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The Virgin Diet, created by JJ Virgin, who is a nutrition and fitness expert for celebrities and athletes. JJ created The Virgin Diet to help dieters who are eating healthy, but still struggle to lose weight. The Virgin Diet states the key to weigh loss is to avoid food intolerance, or foods that your body refuses to break down normally. Food intolerance is a subtle reaction your body has when you eat certain types of food, which include: bloating, gas, indigestion, fatigue, mental fog, irritability, moodiness, and weight gain.
To correct food intolerance like weight gain, one must get rid of foods that your body can't handle and load up on healing foods and supplements. The healing foods and supplements allows the body a chance to recover from the food intolerance. The Virgin Diet lists seven high-Fi foods, foods that cause food intolerance, they include the following: gluten, soy, dairy, eggs, corn, peanuts, and sugar/artificial sweeteners.
The Virgin Diet takes three weeks to complete. For 21 days Virgin Dieters must stop eating the seven high-FI foods. Also dieters have to focus on low-FI foods that give their digestive system a break and eat healing foods and healing supplements to repair food intolerance damage.
JJ promise if dieters drop high-FI foods, they will drop seven pounds in seven days, and look years younger.
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- Self-quiz to help dieters find out if they have a food intolerance or not.
- Tips on how to find low-FI foods
- Motivation from JJ
- Success stories from those who were on the Virgin Diet
- JJ breaks down the cons seven high-FI foods into different chapters for dieters and what kind of foods they can eat in replace of them
- Strict diet
- Avoid moderation of foods because dieters need none of the seven high-FI foods in their system
If a person is eating healthy, yet still struggle to lose weight The Virgin Diet offers dieters a new solution to their weight loss struggle. The diet requires dieters to follow their diet as strictly as possible. They must not eat any of the seven high-FI food because it is the only way to stop stressing your body.
There are recipes in the book to help Virgin Dieters prepare meals that are free of high-FI foods.
Here are six samples of the recipes:
- Triple Cabbage Slaw
- Lentil Soup
- Braised Rainbow Chard
- Crispy Kale Chips
- JJ's Fast Black Beans
- Spicy Indian Dahl
- There is no specific exercise associated with the Virgin Diet.
The Virgin Diet focuses on getting rid of high-FI food and healing the body's system. JJ educates dieters on food and the benefits gained once you are on the Virgin Diet. Dieters must follow JJ's advice and tips if they want to lose weight. By changing your diet for 21 days, JJ promises you will lose weight and feel younger.
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The Virgin Diet
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 4 total comments)Hope
The virgin diet was a great way to start being truly aware of my sensitivities and develop a relatively scientific approach to making those assessments. My husband and I both did it together(that helps). We felt SOOO good after the initial period that we never put the seven foods back in our diet. We now are on the paleo diet, which has many of the same principles. Oh!! We each lost 80 pounds--40-50 on the virgin diet, the rest on the autoimmune paleo diet- Mickey Trescott- where we increased our good fat intake.
posted Jul 17th, 2017 8:55 amphil
?I'm on medical steroids, will the Virgin diet still work to lose weight? The Virgin Diet.
angela fischer
+I love it and eat better now than ever and I am loosing weight.
posted Aug 4th, 2013 2:58 ambrana culibrk
I'm two and a half weeks on the diet and feel good. I lost pounds and feel healthy.
posted Feb 7th, 2013 11:28 pm