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Tracy Anderson Method

Tracy Anderson Method

Train the way Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow do.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Tracy Anderson is one of the most sought-after personal trainers in Hollywood. Known for reshaping Madonna’s and Gwyneth Paltrow’s bodies, this pint-sized former ballet dancer has released three workout DVDs that include the same challenging and result-heavy routines that she designed for the Material Girl and Paltrow.

Tracy Anderson's DVD collection includes a mat workout, a dance/cardio workout and a post-pregnancy workout. Her routines increase strength, elongate muscle definition and improve flexibility and balance.

By combining dance moves with sculpting exercises, Anderson’s signature method allows you to get the body that you only dreamed of having.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Tracy Anderson’s method is an effective method for transforming your body
  • DVDs include a total body workout
  • Inexpensive
  • Increases strength and improves cardiovascular functioning
  • Defines some boundaries for eating
  • Targeted to women only
  • Serious dietary restrictions

Although there is no specific diet plan that is included with Anderson’s DVDs, she has created her own diet that can be used in conjunction with her method to maximize results. Her diet is comprised of a low-calorie, low-fat, low-carbohydrate eating plan that includes eating lean protein and green veggies at each meal. Caffeine, sugar, alcohol, most starches and refined carbohydrates are forbidden.


Anderson’s method is a unique style of exercise that can radically change any woman’s shape.

Tracy Anderson’s dance DVD includes a combination of dance moves inspired by her years as a ballerina. Her mat workout strengthens and tones muscles by using small weights (only three pounds or less) and countless repetitions of sculpting exercises.

As a mother herself, Anderson knows how difficult it can be to get into shape after giving birth. Her post-pregnancy workout helps new moms acquire an even better post-baby body than their pre-baby physique.

Each of her DVDs run approximately one hour. The mat and cardio DVDs are best used in conjunction with each other for optimal results.


Tracy Anderson has spent more than 10 years researching and experimenting with various exercises that would give her the sleek and defined body she always dreamed of having. Her exclusive method is now available to any woman who wishes to transform her body through her line of workout DVDs.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Tracy Andersen’s DVDs, Tracey Anderson’s DVDs, Tracee Anderson’s DVDs, Tracy Anderson’s workout DVDs, Tracy Anderson Diet, Madonna Diet, Madonna Workout, Gwyneth Paltrow Diet, Gwyneth Paltrow Workout

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(Page 2 of 2, 37 total comments)

Denyne Banks

I like Tracy's matt workout. It works. I love it, I love her method.

posted Dec 9th, 2009 4:32 pm



Really if it works for one person, then it's a positive thing. I tried it because I was looking for something DIFFERENT, and guess what? it works FOR ME. Either you like her or you don't, who cares if she isn't "qualified" I've seen some so called "qualified" trainers and really I'm fitter than them, so it ain't all about the "certificate".

There are billions of individuals out there and no one training system works for everyone, so if you find something that works for you, DO IT! and least you are doing something.

The mat DVD is working for me, I do it daily, without struggle to get motivated. She dosen't jump around like a hyped up cheerleader to bad tinny music, to get you moving.

In fact her minimal instruction is great.
I can the put my own music on and workout. The arm section is fantastic, I've been doing it regularly for 4 weeks now and it's still touhg but I'm seeing results and to me that is all that matters.

So all you jealous people go away and let us who enjoy the DVD's do our thing and get the results WE want.

posted Sep 1st, 2009 1:44 am




posted Aug 19th, 2009 4:43 pm



Tracy Anderson is a great motivator! I LO VE HER! She has got incredible energy and she pushes you! BRINGING'N back the dance! I LOVE IT! have never felt better!

posted Aug 13th, 2009 1:21 pm

Dislike CRiminals

Don't like doing business with people who involved with current court cases that date back several years, especially when all evidence points to their guilt. Opening a studio in NY? Good luck to the landlord and any investors.

posted Jul 30th, 2009 3:45 am



this workout is so laughable.

ladies please... get some personality and stop being impressed by marketing gurus.

fitness is no rocket science.
do you need to have someone telling you to do a 1000 calories diet and 1 hour of aerobic exercise? I see is very advanced... lol!
get some real information. there's so much free information out there. use your brain, seriously...

posted Jul 4th, 2009 8:54 am



I really really like this dvd. It works you hard, flows well and has a graceful quality so many videos lack. Glad I wasn't influenced by the negative feedback.

posted Jun 17th, 2009 12:16 am

bev espo


I love her mat workout!!! I am seeing amazing results. Her video is the first and only video. I have ever stuck with !!She is amazing....I am 55 yrs old, and finally somethig works!!!!Thank you Tracy, people are jealous, dont listen to the negative!!1

posted Apr 4th, 2009 8:20 am



This self appointed expert has no qualifications for anything but ripping people off. Celebrity advice may be hazardous to your health! Do your research on this nut. Health & Fitness professionals speak out.

posted Mar 25th, 2009 9:01 pm


This woman is a hoax and I believe that Madonna and Gwyneth will soon disaasociate themselves from her, just as Oprah has with one fraudulaent author who appeared on her show and that she had initally endorsed.

