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The Leanness Lifestyle is a book and an online diet and exercise program that was created by David Greenwalt, a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). Through his book and website, Greenwalt becomes your personal diet and transformation coach who you can actually call on the telephone, depending upon which program you choose, as he personally tracks your progress and keeps you motivated throughout your weight-loss journey.
Whether you are looking to lose 10 pounds, 50 pounds or get the body you have always dreamed of getting, the Leanness Lifestyle program promises to make your health dreams a reality.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Offers personalized coaching and motivation
- Offers a variety of programs to follow
- Includes a custom-tailored weight loss plan
- Does not include any special diet foods, supplements or high tech exercise equipment
- Promotes a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and consistent exercise
- Online diet programs praised for their success rates
- Vegetarian- and vegan-friendly
- Online focus of the program may dissuade potential program members
The Leanness Lifestyle program features a customized eating plan that supports your weight loss goals. You will learn how many calories you need to eat and how much you need to exercise in order to lose weight. The eating plan can be customized to meet your dietary needs and preferences whether you have food allergies or are vegan.
In the book, no stone is left unturned as the subjects of nutrition, exercise, food addiction, eating on the road or at parties and holidays, increasing focus and motivation, eating more while exercising less, why you should never give up your favorite foods, how to eliminate false starts once and for all and much much more are discussed.
Since the Leanness Lifestyle program is a lifestyle program, exercise is an important component to the success of the plan. You will be expected to exercise on most days of the week, even though you don’t need a gym membership or have access to special exercise equipment to fulfill this portion of the program. You will create a custom-tailored exercise plan with Greenwalt upon signing up for the Leanness Lifestyle program.
The Leanness Lifestyle program is a personalized weight loss program that gives you the tools and skills you need to develop a long-term healthy lifestyle. Through Greenwalt's book or his online program, he incorporates a personalized touch in all of his weight loss plans and extends his message beyond just the topic of what you can and can't eat.
Lean-ness Lifestyle, Leaness Lifestyle, Leanness Life Style, Leanness Life-Style, Leanest Lifestyle
The Leanness Lifestyle
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User Feedback
(Page 2 of 5, 87 total comments)Jack
-It is apparent that after so many negative reviews reported here by those who have been burned by Dave Greenwalt and leanness lifestyle there is a sudden burst of recent feedback orchestrated by Dave Greenwalt to try to get his horrible ratings up. If you like being insulted, ridiculed and paying $500 fines charged to your credit card then this site is for you. Look at the majority of reviews posted here over the years, not just the recent ones that Greenwalt orchestrated.. Many agree that he is clearly a very rude, arrogant businessman.
posted Jul 1st, 2013 9:39 pmJudi
+Wow. Lots of talk here and it seems like we have those who were successful singing Dave's praises, while those who were less so, expressing much more discontent with the program. That's why I'm here - to mix things up a bit.
posted Jun 25th, 2013 4:09 pmI've been a back and forth member of LLU for many years. At one time, I was within 10 lbs of my goal weight, ran a half-marathon, followed the plan to a tee and then let things go all haywire and sabotaged myself. Yes, I did that, not Dave.
I returned, did reasonably well, and bam - sabotage again. This time I was part of a BootCamp I didn't finish, and yes, I paid fines. The program didn't fail me; I failed me.
It happened again, and yet again.
When I sought to return earlier this year (2013), Dave and I chatted and he said to me the thing that has inspired me to post this feedback. He suggested that there was something I needed to work on - independent of the program - to learn why I wouldn't let myself succeed. He REFUSED to take any more of my money through fines until I was confident I wasn't going to be my own biggest enemy.
That's not the action of a man who doesn't care about his clients. That's not the action of a man who is in it for the money only, because he could have made a lot more from my failures had he let me continue the way I was. And most importantly, that's not the action of a dictator. That's the action of someone who grows to learn about you as a person and cares for your well-being and success - in the Lifestyle and outside of it.
