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The Engine 2 Diet

Engine 2 Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

A fireman's guide to healthy weight loss.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
What is it?

The Engine 2 Diet is a 28 day weight loss diet that claims to be medically approved and easy to start for effective results. It emphasizes eating a low amount of fats and instead introducing a vegan based diet.

The claim made by the diets creator is that eating animal based products can lead to increased saturated fat and cholesterol. This increase can clog one’s arteries and promote plaque buildup which can then lead to disease. It also removes vegetable oils and the official book recommends many recipes. After analyzing many kinds of diets our review experts have found that the 18Shake Diet is the most effective. It offers a meal replacement for hours of appetite suppression and a fat burning diet pill. When combined they help to maximize weight loss with only natural, stimulant free ingredients. For more information on the 18Shake Diet click on the link cited here.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

Engine 2 Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

Since it is a vegan diet the following are not allowed even in small quantities:

       • Dairy of any kind, eggs, meat, fish, and poultry.

For those who have never tried a vegan diet it can be potentially difficult to follow. One would often take in less protein if not careful. Though it is claimed by this diet that protein intake should be lowered and that it may produce health damage.

Vegan based diets are often notoriously low in the following:

Vitamin B12: This is important for making red blood cells and DNA.  B12 deficiency may lead to anemia, immune disorders, weakness, vision problems, gas, diarrhea, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, tingling or numbness, mental issues, depression, and changes in behavior.

This is the most commonly deficient nutrient that vegans will often require in supplement form.

• Vitamin D: Used to promote strong bones and improve mood. A deficiency can result in soft bones, skeletal damage, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, reduced brain function, and depression.

• Iodine: Needed to help regulate the thyroid which helps with weight loss and stabilizes mood. Possible side effects include increased weight, goiters, health risks for babies, hypothyroidism, and long term health damage.

The official Engine 2 Diet book does offer recipes for meat like substitutes such as portabella mushroom burgers, fajitas, and sloppy joes but it still does not provide any of the needed iodine, vitamin D, or vitamin B12. Vegan diets often require supplements in order to make up for the reduction of important vitamins and minerals.

Our review experts have crafted a list of the highest rated weight loss diets.

The diet lasts a total of 4 weeks or 28 days and within this time frame it recommends:

• Getting rid of food that has more than 2.5 grams of fat for every 100 calories. This means things like nuts and oils will be banned.

• Week one: Stop eating dairy and processed foods.

• Week two: Stop eating animal products of any kind.

• Week three: Get rid of any oils.

• Week four: Using the entire program together.

The diet also advises to limit sugars and sodium. By limiting fats to this degree there’s a possibility for side effects. Fats are needed by the body to help provide energy, support brain function, and help metabolize nutrients better.

If one does not get an adequate level of fats it’s possible for one to actually gain weight.

The diet claims that it can help lower the amount of cholesterol and saturated fats one eats. While getting rid of meats is one way to do this, it’s not necessary if one is eating lean meats and a balanced diet. For a list of the highest rated weight loss diets, click on the link here.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.

Engine 2 Diet Quality of Ingredients

Eating more plant based foods is a way to improve health as it’s lower in calories and provides many healthy nutrients. The main issue is that a vegan diet often requires supplementation as it’s not a complete diet.

The FAQ section of the Engine 2 Diet website says that you can have a complete well-rounded vitamin and mineral profile, but it’s known that vegan diets are often deficient.

People may also find it difficult to abstain from eating any kinds of animal products. There is a possibility for side effects that includes:

       • Headaches, anemia, and fatigue.

       • Hunger, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating.

• Lack of vitamins and minerals, long term health damage, and irritability.

• Depression, loss of muscle function, and an inability to relax.

US News.com also said about this diet

“Engine 2 diet is healthful – if followers can get the right amount of all the important nutrients. Experts were skeptical about that prospect”

Due to this concern it was seen as an unhealthy diet according to some nutrition experts. One would have to supplement and make sure one is tracking body changes to ensure no serious side effects are experienced. Click on the link here for a comprehensive list of the best weight loss diets.

The Price and Quality of Engine 2 Diet

The Engine 2 Diet book costs $17.99 when purchased via Amazon.com. The official website redirects to this page when one attempts to buy it.

