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Even though great strides have been made in medicine and health in the past 100 years, when it comes to what our bodies were designed and evolved to eat, many health experts and researchers look to our paleolithic ancestors for the answers.
In the book, The New Evolution Diet: What Our Paleolithic Ancestors Can Teach Us about Weight Loss, Fitness, and Aging, author Arthur DeVany, PhD., takes a hard look at how the food we eat today may not be well-suited for our long-term health. DeVany just happens to be one of the grandfathers of the Paleo lifestyle. As a 72-year-old healthy adult, he considers himself to be living proof of the benefits of eating like cave-dwelling ancestors.
The New Evolution Diet is both scientific inquiry as well as healthy living program that guides the reader to make more nature-born and plant-based choices when it comes to diet.
The plan is built on three principles:
- Eat three meals a day made up of nonstarchy vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins
- Skip meals occasionally to promote a low fasting blood insulin level
- Exercise less, not more, in shorter, high-intensity bursts
According to DeVany, by cutting out modern foods, including carbohydrates, dairy, and all processed foods, anyone can lose weight, gain muscle, and enjoy a longer, better life.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Eating style is unarguably healthy
- Omits processed foods, sugars and additives
- Interval-based training has been shown to be more effective than moderate-paced and more lengthy exercise in losing weight and staying fit
- Plan may be restrictive for some
- Those with high cholesterol or heart disease should discuss plan with their doctor first as it does include saturated fats
- A few concepts in book may appear a bit out-there, just as the consumption of castor oil
The eating plan is pretty straightforward in The New Evolution Diet: Namely eat a diet just like our Paleolithic ancestors and you're on your way to optimal health.
Nosh on an endless amount of non starchy vegetables, and modest amounts of lean proteins, fruit, whole eggs, nuts and seeds and forgo anything that was made following the food manufacturing boon of the early centuries. Dairy, all flours, most grains, legumes, beans, sugar, alcohol and anything bready or that comes in a package is black-listed. Or at least for one month, which is what the book recommends and then see how you feel.
Skipping meals is also encouraged on occasion to improve the body's sensitivity to insulin. The book also contains lists on the worst foods to eat, tips to avoid modern mainstays like starches, sugars and alcohol as well as research studies discussing the the benefits and potential dangers of DeVany's assertions.
The fitness recommendation is based on less is more. DeVany is a staunch proponent of interval-based training, which combines short bouts of intense exercise followed by quick recovery periods. By eating according to the Paleo lifestyle, you are only recommended to exercise a few times a week. The book outlines exercises and routines for you as well, making it easy and simple for you to follow.
Not without controversy (or discipline), The New Evolution Diet is a research-driven read that advocates eating like our Paleolithic ancestors in order to prevent many of the modern diseases like heart disease and diabetes and to stay healthy and age naturally.
Paleo lifestyle veteran Arthur DeVany is not just living proof of this caveman-like eating plan, but he also appeared on numerous television shows and media outlets heralding this way of eating and living.
If you're ready to do a complete overhaul of your modern day diet and endure any American diet detox side effects, then you are likely to see big results, both physically, emotionally and mentally while following this nutrient-rich and clean way of living.
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The New Evolution Diet
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