+Greetings to all those that are out here reading reviews because you just don't know what to do next. That was me and probably is better to say, still is me. There are times when I just don't know what to do about losing weight. I've been overweight all my life, more than 30 years of knowing that I should be a smaller to be healthy (not counting when I was a small child).
posted Jun 23rd, 2013 12:37 pmI know what foods are good for me and the ones that are bad. Known that for years too, but what makes me reach for the bad. This is that thing that I believe most of us can't figure out, can't master. Leanness Lifestyle can help you fight that battle.
If you are at a point where you just can't seem to make yourself make the leap from knowing what you should be eating/doing, David, Coach, Mr. Greenwalt can.
What some are calling a dictator, I call a leader. Ask yourself what will it take to make me to choose the right foods and behaviors. It's sad but MONEY is a strong motivator. Ask yourself has anything else seemed to motivate you to make this change in your life? In the beginning a fine was terrifying to me because I was trying to keep on a wedding budget. I paniced, I pled and Coach never threatened. He kept telling me to focus on what I want not what I feared. He gave us chances to get out of the program before fines became possible. Bottom line is that a single consistent approach can be applied and the results are the reviews on this board. It's in how you choose..yes, choose to hear the words, how you respond to them, and frankly how you view the world. I'm tired of fear and making someone else (Coach) the bad guy. Even $500 is a drop in the bucket for the world of costs I'm in store for if I don't find the right tools to battle picking up the fattening foods instead of the healthy foods. And I'll tell you what, when there was even $25 or $50 on the table, it got my butt up early or to the gym. This is online and convenient so LL can't bang on your door at 6 a.m. He can't force you to log on and do what you know you want to do. He can however, have a last resort that happens to be a fine.
I won't be addressing specifically any of the reviews good or bad here because the most important person is you. You, the person who is so worth while at any weight like me. You, the person who knows the right thing to do and maybe doesn't know how to implement it. The verdict here is that this program CAN and WILL work for you if you let it. If you can have the courage to acknowledge that your plan isn't working, that there is more to learn and know. Please take a deep breath and become willing to let go of the negative mindset. Know that Coach will call upon any leverage he can to MAKE YOU SUCCESSFUL and he will do it with respect. If you are taking those negativity goggles off when he is fighting FOR you, not with you, you will see that he has earned the name Coach.
-Strange that no one was "asked" to publish positive comments for Leanness Lifestyle and now all of a sudden there are 14 new comments all at one time.
posted Jun 20th, 2013 3:13 pmMakes one think, doesn't it??
-There are enough negative reviews on this site to cause a potential client/customer concern. I am a former LLU Boot Camp member and would like to offer my thoughts on my experience. Yes, this is a business and shouldn't customers have the right to express their concerns about their treatment by the business owner? Of course, they should. Rather than avoid negative reviews, use them to improve your products, services, or business processes. If a customer is legitimately reporting a problem, the smart business owner should want to fix that problem, not brush it under the rug and pretend it doesn’t exist (or worse yet, call the people who lodge the complaints liars). We are talking about people spending a great deal of money for this program and they should know of these issues before signing up. This is a small outfit, not a national corporation, therefore it should be fairly easy to make adjustments to the issues being raised. I'm guessing that this won't happen due to Mr. Greenwalt's attitude of superiority and rigidness. A wiser approach would be to learn from these negative reviews, turn them into a positive opportunity to improve your business.
posted Jun 20th, 2013 3:04 pmSome specifics takeaways: statistics like 90% success rate are all in how you view them and report them. I experienced plenty of repeat Boot Campers in my group because they had put their weight back on. If you think about it, it's sort of like built in repeat's like many other diets where people have success and then gain the weight back again. So, this is not a magic solution. Some are able to keep their weight off - but this is true with most diets - there will be a small percentage that can keep the weight off, but the bulk will gain weight again.