As a College Educated and Degree'd Exercise Physiologist and Exercise Professional, a 2 Time Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon Finisher and who has been part of many advisory Boards including Nautius....her(Tracy Anderson) program is NOT grounded or empirical in any way, shape or form, it is in fact, contraindicated exercise and it's dietary guidelines can be harmful. Each inidvidual should be met with and have an indivdualized Exercise Prescription and Nutritional Analysis done prior to starting and / all Fitness / Nutritional regimen and a Diet and Exercise Program MUST set up specifically and especially set up for the Individual and their needs. No one, I repeat No One, should ever put themselves, their body, their life, at the hands of an uneducated, unprofessional individual who makes claims to be an exercise, fitness or nutritional expert, guru, without checking and knowing their background and experience!

Buyer Beware!

Please feel free to contact me with any/all questions or comments that you may have.


posted Mar 17th, 2009 11:38 pm


This woman is a hoax and I believe that Madonna and Gwyneth will soon disaasociate themselves from her, just as Oprah has with one fraudulaent author who appeared on her show and that she had initally endorsed.

As a College Educated and Degree'd Exercise Physiologist and Exercise Professional, a 2 Time Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon Finisher and who has been part of many advisory Boards including Nautius....her(Tracy Anderson) program is NOT grounded or empirical in any way, shape or form, it is in fact, contraindicated exercise and it's dietary guidelines can be harmful. Each inidvidual should be met with and have an indivdualized Exercise Prescription and Nutritional Analysis done prior to starting and / all Fitness / Nutritional regimen and a Diet and Exercise Program MUST set up specifically and especially set up for the Individual and their needs. No one, I repeat No One, should ever put themselves, their body, their life, at the hands of an uneducated, unprofessional individual who makes claims to be an exercise, fitness or nutritional expert, guru, without checking and knowing their background and experience!

Buyer Beware!

Please feel free to contact me with any/all questions or comments that you may have.


posted Mar 17th, 2009 11:33 pm



I tried her butt and leg work-out and definitely felt the burn, if you are looking for a way to change up your routine this is definitely something to try

posted Mar 5th, 2009 8:33 pm user comment



Wow I can't believe the negative rap she is getting from the above postings. Everyone is entitled to their opinion however I suggest trying it before knocking it! I have been doing her Mat DVD since December and have gotten AMAZING results! No matter what I did for strength training, I would bulk up. This is hard work but has changed my body tremendously already. I have lost inches and everything is more defined and toned.

I disagree with the above post stating this wouldn't work based on the fact that you are only lifting 3 lbs weights. You should always switch up your workout and challenge your muscles however that does not mean you must up the weight. Lower weight and more repetitions gets you a longer leaner shape period.

I suggest you give it a try and you will love the results. Again you have to put in the effort because it is a challenging workout and you have to stick with it to see results.

posted Feb 13th, 2009 4:33 pm



The sad thing here is that everyone thinks that this is a great program because Gwen and Madonna do this work out, when in fact according to every major book and research study on muscular development says that you can not gain strength with out some form of resistance, and your body adapts to this resistance quickly and therefore needs to be constantly challeged to continue to see improvements. The fact that she says women should never lift more then 3 pounds is absolutely rediculous!!! WOMEN PUT DOWN THE MILK JUG AND BABIES YOU MIGHT GET BULKY!!! Women do not have the hormones required to get huge and bulky, plus you would need to be training them at a specific weight and rep intensity to even begin to create that much muscle mass. I find this to be another unbelieveable scam to get your money!! I looked on her site and no where do I see her educational background. My assumption would be she has never taken a human physiology course or she would know most of what she says is BS. Anyone that eats just meat and veggies and then works out for 2 hours in 80 degree heat is going to lose weight. This is not rocket science just a bunch of crap! Speaking of education, I do actually have the knowledge background for this with a degree in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science, so trust me when I say don't believe the hype!

posted Feb 12th, 2009 10:53 pm


Please visit and read Tracy�??s letter to clients to fully understand this post. Please then google �??Do you realize Tracy Anderson�?� if the full letter to Gwyneth and Madonna does not appear below.
Regards to all,
Glynn Barber

Hello Gwyneth and Madonna,
Do you realize that Tracy Anderson's Hybrid Body Reformer was actually designed and built by an Indiana based engineer and does not belong to Tracy Anderson? Do you realize that my company Qualtech Tool & Engineering was hired by Tracy Anderson representing herself and EoLA to design and build these machines? Do you realize Tracy Anderson never paid for the design or the build? Would you like to speak with the designer and builder of this equipment?

