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Thrive in 30 is a one-month challenge to improve your life and well-being through a structured plant-based nutrition and wellness program.
Created by Brendan Brazier, an Ironman (and vegan) tri-athelete, author of The Thrive Diet and Thrive Fitness, and creator of Vega, a line of whole-foods products and supplements, Thrive in 30 is a free online program to help you improve your diet, feel and look younger, enhance your mental clarity and reduce cravings for sugar, junk food and caffeine.
Over the course of 30 days, you'll receive 12 emailed segments that include text and videos. Each segment includes information on what to eat, why you are eating it and actions that you should take such as examining your current diet, eating one green salad each day, and eating small meals throughout the day.
At the end of the 30-day program, you should feel lighter, healthier, clearer and have an abundance of energy.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Vegetarian lifestyle, when followed correctly, is extremely healthy
- Consuming a more plant-based diet can aid in weight loss and disease prevention
- Month-long challenge is a practical amount of time to try something new and observe its effects
- Includes an exercise plan
- Educates you on how to receive all of your nutrients while following a vegan lifestyle
- Brazier is a powerful role model for the beneficial health effects of a vegan diet
- Long-term adherence may be difficult to maintain for some
The Thrive in 30 nutrition plan is a month-long diet that is comprised of eating a plant-based diet while also teaching you how to appropriately combine and use foods that optimize your health.
The Thrive in 30 diet plan omits sugar, caffeine and all processed foods and instead relies on a steady diet of veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds and plant-based protein sources. In addition, with each lesson, you receive information on a variety of subjects as they relate to diet such as the importance of an pH-balanced diet, incorporating Super Foods into your diet and who to manage food sensitivities.
There are five basic tenets that you are to follow throughout the 30-day program. Each day, you are required to eat one big green salad, one fresh-fruit smoothie, one raw energy bar and you are also suggested to eat mini-meals throughout the day to maintain your energy and a substantial afternoon snack so that you don't gorge on dinner.
Each specific lesson comes with additional dietary requirements that coincide with the lesson's theme as well as the overarching philosophy behind the Thrive in 30 program.
Since Brazier is a triathalon athlete, exercise is an integral part of the Thrive in 30 plan. Exercise is not required in the initial stages of the program but if you already exercise, you should by no means stop working out when you begin the Thrive in 30 program.
In Lesson 9, Brazier goes into specific detail about how to exercise. In sum, his philosophy is to find physical activity that you love to do and do it, consistently and with joy.
Created by triathlon athlete, Brendan Brazier who just also happens to be vegan and a raw food enthusiast, Thrive in 30 is a month-long clean-eating program that fuels your body with tons of fresh and live foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and supplements.
Using his own experience as a world-class athlete and with using food as a way to boost his performance and health, Brazier created this plant-based program which can be adopted by those who are not vegetarian or vegan. Showing you how to consume enough protein, calcium and B12 on a vegan lifestyle, Brazier dispels a lot of myths and misconceptions about the inadequacies of this highly disciplined way of eating.
Thrive in Thirty, Thrive in 30 Challenge, Thrive Diet, Thrive Fitness
Thrive in 30
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 4 total comments)Destiny Champion
+Great program covering a lot of areas in a simple enjoyable format. Although I've been vegetarian for 29 years I'm always in the need of motivation to eat healthy. This program kept me motivated and taught me new concepts.
posted Nov 12th, 2011 5:05 pmJen
+I love this dietary approach. I feel great. Couldn't be happier. Because I feel so wonderful, it makes sticking to the plan very easy!!
posted Aug 8th, 2011 1:11 pmpaulette
posted Sep 12th, 2010 9:40 pmashley
-it dident work i havent lost alot i lost 1 pound i am realy angry
posted Jul 5th, 2009 3:43 pm