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The Stevia Cookbook

The Stevia Cookbook

Over 100 recipes using the natural sweetener stevia.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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There has been a lot of spotlight on the natural sweetener Stevia. This plant can be used as substitute for sugar and it includes no calories because it is all natural. Using stevia in your recipes in place of sugar can result in a reduction in diabetes, obesity and hypertension. There is a cookbook that highlights using this no calorie sweetener called The Stevia Cookbook: Cooking with Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener. This cookbook was written by Dr. Ray Sahelian and Donna Gates. Dr. Sahelian is a regular contributor to several health publications and a bestselling author. Donna Gates serves as a nutrition consultant and she has authored books focusing on diet and nutrition. The book goes into detail telling you exactly what stevia is and encourages its use in cooking and baking in place of sugar. The recipes in this cookbook will allow you to enjoy some of your favorite recipes without the health risks that increased sugar intake include. There are over 100 recipes included covering side dishes, entrees and desserts.

There are some complaints that some of the recipes included in this book are very basic and don’t require an actual recipe. There are also complaints the many of the included recipes don’t taste very good. There is a lot of information on stevia in this cookbook and it can be helpful for those that want to make substitutions for health reasons.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Includes over 100 recipes
  • Offers a healthy alternative to using sugar
  • Substituting stevia in place of sugar can help keep obesity and obesity related diseases away
  • Stevia is now widely available at many supermarkets
  • Includes all types of recipes from breakfast to dessert
  • Written by a medical doctor and nutrition expert
  • Complaints that the recipes are not good
  • No clear direction on deciphering between various stevia labeled products

The Stevia Cookbook offers plenty of recipes and additional information on why stevia is a healthy substitute for sugar. There are many health benefits to using stevia and this cookbook gives a wealth of information. There is an entire chapter showing the risks of using other sweeteners like aspartame and saccharine. The recipes in this cookbook are categorized into salads and dressings, entrees and side dishes, sauces, frostings and other toppings, and luscious custards, puddings and fruit treats. Some of the recipes you will find in this cookbook include:

  • Baked Apples
  • Basic Pie Crust
  • Chopped Chicken Salad
  • Sweet Vegetarian Chili
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Butternut Squash Cheesecake
  • Green and White Jade Salad
  • Lemon Custard Pie
  • Rice Noodles with Vegetables
  • Sweet-n-Sour Vegetable Stir-Fry

There is no exercise guidance given in The Stevia Cookbook.


Stevia has been called the miracle plant because of its sweetening abilities. You can make many dishes using the stevia plant without adding the calories or potential health concerns of using a lot of sugar. There have been some complaints about the recipes in this cookbook. However, there is plenty of useful and helpful information that can get you going in the right direction.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

the stuvia cookbook, the stufia cookbook, the steveeia cookbook, tstevia recipes

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