When I joined I just sincerely wanted help losing weight. I didn't care about prize money, I didn't care about the format of the letters/emails I received or eating a lot of chicken and veggies. I just wanted to make progress in an area that I have struggled with in my life. But, and this is the main reason for my comment - I felt and still do feel that I should be treated with respect and consideration at the same time. I performed all tasks required, did all homework and treated everyone I interacted with respectfully and politely - I feel that I should have been given the same type of treatment from the coach. People are afraid to speak up and say anything to this man because of the treatment they will receive. Plus, you've made an investment and can't get your money back so folks try to stick it out. When it reached the point that I dreaded waking up each day and having to deal with this one person who ran his organization like a dictator, I decided I'd had enough.
As for the fines, they were mentioned at the beginning of Boot Camp as possible $25. - $50. Never, ever did anyone mention fines of $500. being used as a "motivation" for my completing a video of me working out. I make it a practice not to share personal videos with anyone when I have no guarantee how those videos will be used in the future.
I am disappointed that this was not the right place for me and I continue working at my own weight loss journey on my own. I can't sit back and let others potentially experience what I did with out sharing my own reality with LLU. If you have enjoyed the program - great, I am happy for you. But, that does not negate my experience. Thank you.
Let me start by saying that, if it was not for LLU I would have not lost 50 LBS. I chose to call David Greenwalt, Coach, because he deserves it, he has earned it ! He never asked us, demanded us to do so. We do not do DIETS with this program, we change our lifestyles, we learn why we eat the way we do, we learn about accountability of everything we put into our mouths, we rediscover how good natural foods are. We exercise, we meditate, we are motivated by our coaches and other LLU Members. We have FUN!
posted Jun 20th, 2013 2:54 pmHe did not ask me in any way or form to post on this site. I also have not met him personally, but I have many close friends that are his friends and they trust and believe in This Man, and this February I lay my trust in him, and today I am 50lbs lighter, from size 48 pants, I am now down to size 36. I am not done with my journey I will continue to believe and practice the Leanness Lifestyle for the rest of my Life, and will recommend it to anyone.
+I loved L180. Gave me TREMENDOUS results.
posted Jun 20th, 2013 2:30 amSandy
+I am one of the lucky ones who met two successful graduates of Leanness Lifestyle University. I watched them transform their bodies and saw the fat melting away - fast. I was so impressed with their results that I signed up myself.
posted Jun 20th, 2013 2:18 amSince September 2012 I have lost 95lbs. Seriously, from September to June, 95lbs! Did I do this alone? No, I had some wise guidance from David Greenwalt, founder of Leanness Lifestyle. Was he caustic, threatening, rude, or insulting? No, he was direct and gave me sound information. In fact, he has been nothing but kind, supportive, and has cheered my every success. When I thank him, he reminds me that my success is 98% me and 2% help.
I am healthier than I have been in years. I feel fabulous and I look great. I have a new found confidence that I have not seen in myself for a long time. If you are looking for a sound program that actually gives amazing results, if you are serious about living a lean and fit lifestyle, then I urge you to try Leanness Lifestyle.
The truth is, you will have to change your eating. You will have to move your body. You will change your attitude and thinking. You will learn to live clean, eating real food, and enjoying more energy than you thought possible. You will have the support and cheers from other Leanness Lifestyle weight fighters.
Every dime that I have invested in myself has been money well spent. Did I ever pay a fine? NO. Would I do this again? Absolutely! Do I recommend Leanness Lifestyle and David Greenwalt to you? Yes, hands down!
+I have found Dave to be a very courteous and polite individual. I have personally met him on one occasion and did not see in the least bit any of the negative things mentioned by the disgruntled ex-participant.
posted Jun 20th, 2013 1:07 amThe fines are explained before you have to commit to them and you are warned MULTIPLE times before they are taken from you. Bottom line, you are fined if you do not do the work you have agreed to do and have agreed to be fined for no doing said work. If you have a problem with the fines you have dropped out in the 2 week beginning period.
