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The Denim Diet

The Denim Diet

Get lean, go green and fit into those skinny jeans!

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Denim Diet: 16 Simple Habits to Get Into Your Dream Pair of Jeans is an easy-to-read and informative guide about eating right, staying healthy and of course, fitting into those skinny jeans.

Written by Kami Gray, a working mom who like most of us grew up around processed food, mega portions and streets lined with donut shops, The Denim Diet is about being lean and green and was written for the millions of Americans who aren't currently making healthy choices for their body or for the Earth.

The Denim Diet doesn't spell out a menu-like diet for you, but rather each chapter is devoted to 16 specific health challenges (think sweet cravings, fast food, yo-yo dieting, extreme diets and others) and offers tips for how to overcome the challenges and make healthier alternate choices.

Gray also talks about the environmental impact of the use of growth hormones in our meat and dairy industry and the concern over genetically-modified crops.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Offers a sensible, practical and healthy eating lifestyle
  • Supports key concepts with scientific evidence
  • Friendly and accessible voice creates an informative and entertaining read
  • Promotes the protection of the earth as well as our health
  • Tips and advice don't suggest anything that hasn't yet been said
  • Does not layout a specific eating plan
  • Recipes don't contain nutritional content

The Denim Diet offers tons of information on what to eat, why to eat and when to eat. From advice on how to snack, how to indulge, how to choose the healthiest and eco-friendly sources of protein, and the need for consuming more fresh fruits and veggies, no nutritional stone is unturned.

Each chapter includes specific tips for how to move past a food challenge. For instance, if you're a sugar freak, you'll be asked to abstain from white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, brown sugar and artificial sweeteners and instead rely on fresh fruit, dark chocolate, agave nectar and honey to satiate your sweet tooth.

The book also includes recipes, numerous tips for how to eat healthy while you're away from home, a grocery list, pantry must-haves, and slimming tips.


Like the eating guide, The Denim Diet's guide to exercise includes information, research and tips for how to incorporate more physical activity in your life. The author defected from the gym a long time ago and now relies on being as active as she can by taking the stairs whenever she can, biking and taking exercise classes that she genuinely enjoys doing. And you are encouraged to do the same. From walking to the store, to parking far away from the entrance to taking Pilates classes, the idea is simply to move more.


The Denim Diet is an educational and delightful read complete with the author's entertaining personal stories that are woven into a guide for how to make better lifestyle choices for you and the environment.

The Denim Diet is by no means an in-your-face, "do this, don't do that," read but rather a thoughtful book that gently encourages you to regain control of your health - and fit into your dream pair of jeans.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Denem Diet, The Denom Diet, Denom Diet, Dinem Diet, Jeans Diet

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