Other costs also rely on what kinds of vegetables and grains one chooses to buy. This can be pricy and difficult to obtain as one would have to stock up their fridge with many kinds of whole foods.

The diet uses the China Study to help prove its claims. This clinical study was performed in China and showed how a plant based diet can help cure or prevent diseases. A review of the China study by the Science Based Medicine organization found:

“the China study is not sufficient reason to recommend drastic reduction in protein intake, let alone total avoidance of meat and dairy foods”

Therefore, the main supporting motivation behind the Engine 2 Diet has not been proven. One does not need to limit protein or use a sole plant based diet to have a healthy body.

Another concern with this diet is that it’s not for everyone. Adopting a vegan based diet with limited fats can be difficult and may lead to side effects. There’s also a likelihood of having to use vitamin D, B12, and iodine supplements to make up for the likely deficiencies. Discover which weight loss diets were rated as the best by visiting this link.

Business of Engine 2 Diet

An official book and website is also offered to help explain this diet. It was created in 2025 by the athlete and former firefighter named Rip Esselstyn.

He has no background in health, nutrition, or weight loss.

While his book is claimed to be medically approved, some clinical studies have shown that adopting a diet like this may be unhealthy. It’s harder to overeat when one only has access to vegan type foods, but it’s also easier to not receive sufficient vitamins and minerals. Our expert crafted best of list features the highest ranked weight loss diets.

EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

Customer Opinions of Engine 2 Diet

Featured below are some select reviews taken from users:

“talks about how animal foods are what causes disease but this is no true”

“I don’t like some of the recipes it calls for too many spices”

“very few recipes which I liked and many of the ingredients are difficult to obtain”

“It is far too drastic and when dieting it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stick with it”

Many people who tired this diet often complained about the same issues. This included that the diet is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals, that the recipes aren’t any good, and that there are many claims made which seem untruthful.

People unfamiliar with a vegan diet also added how it was not satisfying, and that they felt weaker.

Conclusion - Does Engine 2 Diet Work?

 The Engine 2 Diet is marketed as being a healthier way to diet, and that it is medically backed. Eating more vegetables and reducing fats can be healthy, but a vegan diet is not for everyone. It can be unsatisfying having to eat the same kinds of foods. Vegan diets are also often lacking in certain nutrients, so one might have to use multiple supplements to make up for the lack of nutrients. Users often added how they didn’t like how they felt, and that there are many unproven claims made about eating animal based products.

Our review experts have found that the most effective diet for weight loss is the 18Shake Diet. It combines a fat burning stimulant free diet pill and an appetite suppressing meal replacement shake. Customers have left glowing reviews and testimonials showcasing how effective it is for weight loss.

It also provides only natural ingredients free of preservatives, colors, binders, artificial additives, or unwanted ingredients of any kind. The manufacturers back it up with a GMP certified stamp of approval to ensure routine quality and purity of ingredients. Discover more about the 18Shake Diet by clicking on the link here.

How Does The Engine 2 Diet Compare?
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  • The Engine 2 Diet
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(Page 1 of 1, 11 total comments)


Have never felt better. It's not just a diet. It's a change of lifestyle that is totally doable. I have had aches and pains and other health issues disappear or greatly improve.

posted Aug 12th, 2017 2:28 pm

C.K. Walker

I'm never hungry--always a plus on a diet--and I've already seen my cholesterol drop. I feel really good and happy when I eat like this, and I never thought I'd be interested in eating vegan. It's not for everybody, but it's worth a try. And if people ask where do you get your protein from, the answer is, "The same place your protein gets it from."

posted Jul 28th, 2017 1:27 pm


Life changing diet. I love engine 2.

posted Jun 20th, 2017 9:08 am


I think this is a healthy diet that can lead into normal everyday life. You have to think long term. 18 shakes, High protein diets, they aren't long term.

posted Apr 17th, 2017 11:53 am

Caroline Walter

I laughed while reading this review. You want to know why exclusive plant-eaters need to supplement with B12? Because we don't eat enough dirt and poop in our food! B12 costs about $5 a year, you take once a week, and your risk for e. Coli, salmonella, etc are pretty much eliminated if you properly wash your food. I'm fine not eating poop. Also, the author knows next to nothing about evidence-based nutrition and sites sources to support his opinion. Anyone can say anything. Show impirical evidence from randomized controlled double blind placebo trials. Don't just tell us that people "felt weak." Duh, eat more. Not rocket science. Whole food plant based diet is the ONLY diet PROVEN to not contribute to ALL chronic disease we Americans died from daily.

posted Mar 22nd, 2017 10:17 am


Really? Here have a shake and a supplement to burn fat. Yeah, cause that is sustainable in the long run.

