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The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution

The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution

Can fasting for 12 hours each day help you lose weight once and for all?

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  • Established: May 27, 2012
  • Author: Jennifer Jolan
  • Accessibility: eBook
  • Diet Type: Fasting, severe calorie reduction
  • Gender: Female

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Jennifer Jolan has written a new eBook titled The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution. This book highlights a diet that can be followed everyday with some simple steps. Jennifer works hard to help people lose weight in a healthy way. The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution shows you why most diets fail and offers helpful advice for finally losing the weight by simply telling you to diet for 12 hours each day. This practice was tested on 100 people including some professional athletes and has been proven to work. The program is simple and does include proven research to get you the best possible results.

Although the program is fairly simple, it does involve eating only one meal per day and drinking protein water to stave off hunger. The book outlines the reasonable daily cost of the program and it does not require exercise. If you do decide to include exercise, there is information on the perfect time to do that each day. There is even information given on the proper to eat bad foods so that they don’t hurt your progress or efforts. There are also several bonuses that come with the download of The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution.

  • Program has been tested on 100 different people
  • Allows you to still eat your favorite foods while losing weight
  • Only required to diet for 12 hours each day
  • No exercise required
  • Tips given on the ideal time to exercise if you choose to do so
  • Offers food suggestions and some recipes
  • Program only allows one meal per day
  • Many may find it difficult to fast throughout the day until dinner
  • Weight loss comes from a severely restricted calorie count of eating just one meal each day

The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution includes meal and food suggestions along with telling you the best times to eat not-so healthy foods so that they don’t sabotage your weight loss progress. The program is based on doing a mini fast each day for 12 hours. It starts when you go to bed one night and ends the next night when you eat dinner. During the time you are fasting, you are allowed to drink protein water to keep your body from losing muscle. You drink the protein water every few hours to keep the body from cannibalizing muscle tissue and train your body to burn off fat during your fast. The protein water also helps the body not feel as though it is starving throughout the day. The outline for the program is listed below:

  • Drink 3 protein waters with each having 20-25 ounces of water or cold green tea
  • Each protein water will contain 30 grams of protein powder
  • Drink each protein water in 10 minutes or less
  • Space out each protein water by 3-4 hours
  • Eat one meal per day which is dinner
  • Have an additional protein water 2-4 hours after dinner if necessary

The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution does mention exercise and focuses on the importance of timing. The program also states that it will work without exercise. This is likely due to the fact that you are only eating one meal per day and not taking in a large amount of calories in that one sitting. Of course you can accelerate your weight loss by adding in exercise. There are two critical times given for when you should exercise during the day, but again exercise is not required.


The 12 Hour Flat Belly Diet Solution is basically a program that involves only eating one meal each day at dinnertime. Throughout the day as you feel hungry, you can have protein water to keep you feeling satisfied. Many have spoken highly of this program, but it is easy to see that it would be difficult to maintain for those used to eating meals throughout the day. The bottom line still comes down to eating fewer calories which will result in weight loss.

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12 hours flat belly diet, 12 hour flat belly diet sollution, 12 hour belly diet solution, 12 hour flat diet solution, 12 hour fasting diet, 12 hour protein diet

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