The program does everything it promises plus alot more that you do not expect. I personally have lost over 70 pounds in 20 weeks using the tools and the knowledge gained from Leanness Lifestyle University.
Anyone not happy with this program just did not apply themselves to the very doable principles asked of them.
LLU is a great program and I would highly recommend it.
+Leanness Lifestyle is the best thing I ever did for myself! I succeeded because I trusted in Coach Greenwalt and his program! If your looking to be lied to, this is NOT the program for you...You will only get the truth here at LLU! Its a REAL program that will being out the best in you - ALL OF YOU!
posted Jun 19th, 2013 11:08 pmRonnieT
+If you struggle with weight, this is the place to go. The founder David Greenwalt cares about everyone that signs up and personally does his best to help them achieve their goals.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 9:20 pmTeacherP
+I am one of the thousands who have achieved incredible success with this program. I am months away from my 65th birthday and I weigh what I did on my 16th birthday. have achieved a level of fitness that surpasses anything I achieved in my youth. Two things really bother me about the negative comments about "caustic coaching styles" and the like. First, that someone might read these and miss out on the chance to achieve the health and fitness levels that I have. Secondly, I am just incensed that someone who didn't benefit from the program because of a personality conflict or something similar, can come onto a site and cast derision on the life work of a very accomplished man. The success rate of the program is extremely high....over 90% I I would hope that the 10% who didn't make it to the finish line would do a little soul searching to determine their own level of responsibility for not completing the course.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 8:36 pmMatthew
+To anyone that is genuinely looking to improve your lifestyle, quality of life and educate yourself as to how to do all of this independently, this program is what you want.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 8:17 pmIt IS NOT easy at first. Unfortunately, like everything worth doing in this world, you have to WORK and put EFFORT forward.
I have done the program for 3 years now.
The first year was to achieve my goals, and the next 2 years was because I LOVE THIS PROGRAM and it is a GREAT EXPERIENCE TO HAVE. Also, reaffirming your knowledge and rededicating yourself to a goal is a very fulfilling experience.
I have read the negative reviews and THEY ARE LAUGHABLE!!! All of these people are obviously the small percent of people that want something for nothing and expect it to be delivered to them, neatly wrapped, already completed with roses and sunshine blowing out their ass.
As a former college and professional coach, I have no doubt these people have zero discipline, zero accountability, but a AMAZING ability to blame others and make excuses for everything.
As a professional Fireman/Paramedic I am sure these are the people that will be in the back of an ambulance one day, blaming someone else for why they didn't take their meds or yelling at the medic to help them when they have obviously done very little to help themselves.
I believe in this program and Dave Greenwalt 100% and have referred it to many friends who have also had success.
To anyone who talks negative of the program, I feel sorry for you, truly.
I hope you find success and happiness somewhere somehow. But, I doubt you will.
Walker S.
+I am a 2013 L180 graduate and I have been a member of LLU since 2003. I am currently at my lowest leannest body weight of my life at 169 lbs. There are no surprises with the Leanness Lifestyle. Coach makes no bones about fines being levied for failure to do what you signed up to do. There are no quick fixes to weight loss and failure is a choice. I wish there were more professionals like David whose one on one interaction produces true results. His program is about learning to live a healthier life. Diets are for fat people that want a quick fix, start and finish. LLU is so much more than that!
