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The Culprit and the Cure

The Culprit and the Cure

The problem and solution to health are one in the same.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Ever wonder if it was nature or nurture that has been the driving force behind your weight gain? The Culprit and the Cure seeks to answer that question for you with its assertion that lifestyle is behind America's poor health and that only lifestyle can transform it.

Mainly written for a health and fitness professional audience, The Culprit and the Cure is steeped in science and research which illustrates how and why lifestyle factors like a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits have catapulted this nation into a obesity epidemic.

In the first portion of the book, author Dr. Steven Aldana examines why our lifestyle is contributing to our failing health, while the second portion offers solutions for improving health.

Overall, the book shows you how to achieve and maintain a healthy life that includes balanced nutrition and regular exercise.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Includes facts and scientific data on the typical American lifestyle
  • Offers a solution to our current lifestyle habits
  • Inspiring and daunting health statistics is a motivator to alter habits
  • Written by a physician and endorsed by many expert medical and health professionals
  • Does not present any new solutions for how to become more healthy
  • Written in a clinical tone and voice

The Culprit and the Cure promotes a diet that is full of fruit and vegetables and whole foods. Since our processed lifestyle is the primary problem with our health, the book encourages you to avoid highly processed foods, sugars, artificial sweeteners and trans-fats and instead focus on foods that are consumed in their natural form.


Part of the Culprit is our sedentary lifestyle so consequently part of the Cure is to become more physically active every day.

The book not only describes the benefits of exercise, but goes into detail about which exercises to do and how to perform them. The Culprit and the Cure encourages that you engage in some sort of physical activity every day, even if it's just a simple walk.


The Culprit and the Cure offers practical, real and simple recommendations to improve your eating habits without resorting to gimmicks or sounding too preachy. Written by health and medical expertDr. Steven Aldana, this book is an incredibly informative and engaging description of the current health of America that shows you what you can do to take your own lifestyle into your hands in order to lose weight and live a longer and healthier life.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

culprit and cure, the cluprit and the cure, the culpret and the cure, the culprit nad the cure

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