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The Omnivore's Dilemma

The Omnivore's Dilemma

From soil to plate, you'll think twice about what you're having dinner.

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Written by food guru, Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, discusses the causes, effects and enabling factors of the Western Diet in this best-selling author and professor's trademark style.

In the Omnivore's Dilemma investigates the four channels of our food system: the industrial farming industry, the organic food industry, the local food movement and the food that we forage ourselves. In a combination of investigative journalism and scientific prowess, Pollan traces the origins of the food that currently lines our grocery store shelves and farmer's market stands.

Each chapter ends with Pollan describing a meal comprised of the ingredients produced from one of four main food channels.

From corporate agribusiness's attraction to soy and corn and from Pollan's own diagnosis of the "American Eating Disorder," The Omnivore's Dilemma is an eye-opening look into how American food evolves (or devolves) from farm to fork.

Michael Pollan is also the author of the following books:

In Defense of Food

Food Rules

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Written by a nationally-recognized investigative journalist and professor
  • Helps to promote a greater awareness of where food comes from
  • Explains how powerful influences like agribusiness, money and politics shape our food industry and current health crisis
  • Provides examples of how you can eat more sustainably
  • Not a diet per se
  • Honest and eye-opening facts might startle or horrify those who are unaware of how much of our processed food is created

The Omnivore's Dilemma follows each of the food chains that sustain us—industrial food, organic or alternative food, and food we forage ourselves—from the source to a final meal.

The engaging narrative takes the reader from Iowa cornfields to food-science laboratories, from feedlots and fast-food restaurants to organic farms and hunting grounds, always emphasizing our dynamic coevolutionary relationship with the handful of plant and animal species we depend on. Each time Pollan sits down to a meal, he incorporates his unique blend of personal and investigative journalism to trace the origins of everything consumed, revealing what we unknowingly ingest and explaining how our taste for particular foods and flavors reflects our evolutionary inheritance.


Exercise in the Omnivore's Dilemma is referenced in regards to the American obesity epidemic and how our sedentary lifestyle has been a contributing factor to our weight problems and consequent health conditions.


Nationally-renown food journalist and professor Michael Pollan takes you on a genuine food journey in the Omnivore's Dilemma. In a time in history that has never before experienced such massive rates of weight-related health conditions, planetary destruction and copious amounts of processed, non-nature-made food, The Omnivore's Dilemma explains how our eating choices affect not just our health but our children’s health, and the health of the environment.

If you are at all interested about where you food comes from, The Omnivore's Dilemma is a must-read.

Common Misspellings Common Misspellings

the onmivore's dilemma, the omnovore's dilemma, the omnivoer's dilemma, the omnivores dilemma, the omnivore's dilemna, the omniovore's dillemma, the onnivore's dilemma

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