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The South Beach Wake-Up Call is a new book written by Dr. Arthur Agatston. This book highlights why Americans are getting fatter and sicker along with seven simple strategies for reversing a toxic lifestyle. Dr. Agatston is the creator of the popular South Beach Diet and is a preventive cardiologist. He created the South Beach Diet in 1995. In the past 30 years, Americans have become heavier and unhealthier than any time in our history. Within The South Beach Wake-Up Call Dr. Agatston brings to light the root causes of the current health crises and gives you clear advice that will help heal your body.
There are special recipes included and information on what foods you should and should not be eating for optimal health. There is a South Beach Wake-Up program included that will give strategies for age-reversing, life-saving weight loss. The South Beach Wake-Up Call also includes a two week quick start plan that combines cardio and core conditioning. All elements of healthy living are covered in this book to give you the best level of health.
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- Written by a medical doctor
- Offers information on nutrition and exercise
- Includes seven strategies for better health
- Encourages eating mega foods to turn back signs of aging in the body
- Program will help you lose weight
- Encourages getting proper amount of sleep and exercise
- Discourages fast food and eating out too frequently
The South Beach Wake-Up Call uses the principles of the South Beach Diet to help you get healthy. There are recipes included along with the seven strategies of better health. The strategies are simple and very straight forward. Those seven strategies include:
- Control the Clutter, Free Your Mind
- Make Every Meal Matter
- Shop Right!
- Cook As If Your Life Depends on It
- Eat in More, Dine Out Smart
- Get Moving, Get Fit
- Sleep Better, Live Longer
Dr. Agatston encourages you to throw out all of the bad foods you might currently have in your kitchen and ban junk food from entering the house. This is especially necessary for those that want to exhibit healthy habits for their children and make changes in their family’s health. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a treat every once in a while, but eating healthy should be happening more often than indulgences. This program keeps in line with the South Beach Diet, recommending you eat plenty of the right carbohydrates which include fruits, vegetables and grains. Some of the things you will be avoiding are bad carbs which include sodas, cakes, cookies, white flour, white pasta, white potatoes and breads. Some of the key principles of healthy eating include:
- Evaluate the quality of the fats, carbohydrates, and protein you eat – not just the quantity.
- Consume a wide variety of healthy foods, especially vegetables and fruits.
- Avoid empty-calorie foods.
- Know what you eat ate. Skip the fast food. Learn about how your food was produced and processed.
- Remember that calories count, but stop counting calories, grams of fat, carbohydrates, protein or anything else; it doesn’t work in the real world.
- Don’t deviate from the diets of your forefathers; you do so at your own peril.
Exercise is an important part of The South Beach Wake-Up Call program. Exercise is described as a potential magic potion that can improve your overall health, protect against chronic disease and give you more energy. Appreciating the benefits of exercise is one major way to get started on a regular routine. Physical activity can also reduce the risk of cancers in the breast, colon, endometrium, prostate and lungs. Some suggestions for incorporating exercise into your habits include purchasing a good exercise DVD, walking, taking the stairs whenever possible or playing Frisbee with the kids.
Dr. Agatston likens fitness to a three legged stool. You need cardiovascular exercise and strength training as the first two legs of the stool. You can incorporate both elements in less than half an hour per day and see benefits. The third leg of the fitness stool is simply movement. You have to make the effort to incorporate more physical activity into your daily life even outside of your set exercise time. Doing things walking a few blocks instead of driving everywhere, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and walking to a colleague’s office instead of sending an email are just a few of the activities you can do to get more movement into your day.
The South Beach Wake-Up Call gives a blunt approach to the issues that are currently causing us to gain weight and lays out a plan for losing that weight and getting healthy. The advice given in this book is solid and based on a healthy eating plan and exercise. Dr. Agatston shares positive info and a plan that can turn around unhealthy habits if you are willing to do the work.
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The South Beach Wake-Up Call
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