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This video is the first of a five-part series, The Biggest Winner: How to Win by Losing. As always, Jillian delivers a high-octane circuit workout training session that combines cardiovascular training with resistance training to give you the most bang for your buck.
This video targets your front side, specifically your chest, shoulders, triceps and quad muscles. She also includes your lower body through jumping jacks and other heart-pumping cardio exercises. The Biggest Winner provides a warm-up session, two main routines that combine upper and body exercises, and a cool-down session at the end.
Like all of Jillian's videos, this video will challenge you. It may be too difficult for some people at first, but with dedication and practice, you will be able to keep up with Jillian in time. These videos are appropriate for beginners who are up for the challenge and intermediates, who still make have difficulties with the high intensity of some of the exercises.
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- Fast paced and intense
- Is not boring, so you can repeat the routines day after day
- Provides a challenge for beginners and intermediates
- Typical of all of Jillian's routines, this one will give you results in a shorter amount of time
- Includes warm-ups, main routines, and cool-downs
- Can be too challenging for beginners
- Some of the exercises are difficult to follow
There is a bonus section of the DVDs that offers diet and nutrition tips. There are also recipes that you can try, included in the videos.
The standard recommendation of exercise is 30 minutes, five times a week. These videos are 30-minutes long each, so it would make sense to do them five times each week.
If you are looking for a challenging video workout that will work your entire body in a compact, intense 30-minute session. This video is the first in a five-part series called The Biggest Winner: How to Win by Losing. This particular video targets your front side: chest, shoulders, triceps and quads.
Jillian encourages constant movement during her circuit training sessions, which can cause you to burn up to twice as many calories as a traditional circuit training session.
In addition to the video, The Biggest Winner - Front includes a nutrition tip sheet and several recipes. This is not typical of all of Jillian's videos, so it could provide some insights you might not have heard before.
This video seems to be harder than the Jillian Michaels for Beginners: Frontside videos. If you are a true beginner, you might want to try the Beginners video. If you are more of an intermediate, then this video should provide the challenges you are looking for in a workout video from Jillian Michaels.
Jillian Miachels, Jillian Michels, The Biggest Winer, The Biggest Lsoer, How to Win by Loosing, How to Wni by Losing, Jilian Michaels
The Biggest Winner: Jillian Michaels
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