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There's a Skinny Person Inside Me But I Shut the Bitch up with a Cookie

There's a Skinny Person Inside Me But I Shut the Bitch up with a Cookie

If Dr. Seuss was female and a yo-yo dieter, he would have written this book.

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The title says it all: There's a Skinny Person Inside me but I Shut the Bitch up with a Cookie.

Simply by reading and relating to the name of this book, all women will adore this creative and humorous weight loss journey written by Arleen Mavorah, a self-professed yo-yo dieter.

Although dieting is not a funny subject, dieters are funny people and this book proves it. Written in rhyme with contemporary watercolor illustrations, it allows dieters to see the humor in the things they do, or, think they do, in the name of weight loss. This weeklong journey in the life of a yo-yo dieter will have you laughing your calories off.

There’s a Skinny Person inside me…but I shut the Bitch up with a Cookie is a funny book with a serious message. It is highly recommended as a read aloud selection for your book club or weight loss group.

Mavorah turns hearty laughs into hearty meals by donating 10% of the proceeds from her book to the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day for me, Just have to decide, which diet it will be.

If French Women Don't Get Fat , should I move to France? Maybe then I'll fit into my size 8 pants.

Should I fast? Visit Jenny ? Or, what should I do? What's in? What's out? What's Oprah up to?

Arleen Mavorah has battled with the ten, fifteen or twenty-five pounds she’s taken off at times in her life, only to put back on. It made her good at her job in the weight loss industry because she easily related to her many clients. She has counseled thousands of people and has heard every excuse known to mankind, many of which she’s used herself.

Arleen owned and operated her own weight loss centers (Weight ‘n See in New York and New Jersey) and worked for Jenny Craig Diet Centers. She has a Masters degree in Early Childhood Education and has taught pre-school.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Pokes fun at the dieter in all us
  • Humor helps take the seriousness out of the weighty game of the scale wars
  • Written in a creative and imaginative form
  • Very original weight loss story
  • Any woman who has ever struggled with her weight will relate to this book
  • Has a largely female audience

There’s a Skinny Person inside me…but I shut the Bitch up with a Cookie does not provide the reader with a diet plan since it is a story, rather than a diet guide.

Through the course of a week, Mavorah chronicles her struggles with food and devil versus the angel battle she wages against her body.

From her favorite indulgent foods to bringing up popular diets like Jenny Craig, she'll take you on a witty literary ride.


There are no exercise guidelines but the book does poke fun at the motivation or lack of motivation to get in those recommended 30 minutes a day.


If you're looking to put down your calorie counter or the latest diet book you picked up from the bookstore, "There’s a Skinny Person inside me…but I shut the Bitch up with a Cookie" is likely to give you just the mental and humorous respite you need to re-prioritize your health goals.

This humorous and very creative book was probably quite healing for Mavorah to write, and it will likely provide the you with a similar kind of a therapeutic benefit as you too struggle to make sense of the often insane battle against being thin and your love of food.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

theres a thin person inside of me, I shut the skinny person inside up with a cookie, there a thin person inside of me but i shut her up with a cookie,

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I believe this book is a true master piece! It lets me feel better about my 382lb weight. I think it will make all the other readers, who are no doubt a similar weight, feel fantastic like I do!

I'd recommend this to anyone too apathetic to lose weight like me! Embrace that BMI, ladies!

posted Sep 16th, 2013 11:32 pm


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