posted Jun 19th, 2013 8:07 pmMJ
+I tried many other programs but this one really worked and I stuck to it. I will be a lifestyler for the rest of my life and I am in total control of my life. Not only that, I have been able to control my diabetes and cholestrol in addition to losing 45+ pounds. I read the other reviews about Coach's behavior etc, but I believe he needs to be firm, strict and straight forward in order to help you control the situation you are in. As far as fines go, he doesn't charge without informing you and he also gives you ways to avoid fines. I believe he is totally fair and this program really works. I will recommend this to all my friends.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 7:49 pmFiona from New Zealand
+I have just completed the 20 Leanness Lifestyle coures and have found David's program to be the most comprehensive weightloss program I have done I have lost 22kgs. He has a wealth of knowledge whihc is updates constantly reading and researching on the all aspects of weightloss. I learnt so much more about how my body responds to food and reluctantly realised I wasn't as knowledgable as I thought I was. David helps you set goals and gives you all the tools and opportunities to reach out when life gets hard and you want to reach out and binge. I think he has pulled togehter an amazing program for those who REALLY do want to lose weight and are prepared to be challenged - Hey change is scarey we as humans are hard wired to resist change. I think David has done a fine job of creating a program to get us weight battlers to learn how to get slim and stay slim. Thanks David
posted Jun 19th, 2013 7:47 pmDiane Cockrell
+I LOVE LLU! I could go on and on here about why this program is the BEST but if you really want to know, you will check it out for yourself.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 7:41 pmAll I can tell you is my personal experience. I have worked with Coach Dave for years. He does have a no nonsense attitude. I have quit a bootcamp due to MY lack of understanding of his approach and feeling as if he didn't 'understand'.
I rejoined the program knowing that IT WORKS and that it is not only science and research based, but that it also addresses the emotional aspects of weight gain as well.
I will be a graduate of this next class on June 26th! I am more than PSYCHED about this program and what it has done for me! I went from 150 pounds down to 126 in 20 weeks! I have added sexy, healthy and lean muscle all the while fighting my depression and chronic fatique. Needless to say, I AM a new person with a new outlook on life! I am 'sad' for this program to end but I am more than looking forward to the 'next phase' of my transformation journey and my education! What I have learned, nutritionally, as well as emotionally has been beyond life-changing. Not to mention all of the friends I have made during this class!
Coach Dave seems to have 'softened ' in his approach. He is much more approachable than people give him credit for and he is an amazing mentor and Coach. He is extremely knowleable in all aspects of fitness, health, wellness, not only nutritionally but emotionally as well! I believe his approach is, if you want it--you WILL do what it takes--the WORK-- to reach your goals. He will not 'coddle' you or hold your hand while you sit on the couch eating bon bons crying about how you just cannot seem to lose the weight! Tough Love people---that's what I think of it as!
I did not sign up for this program to NOT lose the weight. I knew it would take putting my trust in the expert and doing what he asked of me. I have the UTMOST respect for the man because he KNOWS what he's doing AND he deserves the respect I give him! He gets RESULTS! If I want someone to cry with me, I call my 'girlfriends'. If I want the TRUTH and SOLUTIONS to my weight problems as well as the emotional problems that are tied to it as well, I Private Message Coach Dave and I ALWAYS get a quick response that usually results in an 'ah ha' moment for me!
To those 'disgruntled' people posting on here, it's unfortunate that they are probably still finding themselves 10-50 pounds overweight, miserable, and still looking for a 'get thin-quick scheme!' Not gonna happen! It just doesn't work that way!
I LOVE the program and recommend it to ANYONE willing to face their fears and do it anyway! To anyone WILLING to persue a worthy endeavor and to persist without exception EVEN IF you feel belitted; ridiculted, etc. Feelings are fickle! Like I said, Face your fears, and do it anyway!
The PROGRAM Works and Coach Dave ROCKS!!!
+I think the continuing theme is that the program is fantastic - heck - even the naysayer admitted it. Please readers, focus on good.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 6:04 pmWe don't all love each other in this world - some people don't like others just like I am sure some don't like me and some may not like you but I would hate to see you scared away from the program because someone doesn't like David Greenwalt- that is just cruel. This is my last post. I'm sure Negative Nelly will repost - sad that some people can't let go and live - they rather wallow in negativity. I hope I am wrong. I hope she can focus on whatever is working in her life instead of something that didn't work for her. I have said my piece.
