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The Awareness Diet is a program that offers personalized weight loss assistance through core sessions, worksheets, support sessions and aftercare activities. This program is done completely online and all of the tools you need are provided with your membership. The Awareness Diet teaches you to make food choices based on your body’s natural instincts rather than relying on industry-directed food plans or diet fads. There are five different stages involved with the Awareness Diet program broken up into 25 different sessions. This program does encourage proper eating and exercising to help you reach your weight loss goals. With each training worksheet you are given a to-do list and some specific exercises to achieve certain goals. This diet will teach you how to pay attention to the real signs your body gives you in regard to hunger and being full. Some of the things you will cover in the various stages of the program include:
- Experiencing Cravings
- Exercise
- Are You Really Hungry?
- Feel Your Feelings
- Smart Snacking
- Throwing Away Food
- Perception Changes Everything
- Leave Tempting Food in Your Home
The Awareness Diet is great for anyone that wants to be at peace with their body and food, those that might have negative or obsessive thoughts about food and those that are frustrated by all the conflicting diet advice out there.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Includes all the needed tools for success
- Program is done completely online
- Teaches you to change conditioned thoughts and practices
- Program is for anyone that wants to learn the techniques
- Discourages setting a target date to reach your goals
- Encourages proper eating and exercise
- Different membership lengths to choose from
- Monthly fees are affordable
The diet plan is all about listening to your body’s natural hunger cues and making you more aware of what you’re eating. Although many people associate foods with a good and bad label, the Awareness Diet shows you how your pattern of eating is what is most important. This program teaches you to eliminate thoughts of what you should and shouldn’t eat, and helps you respond to the positive effects that some foods have on your body. You will be participating in some sessions that address snacking, being full, throwing away food, and some sessions that tie emotions and eating together.
Exercise is another important component of the Awareness Diet. It is acknowledged on the site that you don’t have to exercise in order to master the food related principles of the program. However, exercise is a great way to increase vitality, health and well being. The three keys to exercise that are focused on are moderation, consistency and action. Doing moderate exercise is very beneficial to the body and starting out slow is the key to keeping it up long term. When you begin the program, you are asked to exercise for 10 minutes two times. It is maintained that if you start out exercising for too long, you will give up before you can make exercise a habit. Consistently exercising will be the key to receiving the health benefits of exercise.
You must also find the right exercise for yourself. In the beginning it is suggested that you avoid talking, listening to music or watching TV while exercising. You need to get to know your body and pay attention to physical cues without distractions. The type of exercise you do is left completely up to you. You can decide whether you want to join a gym, take fitness classes or simply walk outside. This program is not just for beginning exercisers either. Exercise enthusiasts are covered in this section as well. There is something for everyone no matter how you view exercise.
The Awareness Diet offers something that many diet programs don’t – a look at your attitude toward food and exercise. Many diets give you instructions on what to do and let you go from there. This program actually works with you to find out your current state so that you can alter unhealthy behaviors. The program is affordable and available in various monthly options to help you reach your goals.
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The Awareness Diet
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 3 total comments)E. L.
+Years of dieting left me heavier than before I started and approaching food in a very distorted way. The Awareness Diet helped me learn to embrace and grow from change and adversity without turning to restrictive or excessive approaches to eating. I am coming to peace not only with food but with all aspects of my life, for which I am beyond thankful.
posted May 17th, 2011 11:37 pmMary Foley
Very good information in getting in touch with my eating and feelings
posted May 14th, 2011 4:10 pmRobert Mathews
I thought it was great advice
posted May 14th, 2011 4:08 pm