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The Women’s Health Diet is a six week program designed to shrink your belly and sculpt your body. This diet program was created by Stephen Perrine with Leah Flickinger and the editors of Women’s Health Magazine. The Women’s Health Diet gives you the tools needed to lose up to 15 pounds of belly fat over a six week period. This plan is described as the most fun, indulgent and enjoyable weight-loss plan ever created. There are seven strategies that you will incorporate to start losing weight from your belly, hips and thighs first. You get to eat all types of food including fast food and still lose weight.
This program will help you achieve success while being flexible for your lifestyle and cravings. One of the first things you will learn is how fit you actually are and what your body’s strengths and weaknesses include. You will also learn how to trick you body into fat burning and have a guide to the 250 best foods for women. There are diet recipes included and some reasons why you may not be seeing results with the belly bulge. The Women’s Health Diet promises to give you a body that is leaner, stronger and sexier if you follow the simple steps.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Program is flexible to fit into your everyday life
- Lose up to 15 pounds in six weeks
- Program is fun and enjoyable
- Teaches seven strategies that will help your success
- Gives an assessment of your current fit level before you get started
- Helps shrink and sculpt your body
- Created by the editors of Women’s Health Magazine
- Shows that exercise should be something fun
The Women’s Health Diet embraces the strategy that the smartest diet is no diet at all. That doesn’t mean you eat whatever you want in any amount though. This program just shows you how to increase muscle without giving up all your favorite foods. It talks about the problems of going on a traditional diet, and the fact that two thirds of people who go on and lose weight with a diet end up weighing more than they did before they started that program. There are three warning signs that The Women’s Health Diet tells you to look at to see if a diet is bound for failure.
- Trouble sign one: You have to eliminate an entire food group.
- Trouble sign two: You have to follow a formula, algorithm or point-tallying system to figure out what to eat. Studies show the more difficult a program is, the less likely you are to stick with it.
- Trouble sign three: You’re told that if you base your diet around one single nutrient or food, you’ll lose weight. These types of diets are usually fads and involve calorie restriction and deprivation.
You are encouraged to avoid dieting while on the The Women’s Health Diet. Instead you should eat more nutrient dense foods to crowd out empty calories and keep you full throughout the day. Eating more protein and eating organic items when you have the chance are also important. You are also encouraged to drink cold water to slightly raise the number of calories you burn each day. Some other recommendations within the book to raise your metabolism are eat chili peppers, eat breakfast in the morning, drink coffee or tea, fight fat with fiber, eat iron-rich foods, get more vitamin D, drink milk, eat watermelon, and stay hydrated. With this program, you don’t have to be perfect. The Women’s Health Diet just asks that you follow the slim secrets 80 percent of the time. If you do that, you will still become lean and slim. When you do cheat, you just have to be smart about it. There are a few food groups that have been selected as the Women’s Health fast and lean super foods. These foods were selected because of their fat-fighting properties. The food groups include:
- Fiber-rich grains
- Avocados, oils and other healthy fats
- Spinach, leafy greens and other vegetables
- Turkey and other lean meats
- Legumes
- Eggs and dairy
- Apples and other fruits
- Nuts and seeds
The exercise portion of The Women’s Health Diet includes a fast-track tone-up plan. This is a circuit training workout that you do three times per week. In each set, you do the exercise as many times as possible within 30 seconds. Your form must be perfect and you take a 15 second break before moving to the next exercise. You can rest for two minutes after the entire sequence and repeat it two more times for a total of three circuits per workout. The workouts you will rotate through during this circuit include:
- Dumbbell straight-leg dead lift
- Push-up position dumbbell row
- Dumbbell front squat
- Dumbbell push press
- Dumbbell hang pull
- Cross-body mountain climber
- Alternating split jump
- T-Stabilizer
- Dumbbell lunge and rotation
- Dumbbell row
There is also a section on the 10 exercise machines you must avoid when going to the gym and the criteria you should use to pick a personal trainer. Using the fast-track tone-up plan, you should never be sore, tired or bored.
Losing weight doesn’t have to lead to dieting or depriving yourself of all your favorite foods. With The Women’s Health Diet you can enjoy cheating in a smart way, follow the program 80 percent of the time and still lose weight. This program was created by author Stephen Perrine and the editors of Women’s Health Magazine to give you a better body in just six weeks. This type of program promises results, and is something you can follow forever rather than a temporary fix that leads to regaining weight.

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The Women's Health Diet
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 5 total comments)megan
I really like the diet and am doing well but living in south africa i battle to get black beans and navy beans is there a substitue for them.
posted Aug 10th, 2017 6:06 amOlivia Sanchez
+How much is it?
posted Jun 22nd, 2014 6:19 pmDeLinda Curtis
?I am a diabetic. What is the affect of The Women's Health Diet? May I use this diet as a diabetic?
?Does it have a menu?i have the female body breakthrough and what i don't like about it is the fact that it just has a list of foods that are recommended and it is a small list at that. I am interested in a menu or recipe suggestions. Thank you.
+I like this health diet.
posted Jan 8th, 2011 4:14 am