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The Model's Diet is an insider's look into what it takes to look like a supermodel slinking down the catwalk or a swimsuit pinup posing for an exotic magazine.
Rather than relying on advice from dietitians, medical doctors and weight loss experts, author David Nicosia Longhi interviews models to find out directly from them what they eat, how they eat, how the exercise and how often they exercise in order to lift the veil on common misconceptions that models starve themselves to be a size 0, or on the other spectrum, never frequent a gym and gorge on burgers and fries.
In addition, Longhi speaks with Dr. Mehmet Oz and the founder of The Beautiful People Network to understand how we got to the dichotomous place where obesity is the norm and our preoccupation of body image is an ultimate high.
The Model's Diet allows the reader to take the tips, advice and experience of those interviewed and incorporate these actions into their own lives in order to change their lifestyle habits for the better. While the book doesn't promise that you'll be featured in the next Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, it does promise a shift in perspective that can ultimately lead to a healthier life and a slimmer body.
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- Features real-life health advice and experience from those whose career is their appearance
- Debunks many myths surrounding the eating and exercise habits of models
- Promotes a general diet that endorses moderation and plenty of vegetables, fruit and lean protein
- Does not provide a clear-cut diet plan
- Women interviewed are not commonly-recognized models
- Does not reveal any new or novel diet information
The Model's Diet does not outline a specific plan to follow, but rather it gives the reader glimpses of the eating and exercise plans that are followed by models who make their living from how they look.
While all of the 15 models interviewed shared their own eating patterns, a few generalizations can be made from their collective diet styles.
In general, the models subscribe to a diet that is high in fresh vegetables, lean proteins and occasional indulgences like ice cream or a cheeseburger. In addition, because of their party-friendly industry, alcohol is consumed on a regular basis. Most of the models also voiced their need to drink more water even though many of them confessed to not drinking enough water.
At the end of each model's interview, their key diet rules are highlighted and empty space is included allowing the reader to take notes.
Similar to their diet recommendations, all of the models interviewed openly discussed their fitness and exercise habits.
In general, they look to exercise in order to keep their bodies looking great and their energy levels up. While many of the models have personal trainers, the routines they do, a combination of cardio and strength training, can be done without the assistance of a personal trainer.
The Model's Diet is an insider's look into the diet and exercise habits of the world's most elite models. From their favorite foods and the foods they swear by to look and feel great to the exercises that keep their bodies firm and beautiful, The Model's Diet puts to rest many commonly-held diet myths and reinforces the sage wisdom that in order to look and feel great, you must also put in the effort.
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The Model's Diet
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(Page 1 of 1, 2 total comments)ensi
+it is very helpful site for girls please advice me with your diet . if any question is necessary please ask me.
posted May 7th, 2010 6:00 amthank you
i am waiting you
Rochelle L
Really cool review and I actually find the book really good aswell.
posted Nov 7th, 2009 4:44 amIts especially all the myths with models and their lifestyle that this book handles sooo gooood! :)