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The Juice Lady's Living Foods Revolution

The Juice Lady's Living Foods Revolution

Juice your way to a healthier lifestyle with raw fruits and vegetables.

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The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution is a book written by Cherie Calbom. This book invites you to eat your way to a healthier body through delicious juices and raw foods. You can lose weight and take your body through a natural detoxification with the recipes that are included. Calbom has been known as the juice lady through her juicing health, therapy and cleansing programs. She is also the nutritionist for George Foreman. In The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution you can learn how to use more raw foods in your diet for added energy, to boost your immune system, lose weight and balance your thyroid function. The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution doesn’t require that you switch your diet to a completely raw one, but it does allow you to get many of the benefits of juicing raw foods. There are menu planners and tons of recipes to help you get started. Whether you want to lose weight or just get healthier, there are plenty of recipes available.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Offers plenty of recipes for raw juicing
  • Juicing can help you lose weight
  • Raw foods maintain their nutrients rather than them being cooked out
  • Does not require that you switch to an entirely raw diet
  • Boosts immunity
  • Juicing can help boost your fruit and vegetable intake
  • Have more energy through natural means
  • Book is unbiased showcasing instances where an all raw diet worked and where it was ineffective for some
  • None to speak of

The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution features information on how you can use raw food juicing to increase your health and lose weight. The focus of this book is on raw fruits and vegetables, and all of the recipes include those elements. One of the best things about this book is that you are not required to switch to a diet that is all raw. You can include some of these recipes into your diet, and get the benefits of raw fruits and vegetables. Juicing your fruits and vegetables is a great way to increase your intake without having to spend hours each day chewing.

With the convenience of juiced fruits and vegetables you can simply take all that nutrition with you in a cup, or sit down and drink it quickly. Juicing is not only convenient; it does away with the excuse of not having enough time to eat more vegetables. Since you don’t have to cook anything there really is no reason to neglect getting your proper nutrition. There are studies that reveal that we need eight servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Whether you want to increase your servings for health reasons, to lose weight or both, The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution can be very helpful. Some of the recipes you will find in this book include:

  • Tomato and Spice
  • Refreshing Mint Cocktail
  • Beet, Carrot, Coconut Blast
  • Jicama Delight
  • Summer Peach Parfait

There is n exercise guidance given in The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution, but there are some suggestions that you will want to work out more with the energy you’ll gain from the juices.


The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution is a very refreshing book that highlights the many benefits of raw juicing of fruits and vegetables. The book does not take an extreme approach or suggest that a raw diet is the only way for everyone to be healthy. Instead it shares knowledge about juicing and several success stories and recipes. You can use this book as a guide to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet which can benefit everyone.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

juicer lady’s living food revolution, juice lady live food revolution, juice lady raw diet revolution, juice lady’s juicing revolution

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I have been following this diet for about a month.While I have lost 10 pounds, even more significant is the inches I have lost. I will be honest I was not a veggie lover before and the 1st few days were rough but it doesn't take long before the juice tastes good and you will feel more energetic, get better sleep, and seriously reduce cravings in a short period of time. On top of the weight loss the health benefits are unbelievable. My best advice is to read and learn about how we can either destroy or heal our bodies simply by what we put in them. Anyone looking to jump start their diet, change their lifestyle, or improve their mood, anxiety, sleep or general aches & pains NEEDS to jump on the Juice Lady's bandwagon just as soon as you can.

posted Mar 16th, 2012 5:07 pm


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