet, ms diet, multiple sclerosis diet,

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(Page 1 of 1, 3 total comments)

Teresa R.N.


I am now 63 Been on Dr Swanks' diet since
1983. Diagnosed age 27! Still have fine motor movement play organ both hands and foot pedals, retired as RN 2015 after 40 yrs! Barometric pressure changes hurt me in my legs from knee down. I try to live in dry sandy warm area during winter! :)

posted Mar 9th, 2016 6:15 pm

teresa R.N.


Dr. Roy L Swank MD PhD does have an excercise program and that is walk. Lift weights. When tired stop. I am living proof. The reason no red meat for the first year is that he prooved our blood plasma is abnormal and we cannot handle fats. I received Fresh Frozen Plasma Infusions once per month or twice per month or less to allow me to work fulltime as an RN and single mother. I will be 60 was diagnosed at age 27 thought I would die and I am here to tell you if you want to live you eat to live NOT Live to EAT.

posted Jul 14th, 2013 1:13 am

Man on a Msion

The Swank Diet is a miracle for all with Multiple sclerosis. The medical community is skeptical because they are not adequately trained in nutrition and reject Dr. Swank's incredible results because he didn't conduct a double blind study, even though his patients had amazing results over a 35 year period.

posted Apr 22nd, 2010 9:53 pm


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