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The Overnight Diet

The Overnight Diet

A new diet that claims you can lose two pounds tonight and nine in a week.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Caroline Apovian, M.D. has introduced a concept that seems by its title to defy all we’ve been taught about proper weight loss. The book, “The Overnight Diet,” claims to help readers lose up to two pounds the very first night and then nine pounds each week. This weight loss is expected to continue as readers continue the diet plan. These are, however, tall claims. The claims are backed by Dr. Apovian’s plan, which she states allows dieters to jump start their fat-burning capabilities overnight and then keep them in fat-burning mode with a series of smoothies and a nearly unrestricted diet.

The Overnight Diet claims to burn fat, not muscle. It’s supposed to rev up metabolism, stave off hunger, reduce water retention and bloating, prevent common weight loss plateaus, increase the body’s levels of HGH, and even increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

All of this is accomplished through what the doctor calls “powering and fueling up” and moderate exercise.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • There are no special food purchases required
  • No calorie counting
  • There are no major food restrictions
  • Rich in fruit and vegetables and lean proteins
  • The diet focus on building and retaining muscle, an essential element to any lifelong health plan
  • The book’s website contains many real-life success stories
  • Highly criticized by the diet and health industry
  • Chocked up as nothing more than a fad
  • Weight loss may exceed industry recommendation of 1-2 pounds per week
  • Initial weight loss is water, not fat
  • Discounts value of fitness and excuses readers from working out

With The Overnight Diet there are few restrictions, unlimited access to fruits and vegetables, and a dependence on high-protein foods.

The Overnight Diet focuses on a “1-Day Power Up,” which is mostly a day of high protein smoothies and a day of recharging with a liquid diet.

The next six days of the week are referred to as the “6-Day Fuel Up.” During the six days there’s an emphasis on lean proteins and all the fruits and vegetables one wants.

The concept is to be eating nutrient dense, high volume foods that make a person feel full. Also, Dr. Apovian says that the more protein one eats, the more muscle they can build, and the more muscle one has, the higher their metabolic rate will be. All of this yields what what many say have lead to rapid and easy weight loss. The book contains many recipes for the dieter to use.


While The Overnight Diet encourages moderate exercise, the author has stated that fitness isn't even necessary or required.

Dr. Apovian stresses that you can exercise for a lesser amount of time and get more benefits if you add in resistance training to your cardio. The impact on your body with weight training or resistance training will be higher than just cardio alone. Also, the goal of the high protein diet is to help boost metabolism through muscle growth. Resistance training will further this, too.


The book’s title is a bit more alarming than the actual diet plan. The information on the website and in the book seem based in science and on sound principles.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

The Night Diet, Overnight Diet, Overnight Weight Loss, Night Diet, Overnite Diet, Nite Diet

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