+One more thing that I can't believe I forgot to mention... you will meet the most supportive, kind hearted folks that this WORLD has to offer. There are folks from the US, UK, NZ, Aussies and more and you can't help but love them because you WILL feel the care and support from them. If you reach out, you will be overwhelmed with how much people want to help you succeed... you might even forget that it is a competition. Yeah, I forgot that part too... If you finish the program, you might win a monetary prize but let's face it, you win anyway because you will lose the weight and get healthier.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 3:21 pmCharlene
+My name is Charlene and I joined LLU in February of 2013. My goal was to lose 51 pounds. Based on my long history with other programs, I figured that if I lost 25 pounds in 20 weeks, that would be an absolute success. Well, in the course of 21 weeks (I got the book and started 1 week early), I lost over 42 pounds! I’m less than 10 pounds away from my ultimate goal and I am psyched!!! Some of my colleagues lost more, others less but we are all winners because we persisted and we succeeded.
posted Jun 19th, 2013 12:24 pmI was excited to hear about this website because I think more people should know about this program; yet, I am dismayed to read the negative comments. It makes me sad because I was the person looking for a miracle in January of 2013 and if I had read these comments, I may not have joined LLU and not lost the weight. I would hate to think that someone might lose out on an opportunity to turn their life around and get healthy because someone who quit the program has a gripe about a fine.
Here is my perspective: First, I will address some of the negative comments and then I will supplement with some things you may not know about the program.
No one ever suggested that David Greenwalt had to be called “Coach” – we do it out of respect. The man basically wrote a treatise on nutrition. He has helped so many people successfully lose weight – wouldn’t you want to show respect for a professional who is helping you? What do you call your doctor? Have you ever watched “Top Chef”? They are ALL chefs yet they call judge Tom, “Chef “ or “Chef Tom” – it is a show of respect – something that is really missing in today’s day and age but I will save that for another rant ;-).
I have never met Coach in person. He doesn’t know that I am writing this. He didn’t “send” me here. I came into the program because I met an LLU grad in person and was amazed at her transformation. We had tried many of the same weight loss programs which all resulted in the same way, limited success and regain! When I saw that she was succeeding at losing and maintaining, I knew I had to give this a try. You probably don’t have the benefit of knowing an LLU grad so I want to provide this feedback as a way of paying it forward. I believe LLU saved my life and it could save yours.
What is Coach like? Like I said, I never met him in person but coach is a no – nonsense kind of guy. He is like the family member who tells you what you need to hear and not what you always want to hear. Did it get me mad sometimes? Hell, yeah, until I cooled off and realized he might have a good point, there… Losing weight is an emotional journey – especially because you still have to deal with life! We aren’t on the biggest loser ranch – we are working and cooking and dealing with deadlines and projects and appointments and stresses with loved ones and going to parties and spending time with families, etc.
Today’s culture of “the customer is always right” doesn’t work with weight loss. Do you really think, “Awe, you had a rough day… You deserve to eat a box of HoHos… tomorrow is another day” is REALLY going to help you lose weight? You need a dose of “Crap happens. Stop with the HoHos – fail forward and recover quickly” Would you rather wallow in your self pity and food? Probably – we all would - but that isn’t going to help you in the long run. Learning Coach’s tools for failing forward and recovering quickly will help you far more than getting to the bottom of that box.
I don’t know the person(s) who wrote the negative comments but I know Wanda, Jayme, Sarah, the 2012 champ and his beautiful fiance and they are real people whose lives have been transformed – some far more than you can imagine – far more than just weight loss by being a part of this program.
