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The Cigarette Diet

The Cigarette Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Getting thin on this diet may cost you your life.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
What is it?

The Cigarette Dietis a weight loss fad diet which uses cigarettes to help suppress appetite. It was originally created as an advertising campaign, but some have adopted this diet for weight loss.

It was originally created from a 1920’s Lucky Strike Cigarette advertising campaign. The idea was to “Reach for a Lucky Instead of a Sweet”, which was meant to promote smoking instead of eating food. This diet has since resurged by people looking to lose weight. Our review experts have rated several different weight loss diets and have found the 18Shake Diet to have the most effective results. It combines both a fat burning diet pill and a nutrient rich meal replacement that suppresses appetite for hours. Discover more about the benefits of the 18Shake diet by reading about it here.

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The Cigarette Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

Since this diet came about from an advertising campaign, there’s no real official guide offered. The basic idea is to introduce cigarette smoking as a way to help suppress appetite. While smoking can help with appetite suppression as nicotine is a potent suppressant, it’s also potentially very dangerous.

The only active ingredient which helps to suppress appetite in cigarettes is nicotine. There are also several carcinogens added which can cause serious health complications.

A study was performed by the University of Lausanne which was performed to help determine the effects of smoking and body weight, it found:

“smoking increase the risk of metabolismsyndrome and diabetes, and these factors increase the risk of cardiovascular disease”

They also found that:

“smoking increase insulin resistance and is associated with central fat accumulation”

The study finally concluded:

“the greater risk of (central) obesity and insulin resistanceamong smokers is a matter of major concern”

To learn more information about what diets were rated as the best for weight loss, you can read the best of list here.

The exact opposite effect which The Cigarette Diet promises was found, it actually increases the risk for obesity and weight gain. It also had negative effects on blood sugar as well, which can add to fat storage.

More dangers were shown by another major study which was featured in the American Public Health Association journal:

“increased mortality observed among lead individuals in previous studies may have been due to smoking”

More issues exist with the use of smoking as Web MD adds:

“cigarette smoking causes breathing problems and lung cancer… it also makes you more likely to have a heart attack"

“Roughly 1 out of 5 deaths from heart disease is directly related to smoking”

This is because cigarettes can:

• Increase heart rate, raise blood pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen which the heart receives.

         • Raise the risk of blood clots which can cause heart attacks.

         • Harms blood vessels including one’s found within the heart.

• Make lung cancer more likely as well as other forms of cancer.

         • Make it difficult to breathe and inhale deeply.

         • Prevent the body from repairing itself.

         • Raise the risk of a stroke and cardiovascular complications.

There are many other potential issues which make smoking dangerous to overall health. Since there is no proof that it can lead to long-term weight loss, and studies showed it can actually increase weight, it’s a very poor quality diet for weight loss.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.

The Cigarette Diet Quality of Ingredients

Cigarette use can not only lead to addiction, but also several damaging effects on health. This is why it’s never been recommended as an effective way to help one lose weight by either nutritionist or doctors. There are far too many potential risks which can damage the body.

There is also no official reference guide to help show how effective cigarettes are for weight loss. This is because this diet was created as a response to a now banned advertising campaign. There are far better quality diets which can help promote weight loss. Click the link provided here for a comprehensive best of list of weight loss diets.

The Price and Quality of The Cigarette Diet

There is no specific brand of cigarettes recommended, but they can be expensive to buy if one is purchasing a name brand. One website selling cigarettes sells the Lucky Strike brand which created the advertising campaign which created The Cigarette Diet for around $8 a pack. This can also change depending on the specific state one lives in.

As mentioned previously however, there are serious risks in using cigarettes as a way to help promote weight loss. There is also proof that cigarettes are extremely harmful to overall health.

When considering a diet it’s important to consider whether or not it’s sustainable or only useful for short term use. Relying on cigarettes can lead to addiction which can be hard to stop.

To learn which weight loss diets were ranked as the best, click the link here.

Business of The Cigarette Diet

No official guide or resource is available which explains this diet. There are forum where people like to discuss the benefits of cigarettes for weight loss, but no legitimate source is available to explain the diet.

The origin of this diet is from an advertising campaign which would be illegal in today’s standards for marketing. No legitimate doctor would ever prescribe cigarette smoking as an effective and safe way to help people lose weight.

The company who created the ad campaign which sparked interest in this diet is known as Lucky Strike. They were directly responsible for the US government making it harder for companies to make unproven health claims about potentially dangerous products.

The Stanford Research Team has also reviewed the original marketing campaign which created this diet and they had this to say:

“this highly successful campaign targeting woman was eventually derailed by threat of litigation from the candy industry”

Click the link here to learn more about what weight loss diets were rated as the best for weight loss.

EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

Customer Opinions of The Cigarette Diet

There are no official reviews from those who have tried this specific diet, though there are some experiences from those who smoke cigarettes to suppress their appetite:

“I do not recommend this it just became a lifestyle for me and now I am trying to get better”

“you will have serious diarrhea moments four times a day”

“so dangerous! How can anyone do it”

“it is incredibly unhealthy and unsafe to use”

Those who did try using cigarettes as a way to suppress appetite often found they became addicted and some still gained weight. This is likely because while it may suppress appetite, it has no effects on metabolism.

Once can still overeat, and there’s also the fear of side effects. People mention how it’s expensive to have to keep buying cigarettes, and that they feel worse off than when before they started. There are also complaints about having weaker lungs, with people having coughing fits and being unable to move as freely as they did before.

Another complaint is with the taste and smell of burned cigarettes. People had issues with the lingering smell which is difficult to take out of clothing.

For a list of the highest rated weight loss diets, click on the link here.

Conclusion - Does The Cigarette DietWork?

The Cigarette Diet was taken from an advertising campaign of the 1920’s which would not be allowed today. There is no official guide or resource to help explain the benefits of the diet. There are only quick blurbs about the use of this diet. Those who have used cigarettes to help suppress their appetite often mention that it’s not worth it, and that weight loss is not guaranteed. There are also serious risks which may result from smoking cigarettes. Appetite suppression is also only one aspect of weight loss. Users mention they failed to see any significant weight loss and some continued to gain weight. Relying on cigarettes is simply not an effective or safe way to help promote weight loss. There’s the high cost of buying cigarettes as well as the serious long-term health risks which may result in illness and cardiovascular damage.  Studies have also shown it can actually increase weight gain.

After conducting many reviews our review experts have found that the 18Shake Diet offers the most effective results.It combines an appetite suppressing meal replacement that’s low in calories, alongside a fat burning stimulant free diet pill. Both have natural ingredients with no preservatives, binders, fillers, or any cheap additives. Customer testimonials also mention how effective this diet is for sustained weight loss benefits. The combined benefit is to help alleviate appetite which reduces the likelihood of binge eating, while boosting metabolism and also helping to burn fat.

The 18Shake Diet is also available risk free with a full 30 day money back return on all purchases. This allows for a risk free return with no questions asked for the full 30 days. To discover more information about the 18Shake Diet, click on the link cited here.

How Does The Cigarette Diet Compare?
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(Page 1 of 1, 9 total comments)


I tried it workef

posted Aug 18th, 2017 6:51 pm


Great diet, lost tons of weight!!!!!!!!

posted Dec 6th, 2016 9:31 am


Nick McJarret

posted Sep 19th, 2016 9:48 am



posted Sep 19th, 2016 9:46 am




posted Sep 16th, 2016 10:21 am




posted Sep 16th, 2016 10:20 am




posted Sep 16th, 2016 10:20 am



Fuck you tony what's cool about looking like your sucking a small dick unless you swing that way then be my guest. I hope you have a heart attack from suckling 20 small dicks a day.

posted Feb 4th, 2016 4:26 pm



Fuck you, cigarettes are cool.

posted Apr 10th, 2015 5:21 pm


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BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

The Cigarette Diet is one that dates back to the 1920s. At the time, Lucky Strike Cigarette Company wanted to boost sales, so they used the appetite curbing nature of nicotine to their advantage. With the ad campaign slogan “Reach for a Lucky Instead of a Sweet” Lucky enticed many people to smoke instead of consume extra calories.

And the campaign worked: Sales were boosted over 200 percent in the 1920s with the use of that slogan. Other tobacco companies jumped on the band wagon during this time period and promoted smoking as a weight loss method.

Yet as more and more research showed the danger of smoking, the Cigarette Diet's time in the limelight has surely come to pass. Smoking causes many deadly diseases and conditions such as lung cancer and heart disease.

Unfortunately, although the diet was created in the 1920s, it is still popular today among top supermodels and those needing to keep their weight down for their profession.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • Does lead to weight loss
  • Curbs appetite
  • Promotes the smoking of cigarettes
  • Smoking causes life threatening health conditions
  • Smoking can affect your health and the health of those exposed to the smoke
  • Classified as a fad diet

There is no recommended way of eating with the Cigarette Diet. You simply smoke and that will suppress your appetite and aid in weight loss. You can basically eat what you want.


No exercise is recommended with the Cigarette Diet. The point of the diet is that if you smoke, your appetite will be suppressed and you will lose weight. Your lung capacity is likely to be very compromised considering the adverse effects smoking has on the respiratory and circulatory systems of the body, making exercise rather challenging.


There are a lot of dangerous diets and diet pills on the market but The Cigarette Diet may top the list as the most dangerous. Encouraging people to smoke in order to lose weight could end up costing them their life. In the time that cigarettes were heavily promoted as a weight loss tool, the health risks weren’t known. Now that people are aware of the dangers smoking can cause, it is very important that it not be used as a weight loss tool.

Losing weight and becoming healthy are good goals to have. Smoking may lead you to weight loss, but it will also damage your health in the process.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

smoking diet, cigarete diet, cigarette deit

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The Cigarette Diet?