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The Science of Skinny

The Science of Skinny

Eliminate processed foods and eat natural foods for a healthier lifestyle.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Science of Skinny is a new book written to give serial dieters a chance at permanent weight loss in a very healthy way. This book was written by organic chemist Dee McCaffrey and showcases the importance of eating foods in their natural state and avoiding processed items that are filled with chemicals. The program outlined in this book is one that can be maintained for a lifetime because it focuses on healthy eating. The Science of Skinny is educational while also offering all of the information you need to start eating a diet that is free of processed food. McCaffrey used her own insight as a chemist to become familiar with the many chemicals and toxins that are used in our food supply and how they affect our bodies. Through eliminating processed foods from her diet, she was able to lose 100 pounds which she has kept off for 20 years.

In The Science of Skinny, once you understand your body’s chemistry, you can stop dieting and start eating real, wholesome food. This book is broken down into two parts including the science and the skinny. There are over 50 recipes included along with shopping lists and guides for making kid-friendly meals.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Eliminates processed foods and chemicals from your body
  • Author lost 100 pounds and has kept it off following this style of eating
  • Encourages eating healthy, natural foods
  • Breaks down the research and science of the plan
  • Includes over 50 recipes
  • A style of eating that can be maintained for a lifetime
  • Offers a two week cleanse
  • Encourages eating breakfast and drinking plenty of water
  • Some may find it difficult to give up processed foods at first

The Science of Skinny is all about eating the right foods for your body chemistry. The author takes you through the science and the research that tells you just how bad the chemicals in processed foods are for your health. To allow your body to adjust to this way of eating, there is a two week cleanse. This cleanse helps rid your body of all the toxins and gets you slowly weaned off processed foods. Some of the important advice offered in this book is to eat breakfast every day, replace processed foods with higher-quality whole foods, read food ingredient lists and begin stocking your pantry and fridge with healthier options. While you may experience some withdrawal symptoms in the beginning, that is perfectly normal as your body moves away from its dependence on chemicals and processed carbohydrates. The plan is outlined for those that eat meat as well as those that might be vegetarian. For those that eat meat, you would have the following each day:

  • At least 2 portions of dark leafy greens; unlimited quantity allowed
  • At least 2 portions of rainbow vegetables; unlimited quantity allowed
  • 1 portion of legumes or 1 starchy vegetable portion
  • 1 portion whole grains
  • 2 portions of fruit
  • 3 portions from meat, fish, poultry, yogurt, whey or eggs (you can substitute hemp protein powder instead of whey or yogurt if you like)
  • 2 portions coconut oil
  • 2 portions omega 3 oils
  • ½ to 1 whole avocado plus one other fat portion
  • 1 portion nuts

The Science of Skinny does not just give you the guidelines for what to eat each day. There are also several recipes included in the book along with some meal plans to take the guess work out of it. Below is a reflection of one menu day for meat eaters on the two week cleanse portion of The Science of Skinny program.

  • Breakfast: Berry Blast Smoothie
  • Lunch: Mixed greens plus a mixture of chopped assorted rainbow veggies; 1 portion salmon or other fresh fish; ¼ avocado; 1 portion baked sweet potato; 4 sprigs fresh parsley; 2 tablespoons Sweet Skinny Apple Cider Vinaigrette
  • Snack: 1 ounce almonds
  • Dinner: 2 cups Farmer’s Market Coconut Curry; 1 portion grass-fed ground beef patty; ¼ avocado; ½ cup brown rice

The Science of Skinny focuses on doing what is right for your body. Along with replacing processed and chemical laden foods with natural ones, you also have to be aware of your exercise and fitness levels. The author shares different exercises she’s enjoyed and points out that your level of exercise will determine how well your body tolerates extra food. Adding in exercise on a regular basis can help keep your weight loss going beyond the initial cleanse period. One mention states that you can see maximum results by exercising six days per week. The book explains in detail exercise can be used as a remedy for lowering cholesterol and reducing heart disease. There is guidance for building up your exercise routine if you are currently sedentary through a walking program. Some other methods of exercise that you can engage in include jogging, Bikram Hot Yoga, jumping on a trampoline, exercise boot camp or home exercise videos.


The Science of Skinny is a great book for those that want to start eating healthy and remain with it for the rest of their lives. This book teaches you how to eliminate processed foods, chemicals and other added ingredients that you just don’t need. You can lose weight and avoid a host of health problems through eliminating processed foods from your diet. The Science of Skinny takes you through scientific explanations for how your body reacts to certain ingredients and helps you make better food choices. This book can be a great guide for weight loss as well as excellent overall health.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

science behind skinny, science of being skinny, science of getting skinny, sceince behind skinny

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This is a great program! I met the author in Arizona when I was living there and really liked her. Her program is sound and easy to follow without being hungry. I highly recommend it!

posted Mar 24th, 2016 5:42 pm


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