This diet is about lifestyle. And you have the ignorance and arrogance to say that there are "unproven" claims about eating animal based products. Try reading a few books:
How Not to Die - Dr. Michael Greger
Eat to Live - Dr. Joel Furhman
How to Reverse and Prevent Heart Disease - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.
China Study - T. Colin Campbell
Program for Reversing Heart Disease - Dr. Dean Ornish

posted Jan 15th, 2017 10:08 pm

Claire Vandendriessche


Aiming to jump in and do it. Thanks

posted Aug 8th, 2015 6:37 am

AnnMarie Melendrez


Today is day 28 and not only do I feel great but it was easy and I have lost 10 lbs! My husband and I will continue to eat like this forever!

posted Jun 30th, 2012 4:49 am

Pj Horst Mcconoughey


went on it to support hubby, stay on it because I feel great. One problem, I didn't need to lose weight as I was a size 8 now am a size 4.

posted Jun 4th, 2012 12:55 am



Hard to keep following though.

posted Jun 1st, 2012 6:34 am


This REALLY WoRKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted Apr 22nd, 2012 5:43 pm


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BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

The Engine 2 Diet is plant-based diet book written by firefighter Rip Esselstyn. Rip developed the program upon realizing that several of his fellow firefighters had dangerously high cholesterol. This plan was developed to give everyone in the firehouse maximum results in a short amount of time. After following the program for 28 days, everyone in the firehouse lost weight and they all had dramatic decreases in their cholesterol.

Through the Engine 2 Diet book, you can receive those same results following this plant-based diet.

The program consists of a 28-day meal plan that may include whole foods, vegetables, grains, fruit, legumes, seeds and nuts. The book comes with 125 recipes to help you add some variety to the program. You will also find tips on what to stock your pantry with and a guide for the best options to choose when you eat out.

The Engine 2 Diet has been proven to help lower cholesterol and improve health. You can gain all of the nutrients, protein and vitamins that you need while enjoying a plant-based diet. There are no supplements or magic pills to take with this program, you simply change the way you are eating and exercise more.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • Small time commitment
  • Fast improvement in overall health
  • Plant-based diet is rich in nutrients
  • Recipes are included
  • Exercise program included
  • No limit on how much you eat, only what you eat
  • Endorsed by Dean Ornish, M.D.
  • Man-friendly diet
  • Plant-based program may be tough for some meat eaters
  • Program geared more toward lowering cholesterol than weight loss

Through this vegetarian diet, you can get all of the nutrients and protein that you need in your daily diet. Even though the meal plan is largely vegetarian, the recipes are meant to provide enough energy, taste and satiety for hard-working firefighters. Expect to eat things like pancakes, fajitas, lasagna and meatless meatloaf.

A day of meals on the Engine 2 Diet plan might include:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with agave syrup, one orange, one glass of soy milk.

  • Lunch: E2 Almighty Healthy Wraps or vegetarian chili and whole-grain bread.

  • Dinner: Sweet potato lasagna and chocolate pudding or EMS portobello mushroom fajitas with rice and guacamole and dark chocolate brownies


The exercise plan on the Engine 2 Diet is an inspired firefighter’s workout. A day of exercise might include brisk walking for 30 to 45 minutes plus resistance training.


If you thought vegetarian diets were only for crunchy and bendy yogis, think again. Created by a fireman, the Engine 2 Diet is a real plan with real food for those serious about getting real with their health. This plant-based 28-day plan can help lower your cholesterol, drop extra pounds and give a boost to your overall health.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

2ngines 2 diet, 2 engine diet, engine two diet, fireman's diet, firefighter's diet

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