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The Kind Diet

The Kind Diet

Alicia Silverstone's guide to becoming a vegan and loving it.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet is a book that highlights the benefits and provides directions on leading a vegan lifestyle. The Kind Diet is written by Alicia Silverstone, who is a noted actress, animal lover and vocal vegan. Silverstone uses The Kind Diet as a way to show that eating a plant-based diet can not only help your body, but help animals and the planet we live on.

Throughout the book, many benefits of switching to a plant-based vegan diet are revealed. Those benefits can include clearer skin, weight loss, higher energy levels and smoother digestive function. Alicia Silverstone also tells her story within the book, and shares what made her adopt a vegan lifestyle. Some of the most important things covered in The Kind Diet are the great foods that you can indulge in while on a plant-based diet. Contrary to popular belief, eliminating meat and all animal products from your diet doesn’t mean you have to spend the rest of your life eating grass and herbs. The Kind Diet offers some wonderful recipes to keep you satisfied, and even offers desserts to indulge your sweet tooth. The Kind Diet includes nearly 100 healthy recipes that will help you add a little flair to your plant-based diet.

The Kind Diet is broken into three different levels so that you can progress at a pace that works for you. The three levels are flirts, vegans and superheroes. At the flirt level, you slowly begin replacing some meats with plant-based foods and start to see immediate benefits. At the vegan level, you are completely off all animal products, but still use meat substitutes along with grains, fruits and vegetables. The final superhero stage is built on the foundation of whole grains and vegetables.

Silverstone has also lent her vegan passion to The 21-Day Vegan Kickstart , a three-week challenge that introduces you to experiencing a lifestyle without any animal products.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Notice quick results due to the somewhat drastic nature of the program
  • Vegan lifestyle becoming more popular
  • Includes recipes for variety
  • Adopt changes in stages versus all at once
  • Vegan lifestyle helps preserve animals and the planet
  • Plant-based diet might be too drastic for some
  • No meat or animal products allowed

The Kind Diet is based on a vegan or plant-based way of living and eating. This means that once the superhero stage of the program is reached, there will be no meat or animal products included in anything that is eaten. To help make some great meals while on a plant based diet, The Kind Diet includes several recipes. Rather than just rattling off a list of what you can eat, these recipes allow for a little creativity when preparing your meals. A typical day of eating on The Kind Diet might include:

  • Breakfast: Fruit and cold cereal with soy milk or toast wtih avocado
  • Lunch: Herb roasted potatoes with a tossed salad
  • Dinner: Spaghetti with marinara sauce and herbed broccoli
  • Dessert: Peach cobbler

The Kind Diet encourages a healthy approach to physical activity, one that is centered around doing activities that you enjoy doing. Going out for walks, taking hikes with friends, practicing yoga and playing games outdoors are all encouraged.


Overall, The Kind Diet seems to be a great tool for those interested in adopting a completely plant-based or vegan diet. The book allows you to slowly become a vegan instead of switching over all at once. This book also provides a great deal of information on which foods to eat and how to prepare them. There’s also information on doing your part to save the planet and the animals on the planet. Alicia Silverstone has taken a subject she’s passionate about and shared it with the world. If you are considering becoming vegan, The Kind Diet is worth looking into.

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the kinder diet, the kinds diet, the kind deit, kind diets, vegan diet, alicia silverstone diet

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A lot of fun. I am organic raw for the majority of the time, but this is great for weekends and festive occasions.

posted Apr 8th, 2012 1:41 pm

Abby Lane


I LOVE this cookbook! I borrowed a library copy and continued to renew it until they informed me I couldn't renew any longer..... soooo... I finally bought my own. Her philosophy is moving... I have tried a lot of the recipes, the ones where I could actually get the ingredients (ah! small MO town) and have loved them all.... even remade some multiple times now. Thanks

posted Oct 30th, 2010 1:34 am



This was the 1st book that got me thinking about switching to a vegan diet. Now I have, and I'm so glad that I read this book.

posted Oct 21st, 2010 10:52 am

Jessica M


The Thrive Diet convinced me to be a vegetarian but Alicia has convinced me to be vegan. It's all a process. She writes the book like she would be telling her sister or brother about how to be a vegan. There is no "i'm better than you and showing you how to be like me" It's more like "I really want to share with you how you can feel better". The recipes look amazing- I can't wait to start using them- just finished reading the book!

posted Oct 21st, 2010 9:30 am



Made me finally make the switch and feel good that I did:)

posted Oct 18th, 2010 10:25 pm

Maureen Liette


After reading your book, you have opened a whole new world to me. I thought being a vegetarian was just someone who didn't eat meat. Your book showed me that there is so many more benefits and reasons to changing to this lifestye. I'm on board with you Alicia. Thank you.

posted Oct 14th, 2010 6:38 pm

Stephen (Atlanta area)


OMG! This diet/lifestyle REALLY does work and makes you feel unbelievable. I'm 48 and over the years have tried low-fat, low-carb, etc etc diets --NOTHING delivers like this one and it was surprisingly easy.
Don't forget to check out studies of a plant-based diet and heart/vascular health --this is the ONLY diet that can actually clear out your arteries. The others can only slow down the damage.
I heartily recommend The Kind Life...it's saving MY life.

posted Oct 14th, 2010 5:33 pm


I have spent a small fortune buying the ingredients for her recipes and have been very disappointed. The ingredients are hard to find. The food tastes absolutely horrible, and my house smells badly from the cooking odors. Wish someone had commented on this in the reviews.

