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The Belly Melt Diet

The Belly Melt Diet

Balance your hormones and melt off belly fat with natural foods.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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  • Established: 2012
  • Author: Editors of Prevention Magazine
  • Accessibility: Book ordered online
  • Diet Type: High fiber, hormone balancing
  • Gender: Female

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The Belly Melt Diet is a new book written by the editors of Prevention Magazine. This book is great for those that have been through several failed diets or currently stuck in a weight loss rut. The program helps you reset your hormones so that you can quickly melt away belly fat. Some have even been able to lose up to eight pounds in the first three days with the quick start portion. The Belly Melt Diet is based on solid research and shows you the hormonal reason that it can be so difficult to lose and keep off belly fat. You will learn to lose weight with satisfying and filling foods that are packed with nutrients. You can also enjoy more restful sleep, more energy and you will see your thighs, face, legs and belly getting smaller.

The Belly Melt Diet also has tips on how to control sugar cravings so that they no longer have control over you. You will also learn to keep your blood sugar levels stable by having snacks throughout the day. The Belly Melt Diet helps melt both visible flab and hidden, toxic visceral fat which is linked to heart disease and diabetes. The book includes tasty recipes as well as tips on how to time your meals to avoid hunger.

  • Encourages meals throughout the day
  • Quick start portion of the program promotes fast weight loss
  • Melt unsightly belly fat
  • Allows snacking
  • Includes tasty recipes and meal plans
  • Program based on the latest research
  • Written by the editors of Prevention
  • Encourages proper sleep for weight loss
  • None to speak of

The Belly Melt Diet offers a stable eating plan that you can easily follow to lose weight. The book focuses on balancing your hormones naturally through food to help speed up your weight loss. There is a section that talks about the importance of proper sleep when it comes to weight loss. Foods that should be avoided before bedtime are also covered so that you can get the best sleep possible each night. This book will also teach you to reset your food clock so that you can reshape your entire body without hunger and cravings. Knowing when to eat and when to exercise can make a huge impact on how you lose belly fat. This program makes losing fat easier than ever and includes a lot of food you may think of as forbidden on other diets. The book includes over 100 quick recipes included and they are all designed to balance hunger hormones. Some of the delicious foods you can eat on The Belly Melt Diet include:

  • Sweet Potato Hash Brown Eggs
  • Garlic ‘n’ Herb Vegetable Egg Scramble
  • Cinnamon Apple Muffin
  • White Pizza
  • Southwest Tortilla Bowl
  • Blue Cheese Burgers with Smothered Onions
  • Pasta Bolognese
  • Indian Spiced Chicken and Rice
  • Chocolate Malt Ricotta
  • Rice Pudding
  • Raspberry Tiramisu

For exercise with The Belly Melt Diet you don’t have to do a lot to see results. In fact, if you exercise at the right time of the day, which is in sync with your natural rhythms, you only need about 20 minutes per session in some cases. Exercising at the right time each day can offer you three times the fat burning benefits that you might usually see. If you want to build muscle, there is research showing that training during at a specific time can build 29 percent more muscle than doing the same workout at a different time. There are several suggestions for types of workouts included so you can find something that you enjoy doing for exercise.


The Belly Melt Diet offers very helpful advice for losing fat on your body while balancing your hormones. This book was written by the editors of Prevention and is based on the latest research available. The Belly Melt Diet shows you how to use timing to your advantage and includes over 100 recipes that include delicious foods. Those that want to lose weight can find some helpful tips to reaching their goals within this book.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

the melt belly diet, the belly melt deit, the belly diet, the diet for belly melt

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