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The Soy Zone

The Soy Zone

A vegetarian version of The Zone Diet.

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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Created by The Zone diet guru, Barry Sears has developed a new version of his uber famous diet with the inclusion of soy, a touted super food and source of natural protein. Soy has no cholesterol or saturated fat, but plenty of protein, vitamins, and fiber and offers an array of health benefits for vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

The Soy Zone adheres to the same 40-30-30 principles of The Zone Diet, but rather than filling your plate with a third of chicken or fish, you'll be filling it with soy protein.

Sears makes his claim for soy by discussing plenty of research which extols the benefits of eating soy. He also discusses the perils of a grain-based diet that many vegetarians follow, as well as why eating too many carbohydrates leads to weight gain.

The Soy Zone also contains a BMI calculator which indicates what your protein needs are and how many "Zone Blocks" you should consume each day. Once you have this figured out, you simply follow the diet or recipes and start losing and living in the Soy Zone.

Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2025?

  • Very vegetarian friendly
  • Soy protein is a very healthy food and lean protein source
  • Zone Diet promotes eating plenty of fresh vegetables while avoiding refined and processed foods
  • Diets rich in soy have been linked to lowering cholesterol levels
  • Soy is an incredibly versatile food that can be prepared in innumerable ways
  • Some studies have shown adverse health effects with consuming too much soy
  • Soy is hyper allergenic
  • Recipes call for specialized ingredients like stevia and agar flakes
  • Following Zone Block rules may be confusing
  • No exercise plan

The Soy Zone is one of the only low-carb vegetarian-friendly diets. The program follows the same principles of the Zone Diet, but replaces meat with soy protein.

Each day you'll consume about 50 grams of soy protein in addition to plenty of fresh vegetables and low-fat dairy. A typical Soy Zone diet contains 1,200 calories and a set number of "Zone Blocks," which are essentially protein grams that you need to consume each day. Soy Zone servings are either in 3-4 Zone Block increments.

The book is complete with 101 soy-based recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks like Baked Golden Tofu Dumplings, Red Bean Chili, Tempeh Paprikas, Tofu-Eggplant Gumbo and Banana Berry Sundae.

A sample Soy Zone day might look like this: Egg white scramble with melted soy cheese and vegetables for breakfast, lentils with goat cheese and vegetables for lunch and a tofu stir-fry for dinner. Snacks might be soy nuts, soy yogurt or a fruit smoothie made with unsweetened soy milk.


No exercise guidelines are given.


Many vegetarians have long-waited for a vegetarian-friendly version of their favorite low-carb, high-protein diet and they have finally received it in The Soy Zone by Barry Sears.

The book does a great job in describing the benefits of soy, its versatility and the dangers of consuming a high-carbohydrate diet. But The Soy Zone does not come with an exercise plan and it does not fully confront the many research studies which have pointed at the concerns of over eating a high-soy diet. Conditions like hypothyroidism and a potential increase in certain estrogen-dependent cancers have been associated with excessive soy intake.

Therefore, if you have a predisposed risk for estrogen-dependent cancers like breast, talk to your doctor before following The Soy Zone diet.

But if you are a vegetarian or non-vegetarian wanting to decrease their reliance on meat, poultry, grains and refined carbohydrates, The Soy Zone is a formidable guide to help you do so.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

The Soy Diet, Soy-Zone, Soy Zone, Zone Soy Diet, Vegetarian Zone Diet

How Does The Soy Zone Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • The Soy Zone
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