posted Sep 17th, 2010 12:03 pm



We received this book from my sister-in-law a week ago and have read about half of the book in a few days. So far my my wife and I have found this book to be a great instrument to start a new life style in taking care of our bodies and leading a healthier lifestyle. It makes you more aware of where our food is handle and how is processed.

posted Jul 4th, 2010 10:36 pm

David Penner

I bought the book after a friend started reading it, and informed me that Alicia was promoting the same things I discovered when I began following the food pyramid. The Vegan shift was new, but I felt the increase in energy immediately. I found the key was to set manageable goals for yourself that you know you can achieve. For me it started with two pieces of fruit a day. Thanks for "the Kind diet" Alicia

posted May 26th, 2010 1:14 pm

candy saenz


I got the book 2 months ago. I have tried the vegan and the super hero recipes and I have to say it takes some getting used to. I am certainly not a chef so on some of the ingredients I had to Google them just to know what they looked like. But over all I have to say that after a month of vegan and some super hero recipes I can do a full day of work on only 5 hours of sleep. Love the energy and the clear mind feeling. During work I used to feel like my mind was clouded with information and was unable to process it all. Now I feel as though my mind organized itself and I answer question easily. At this point there is no turning back for me. I just want this message to get to our children they are the once that need it the most

posted Apr 29th, 2010 3:50 pm

Kind Cat

The book is great, but this review is not exactly spot-on. Being a Superhero is more about selecting foods that heal your body, not just eating meat/dairy-free. Processed foods like those mentioned in this review aren't what Alicia is trying to promote. If you aren't open to sea vegetables (and yes, I'm talking sea weed), just stop at vegan.

posted Apr 5th, 2010 2:22 pm



Someone should have tested the recipes completely. I am an experienced cook and a 25 year vegan so I was looking forward to the approach etc.

I am disappointed that the courtesy of proper testing in a test kitchen were not adapted.

posted Mar 21st, 2010 5:33 pm


I have just bought The Kind Diet. having had bowel cancer eighteen months ago after finishing treatment I was feeling very slugish and still am. So I am starting today and am very positive that this will be the start to a much healtier life. Thank you Alicia for taking the time to write you book and help out all us fledgling vego's.

posted Mar 20th, 2010 9:28 pm

Ivy Larson

I love that Alicia is promoting a plant-based diet. I was diagnosed with MS almost 10 years ago (and, along with my husband who is a surgeon, have written 3 book on diet and nutrition) I have had great success controlling my symptoms with whole foods nutrition, which includes mostly anti-inflammatory plant-based foods. I do still eat animal foods in moderation (but only the "cleanest" sources such as grass-fed beef over conventional beef) I consider myself a "flexitarian" and try to limit my intake of animal foods to no more than 1 or 2 servings a day. This part-time vegetarian way of eating works for me and helps me stay on track without feeling deprived. Also, the "flexitarian" way of eating definitely helps keep the pounds off---I am now 34 years old and even after having a baby 9 years ago I'm still the same size I was in college. AND! the whole foods I eat now taste much better than the processed foods I used to eat =)

Ivy Larson

posted Mar 18th, 2010 2:25 pm



I have many books on vegetarian and vegan diets but ive never been as excited about them as i am The kind diet its easy to read and passionate about animals (very important to me) I just spent all day experimenting with the recipes . I love this book !!!!!!!!!!

posted Mar 17th, 2010 7:59 pm


I'm so glad to see so many of you like this book and have found it very helpful. I wanted to do some research on it before I bought it. After reading all of the comments on this page, I can't wait to go out tomorrow and pick it up. Good luck to all!!!

posted Mar 12th, 2010 6:51 pm

Trixie Belle


This book is truly life changing if you want it to be. Always loved my meat, chicken, and especially dairy, but never felt that great. eating it all. Only been 2 weeks of flirting with it, and know I will be a true convert as I feel better then I have in years and already lost 7 pounds.

posted Mar 7th, 2010 11:04 pm

Kathy W


I started the ovo-vegan plan on Ash Wednesday as an appropriate timing to sacrifice something. WOW...I thought I would crave meat, chicken, cheese, etc. Was I wrong! Alicia is totally right...the energy is amazing, never hungry, fun to plan meals, found a health foods store in my hick area even! Hubby even likes it, even thought I make him some meat or chicken several times/wk but he loves beans and loves all the dishes I make vegan. I plan to stay on this until Easter, then decide if it is for me or not. After 90 days on it I will get my blood labs done for the year and see if it helps my numbers there. The Kind Diet book is excellent...it's a "Can't Put It Down" book if you love nutrition reading like I do. I made her oatmeal cookie recipe today and they tasted so sinful I gave the last half of my huge cookie to hubby to finish. Also, in one week I have dropped 3# without even trying, kept up my normal exercise routine and ate as much of the vegan foods as I needed to be satisified and no evening snacks. I plan to lose 20# by summer. If you have not tryed this way of eating I would recommend it highly.

posted Feb 23rd, 2010 5:57 pm



Really love this book. She make each level of the diet seem so easy. I have tried to go vegan three times (up from being a vegetarian) and have not succeeded and felt deprived. She made it sound so easy with her "build a vegan meal" plan that I tried it and have stuck with it and feel great on it.

You must understand that this is a lifestyle diet. You will lose weight slowly but surely. However, she does have tips on quicker weight loss. I'm going to try the daikon tea pretty soon to take advantage of that.

posted Feb 22nd, 2010 6:30 pm


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