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The Doctors, an Emmy-nominated show with millions of daily viewers, is expanding its voice of communicating current and consumer-friendly medical information to books.
The Doctors 5-Minute Health Fixes: The Prescription for a Lifetime of Great Health is your one-stop source for comprehensive, top-notch self-care advice and novel, cutting-edge tips, trivia, and information.
The Doctors have isolated the seven factors that have been linked to the most vibrant, happiest, longest lives. The secret? Each body system (heart, brain, gut, skin) can be vastly improved with very small shifts in your lifestyle—most of which take less than five minutes to do.
Each chapter is then dedicated to each of these body systems and includes basic information about how each one functions and the five-minute fixes you can do to ensure that it is running, moving, breathing and functioning at its best.
And whether it’s adding cinnamon to your coffee to balance blood sugar, sipping cold water through a straw to nix nicotine cravings, or brushing and flossing your teeth before you eat each morning to prevent heart disease, all are easy fixes that anyone can make.
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- Health fixes are presented in a simple way and don't require a hefty time committment to incorporate into your daily routine
- Promotes natural and holistic remedies to improve health
- Created and approved by medical doctors
- Concept of making small changes to your health can produce long-lasting change
- Taking just a few steps to be healthier can spill over into other areas of your life
- Spending five minutes doing just one healthy thing a day may give some readers the carte blanche to employ not-so-healthy behaviors throughout the rest of the day
The Doctors 5-Minute Health Fixes offers nuggets of health information and behaviors that you can do every day to improve your sense of wellness. Not all of them pertain to diet or nutrition, but those that do are meant to curb cravings, balance blood sugar levels and promote satiety.
from how to make a healthy homemade lunch to the truth about diet soda and from the importance of chewing slowly or what the term organic means, The Doctors 5-Minute Health Fixes doesn't spell out a daily diet for you to follow, but it does provide you with enough information to be a smarter eater, healthier food consumer and a leaner you.
Exercise is broken down into what the best exercise is for your cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and digestive system. The Doctors couldn't call themselves doctors if they didn't prescribe their own daily dose of exercise.
Throughout the book, you will learn which exercises are achieving specific outcomes as well as five-minute exercises you can do anywhere.
The Doctors 5-Minute Health Fixes breaks down the most cutting edge and highly technical information we have available to us today and gives it to you in five-minute actions you can do anytime, anywhere.
Known for their hit television show where they discuss topics from fertility to fat-burning foods, The Doctors are an engaging and entertaining group of five medical professionals who combine the personal expertise of a private practice with the fun and easy access of a television show. Their book The Doctors 5-Minute Health Fixes helps you improve your health, one five-minute chunk at a time.

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The Doctors 5 Minute Health Fixes
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 1 total comments)Karen
How do I buy the book? Saw you on Dr Phil and went to your site as he said to do to buy your book but I don't find it anywhere.
posted Nov 29th, 2010 11:33 pm