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The Seaweed Solution

The Seaweed Solution

Drink this seaweed tea to control your appetite.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
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The Seaweed Solution is a dietary supplement in the form of a powder that is used to suppress the appetite. You can prepare the Seaweed Solution by boiling it and adding a special blend of tea leaves. It can be used as a low-calorie alternative for solid food as well.

After drinking the Seaweed Solution, you are supposed to feel as if you’ve eaten a meal, but the full feeling lasts for several hours. This is because The Seaweed Solution contains fiber and water, so it makes you feel full.

Although no guaranteed number of pounds is offered, those with more than 20 pounds to lose are said to be able to lose three to five pounds per month while taking the Seaweed Solution. The Seaweed Solution is also low in calories and comes in three varieties: Light Appetite, Suppression, Medium Appetite Suppression and Very Heavy Appetite Suppression. The difference in the varieties has to do with the serving size of the solution.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • Made from real seaweed, which is very nutrient-rich
  • May suppress appetite
  • Helps you feel full for long periods of time
  • No mention of exercise
  • Product assumes that it will help you make better food choices
  • Product does take one to two hours per week to prepare
  • Texture or consistency of the finished product may not palatable to some users

The Seaweed Solution contains seaweed powder.


You are instructed to drink The Seaweed Solution 30 minutes before lunch and again before dinner.


The intention of The Seaweed Solution is that after taking the product for a few days, you will notice that you are eating about half of the amount of food you were eating before. But there are no specific diet or exercise guidelines that accompany the product.


The Seaweed Solution offers appetite suppression in the form of a seaweed tea. Mixing the solution seems to be a bit cumbersome, but it allows you to make large batches at one time and then you simply microwave the solution when you’re ready to drink it. The high fiber content is what makes for that full feeling that lasts for hours.

For those looking for something natural that might help control their appetite, the Seaweed Solution might be the supplement for you. It’s important to realize that you will still be making your own food choices and will need to implement some sort of physical activity for the best results.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

the seeweed solution, the seaweed sollution, the seaweed solutions, seaweed solution, seaweed tea

How Does The Seaweed Solution Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • The Seaweed Solution
  • /100
  • .
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I have been using the seaweed solution for a week now. It has curbed my appetite and i have lost about 5 lb. this week. But I am very over weight. I eat breakfast drink the solution with 1 stevia around 9am when i start to get hungry. Have lunch at 11:30 then I drink another cup around 2:30-3:00pm when I get hungary again and it holds me to dinner around 5:30-6pm. I really like it, does not taste bad at all and with a stevia packet it is like drinking any other tea. I hope it continue to help curb when I want to eat junk. So far so good. :) I hope this helps some one.

posted Sep 21st, 2011 4:55 pm

Barry Miller


I am an extremely skeptical person & when I first heard about the possibility that certain varieties of seaweed could be used for weight loss purposes I assumed it would never work, how could seaweed possibly help people lose weight?

In spite of my skepticism I was at a point with my weight that I was miserable and desperately needed to do something so I dove in and tried it. In its purest form it tasted awful (almost like drinking ocean water) but it did do the one thing I least expected, it actually stopped me from being hungry. From there I was determined to find a way to make it palatable. I spent hundreds of hours experimenting with the formula and with various flavorings until I finally developed what is now known as the original tea recipe. Not only did I succeed in making it palatable, it actually tasted good and I got the added benefit of the cancer fighting antioxidants present in the tea leaves! My wife tried it and wanted something sweeter so I started experimenting with artificial, low calorie sweeteners and artificial flavorings which is why I now offer a wide variety of flavors (cherry is her favorite).

There is very little information available anywhere about the appetite suppressing properties of the types of seaweed I use (or any seaweed for that matter) but this particular plant works great for me and I am no longer a skeptic. It works so well that I have started this business! The Seaweed Solution tricks your appetite into thinking you are full for a while (4-5 hours for me). Some users have actually reported feelings of being too full!

As far as exercise goes that's up to you. I started exercising again recently and it seems to be accelerating my weight loss. I have read that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise and I believe it. I have tortured myself on treadmill's and elliptical's for years religiously only to find that I am barely able to lose weight or keep my weight in check due to the inevitable appetite increase that comes along with extreme exercise. For the first three months I drank The Seaweed Solution I didn't get much exercise and still lost over 10 pounds and about 3 inches off my waist. In six months I went from a size 40 (tight) to a size 36 (loose).

posted Feb 6th, 2010 11:21 am


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