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Holistic physicians, biochemists, and personal trainers Jade Teta and Keoni Teta have created a diet and exercise program that jump-starts your stalled metabolism and turns your body into a fat-burning machine.
The New ME Diet unlocks your fat-burning hormones, so you can stop counting calories and start losing weight.
In the first three weeks you experience the Metabolic Spark, in which you can lose up to 15 pounds, a signal that your metabolism is ready to begin burning fat. Next you'll undergo a Metabolic Transformation and lose 0.5 to 2 percent of body fat a week. In the end, you'll achieve optimal metabolic functioning, the Metabolic Effect, which will keep the weight off once and for all.
The New ME Diet includes these key features:
- The Metabolic Effect Questionnaire to find out if you are a sugar, muscle, or mixed burner.
- A personalized diet plan that supports your best hormonal balance and turns you into a fat burner.
- A defense against hunger and cravings with five to six meals a day and a Reward Meal each week.
- A rest-based weight-training exercise called "hybrids" that only require a pair of light weights and three 30-minute sessions per week so that you burn fat even while you rest.
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- Focuses on eating whole foods
- Does not promote a one-size-fits-all diet approach
- Reward Meals curb feelings of diet deprivation
- Exercise routines are short but effective
- Not a revolutionary diet plan
The focus of the nutrition plan with The New ME Diet is based upon your answers to the questionnaire at the beginning of the program which determine whether you are a sugar, muscle or mixed burner when it comes to your metabolism.
The concept behind this questionnaire is that certain hormones control how fat is stored and burned, so depending upon what metabolic type you fall into, you can essentially manipulate the hormones in your body via diet and exercise to lose weight and keep it off.
While all three diet plans, the sugar, muscle and mixed-burner, are different, they do share a few nutrition commonalities. Within all three diets, you are allowed to eat unlimited amounts of certain veggies and fruits, lean proteins, and small amounts of healthy fats and whole grains and legumes. The differences lie in the amounts of sugars, fat and starches that are allowed for each metabolic type.
For instance, if you are a sugar metabolic type, you tend to crave sweets, coffee, chocolate and store fat all over your body; whereas if you are a muscle-burner, you also crave sweets but have a thin body that has a tendency toward flabbiness.
While on The New ME Diet, you will eat five to six meals throughout the day and one weekly Reward meal.
An organized diet plan is featured for each metabolic type, including foods to eat, foods to avoid, quantity recommendations and guidelines for your weekly Reward Meal.
The exercise plans for The New ME Diet differ for each of the three metabolic types, but in general, you are expected to walk for 30 to 60 minutes every day while also engaging in the program's well-laid out strength-based interval training routine, three times a week.
The interval training program is an intense workout structure in which you perform a few intense sets of a specific exercise followed by short periods of rest. This method is believed to burn calories immediately as well as keeping calories torched once your workout is complete.
Instructions and photographs are provided for the fitness routines.
"The New ME Diet" plan is in line with other weight loss plans that focus on hormones and metabolism as a way to lose weight.
It receives gold stars for its focus on whole foods, mini-meal approach to eating and consistent exercise routines.
While its claims that it is a revolutionary weight loss plan are open to question, it is nonetheless a solid program that can definitely shake off a few pounds if it's followed correctly.
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The New ME Diet
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 3 total comments)Colleen
I began this diet back in April, I have so far lost a total of 50 lbs and have put on some muscle. I'm quite pleased with my results on this diet. I will tell you, like anything it is hard work and worth the try! but this diet put it all in perspective for me. I cut out all processed foods and just ate better. It has changed the way I look at food forever! GREAT book, GREAT diet! good luck!
posted Oct 26th, 2011 2:08 pmChristelle
The cost please
posted Apr 11th, 2011 2:52 amJoni
I just finished the book and have been following the program for 1 week. I definitely feel better and have lost weight. The book is so common sense that it really does make you think before you put any food in your mouth. I think it is awesome and am recommending it to everyone I talk to.
posted Apr 1st, 2011 12:51 pm