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Much has been made about calorie restriction diets ever since Dr. Oz praised their potential to extend longevity on Oprah. For those who are curious about learning more about how to add years to their lives through diet, the book, The CR Way, can answer some of your basic questions and outline a program for you to follow.
Written by Paul McGlothin and Meredith Averill, leaders of the Calorie Restriction Society, The CR Way includes secrets and information for how you can follow the calorie restriction life without feeling like you're living a life of deprivation. While many books written on calorie restriction are very scientific and clinical, The CR Way is a very simple and accessible publication that allows you to choose how stringently you would like to follow this potentially life-extending diet.
Featured are also recipes and start-up meal plans.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Contains simple and straightforward information
- Allows you to follow the calorie restriction diet at a pace that works for you
- Includes satisfying recipes
- Diet is filled with very nutrient-rich foods
- May help extend life
- May help reduce risk of weight-related diseases and health conditions
- Plant-based diet is healthy for both you and the planet
- Will result in weight loss and a lower BMI
- May be too restrictive for some
- Has the potential to be taken too far
- Too much weight loss can lead to many dangerous health consequences
- Long-term studies on humans who follow a calorie-restriction diet have yet to be determined
The premise of The CR Way is to cut down your calorie intake by about 25 percent of your usual calorie needs. In order to accomplish this, 50 percent or more of your food intake will come from low glycemic veggies, about 20 to 30 percent will come from beans and grains, and the remaining will come from fruit.
A typical day might look like this:
- Breakfast is a fresh and stewed fruit compote topped with a few almonds and raisins.
- Lunch might be tomato soup with a small serving of whole grains.
- Dinner might be cardamom wild rice with cinnamon beets.
The CR Diet is a vegetarian, plant-based eating plan that focuses on eating very nutrient-rich foods so that you're getting as many vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats and micronutrients as you can by consuming a small amount of calories.
Exercise is encouraged on The CR Way as a way to stay healthy and maintain cardiovascular function. Light exercise such as walking, biking, jogging and yoga is recommended over more intense or strenuous exercise.
The CR Way is written by two of the most well-recognized leaders in the calorie restriction movement. Paul McGlothin and Meredith Averill have created a formidable guide on the calorie restriction diet that includes simple instructions, a customized plan and pages of recipes that outline the benefits of this increasingly popular lifestyle eating plan.
If you are looking for an informative, but not highly clinical, description of the calorie restriction diet and a well-laid out program to follow, The CR Way will give you just the right tools and understanding of this potentially life-saving eating plan.
The C R Way, Calorie Restriction Way, CR Ways, CR-Way, Calorie Restriction Diet
The CR Way
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I like it
posted Jun 17th, 2016 1:50 pm