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Bob Green is a fitness expert best known for his many appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show. In The Life You Want: Get Motivated, Lose Weight and Be Happy, Green teams up with psychologist Anne Kearney-Cooke, PhD and nutritionist Janis Jibrin, MS, RD to help fans and readers change their mindset and finally lose weight. This book will help you dig down to the root of your weight problems and overcome the barriers that have held you back in the past.
Citing government research about the daunting obesity numbers impacting the U.S. (34% of U.S. adults are overweight and only 20% are successful at keeping off weight), Greene is passionate about helping individuals who feel hopeless about their health and making their goals attainable.
In the seven chapters of The Life You Want, Greene explores
- The idea of breaking down barriers that prevent weight loss
- Addressing emotional eating
- Overcoming our insatiable desire for sugar, fat and salt
- Reintroducing exercise into our daily lives
- Setting healthy goals that are attainable
- Maintaining the weight loss for life
- Finding happiness and fulfillment in our day-to-day
Greene wants us to recognize that we aren't hard-wired to fail, that when we do the work and make the commitment to ourselves, we can live the life we want.
Bob Greene is also the author of The Best Life Diet Cookbook, The Best Life Diet and The Total Body Makeover.
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- Promotes incremental change
- Empathic advice
- Fits within the Best Life plan
- Well-rounded lifestyle approach
- Author is a respected fitness and lifestyle expert
- Book alone may not provide comprehensive support
- Does not include a detailed fitness plan
- Does not include a detailed eating plan
Bob Greene has long been a proponent of clean, balanced wholesome eating, an approach he outlined in his wildly popular Best Life book and brand and incorporates in The Life You Want. The book aims to help you makeover your mind and body, and does not solely focus on the dietary aspect of weight loss. The guidance that is provided, however, can help you retrain your mind on how, why and what to eat.
In chapter three you'll find the bulk of the dietary-focused content, and this chapter is contributed by Jibrin. She tackles topics like why we overeat, the high our brain gets from food, and the toxic food environment our society has created for itself. She also discusses the eight reasons you should regain control of your eating habits, like reducing risk of disease, not obsessing over calories, and the joys of exploring new tastes.
The risks of fat, added sugar and salt in our diets is discussed, explaining why each is bad for our bodies and the limit that you should consume.
- For fat, that's 25-35 percent of your calories, or 50-70 grams per day
- For sugar that's no more than 10 percent of your calories, or 45 grams per day
- For salt (or sodium), that shouldn't exceed 1500mg in a day
Jibrin also explains why meals should be no more than four hours apart throughout the day, a common dietary recommendation.
What is not discussed is a clear-cut eating plan, which many may find freeing, without the constraints of a formal plan, and others may be left feeling more confused about where and how to get started.
Chapter four focuses on exercise, and this chapter is contributed by Greene himself. The goal of this chapter is not so much to outline a fitness plan to follow day-by-day, but instead to better understand the role these activities play in our lives and to help us overcome our hardened aversion to moving.
He'll explain how to get past the excuses that leave us sitting on the couch, thinking we can't, thinking it's too uncomfortable, and help us find the motivation we need to get up and go. In fact, he lists thirteen reasons we should exercise, and asks to pick at least one. These include preventing debilitating and deadly diseases, wanting to change our appearance, improving our mood, relieving aches and pains or even overcoming depression. All of this and more can and will be benefited by a consisted exercise program.
The little direct fitness guidance provided seems appropriate for those who are actively training or are at least familiar. However, for the newbies who are anxious and ready to incorporate this into their habits, they might be left with a lot of questions as the book doesn't provide any clear-cut explanations, directions or plans.
A three-pronged approach to exercise is outlined, and recommends that people include cardio, strength training and functional fitness exercises in their routine for "true fitness." Greene advises that we work up to six hours of moderate intensity aerobic exercise each week, that's a little less than an hour a day. He says cycling, walking, the elliptical or even swimming will all accomplish this.
For strength training, Greene advises doing a minimum of six different exercises that work major muscle groups, and for each of these exercises to do at least two sets of 8-10 repetitions, two days a week.
As for the functional fitness, these are things you could do just about anywhere, anytime, and even with the kids! Stretches and crunches, as well as arm and leg raises, support the core, flexibility, balance and coordination.
The Life You Want provides real-world advice for anyone who is looking to lose weight, weather or not they choose to follow The Best Life Plan. It's full of tips, psychological studies and tools to help anyone who's struggling to lose weight achieve their goals.
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The Life You Want
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