The comment about “standardized letters” has me baffled. Perhaps this person has never joined a weight loss program before. I have been on weight watchers, LA weight loss, Jenny Craig, HMR, and loads of “book” diets. They are ALL standardized; however, while on those programs, I NEVER got a personalized letter from the head honcho of the program! With LLU, I haven’t counted but I must have WELL over fifty personal messages from Coach. While we are on this topic, no, LLU is not a diet. It is a lifestyle. A diet begins and ends and then you get to gain all your weight back! Yippee! This program teaches you how to control your weight while living your life.
I am honestly baffled by the comment that you have to eat a lot of protein and the person was sick of chicken. I think that person must have meant the comment for another program because that isn’t what LLU is about. What kinds of things have I eaten on LLU? Here is a non-exclusive list: roast beef, hamburger, steaks, pork, ham, turkey, chicken, eggs, quail, tuna, haddock, trout, cod, octopus, scallops, shrimp, lobster, crab, yogurt, brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions, peppers, mushrooms, arugula, field greens, lettuce, spinach, kale, cabbage potatoes (all kinds), squash, pumpkin, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, apples, oranges, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, mixed berries, mango, pineapple, cheeses (not just cottage cheese), nuts, seeds,bread, ice cream, chocolate and cookies. Other people have other foods on their lists. I’m certain there are people out there eating venison, wild boar, rice and quinoa and I doubt many eat octopus but that is how you get to eat for you and learn how to do it in a way where you can lose weight while enjoying real food that you like to eat! The food list may look very different for you. You will learn which foods affect you so that you can take control of your nutrition.
A typical day for me will start with an omelet and some oatmeal. Lunch might be a salad with chicken or a loaded potato or a fully plated meal like thai chicken and veggies in coconut milk gravy with pineapple or steak, meatloaf or bbq chicken with a baked potato and veg or tropical fruit cole slaw. Dinner will be similar to lunch. Snacks range from protein shake, protein bar, fruit, veg, cottage cheese and fruit, deli roll ups, yogurt and even cookies, ice cream and chocolate!
Exercise. You don’t have to have a gym membership. I joined a gym during my last month because I wanted more variety but I started with tapes, walking and resistance bands. Exercise is part of the program because you need it for toning, shaping, weight loss and overall health. You will learn; however, that more often than not, it is all about the food.
The Fines. Yes, the fines are part of the program because they act as leverage. Believe me, there were times when I felt lazy and I would remind myself about the fines and that would kick my butt into gear. Was I perfect on this program? Hell, no! Did I get fined on this program? Hell, no! Coach never even threatened me with a fine but I can tell you that just knowing the fine was a possibility kept me in line most of the time – that is the whole point.
Now for something you might not know about this program: It is so much more than a weight loss program. Several people who join don’t really have much weight to lose at all. There are professional body builders and there are people like me who rarely lifted a dumb bell! Everyone that joins and stays in the program is committed to their health and wellness. You will learn about strategies to help you stay the course. You will learn about different strategies that help with anxiety, emotions, relaxation. Do you have to engage in all these strategies? No but you have to learn about them so that you have them in your toolbox should you ever find the need or desire to tap into them.
If you are like me, you probably have a hard time putting yourself first. I’m a professional career woman, married and a mom (in order of life sequence and not in order of the value I place on those labels) . I have been putting others’ perceived emergencies over me for a long time. It is like the airline steward says “place the oxygen mask on your own face before you help someone else”. Sometimes, it takes being scared straight. If I didn’t learn how to make myself number 1, I might not be around to be number 5, 10 or 20.
Was I afraid to join this program? Yeah, a little. I have a busy, busy life and I didn’t want to join, get derailed with life and fail. For me, what helped was to remind myself of all the success that I had in my life (no, not talking dream job or being a millionaire) – I’m talking about the challenges that I have overcome. Everyone has a success. Remember that feeling and know that if you put in the time and energy into your health that you put into that, you can come through this with amazing success. Another thing that helped me was to think of how good my life is and how better it could get if I took better care of myself. Your journey may be different but I ask you to consider reaching out to those of us who actually finished the program.
Consider LLU and be well !