Do you realize that the 12 original HBR machines designed and built for the EoLA Indianapolis Indiana Studio and the Studio City studio, by me, were never paid for by Tracy Anderson? Do you realize that Tracy Anderson asked me to get involved with EoLA when she couldn�??t pay for the machines blaming her MBA business partner in EoLA? Those machines are still in use today and have never been paid for.

Do you realize that you are having my proprietary equipment built and put into your New York Studio without my permission Gwyneth?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson's outlandish lies about me such as my locking her in our broom closet for 3 days in our Noblesville IN home with no food and no water are merely an attempt to cover up her con of an Indiana businessman and his 4 children?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson lied to me and all of her clients about working with the New York Knicks trainers and doctors performing research for her "Method"? Do you realize Eric Anderson confirmed that these were all lies fabricated by Tracy Anderson? Ask the trainers and team doctors that were with the Knicks during Eric Anderson's playing tenure.

Do you realize you could do what I did and ask Tracy Anderson for confirmation and valid research on the muscle biopsies and other research she claimed to have done and had done?

Do you realize you may ask for a meeting with these researchers and Doctors? On second thought, don�??t do that, Tracy Anderson will view it as a threat to her survival and try her best to negate any business dealings with you. Also she will fabricate terrible stories and you would be surprised because she is such a natural actress, all levels of education want to believe her every word.

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson has never performed any research what so ever on her "method". She has only charted a few clients progress with an excel program. Do you realize that I personally paid the college student from Noblesville IN, to do that for her? Actually I can only verify that no research had been attempted through June of 07�??. You may have helped her do research since then that I am unaware of.

Do you realize that any reputable fitness organization or publication may ask for this research? It would be interesting to see exactly what would be presented, wouldn�??t it?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson�??s sister is the same size as Tracy Anderson, and it is genetics? Tracy Anderson�??s brother is built the same. Again, genetics. Tracy Anderson�??s mother is over the age of 60 and a beautiful thin woman. Genetics.

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson�??s method is nothing more than a 1,000 calorie a day diet and anaerobic exercise? She has the client, i.e.�?� you, perform 80 - 100 reps of 8-12 exercises, normal studio time, 1 hour on a reformer with spring resistance and an hour of cardio. You obviously understand the principles behind any exercise.

Do you realize that anyone determined to lose weight or get into their best possible physical shape will do so with proper mindset and motivation. A sensible diet and an hour of cardio on top of your hour of anaerobic exercise and presto, the magic formula is revealed. Remember, I own Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC and I know this to be fact!

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson is very charismatic and very much a motivator. Of course you do!

Do you realize Tracy Anderson is a scam artist and has bilked thousands from many small business men and women? Do you realize that Tracy Anderson must be held accountable to those many small business persons?

Do you realize you need to go no further than the Hamilton County Courthouse in Noblesville Indiana to seek the truth about Tracy Anderson?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson was arrested in late 06�?? for contempt of court for failing to pay a $274 judgment and failing to show up to court about the matter for years? Do you realize that judgment was for a fireplace repair at Tracy and Eric Anderson�??s home located at 18017 Kinder Oak Drive, Noblesville IN 46062? Do you realize she has plagiarized this to be a wrongful arrest because of a bad debt of her business partner? Do you realize that this arrest reasoning is public record? Would you like to speak with the repairman whom sued Tracy Anderson?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson was sued by Shutters in Santa Monica CA because she left them with an $18,000 catering bill that Tracy Anderson refused to pay after one of her EoLA boot camps? I paid Tracy Anderson�??s half of the settlement on this suit for her. Do you realize that this too is public record?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson was going to be sued by the contractors in LA during the Studio City CA studio build out, for lack of payment? Would you like to speak with these gentlemen? Do you realize that I paid for the build out of the studio ($80,000 plus).

Do you realize Tracy Anderson was going to be sued by both the Indiana Studio and Studio City, CA studio landlords? I personally paid current, from 4 months of no pay, the lease payments for Indianapolis and Studio City leases in December of 05�??? Do you realize that was a total of $50,000 plus invested into EoLA when they owed me over $100,000?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson lied to everyone claiming that her and Eric Anderson we�??re divorced? Do you realize this was in the winter of 05�??- 06�??? Her clients, her employees, her family! Do you realize that Tracy told all of her family, friends, and her client�??s that Eric was an abusive alcoholic and that was the reasoning for their divorce? You could ask one or all of them.

Do you realize in March of 06�?? Tracy Anderson asked one of her clients if a few million dollars was a lot of money. The client responded �??absolutely, why�?�? Do you know that rascal Tracy Anderson replied �??Because GB has a few million dollars that I know of.�?? Would you like to speak with this individual?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson and I started flirting in February of 06�?? and developed a personal relationship in May of 2006 during the filming of Tracy Anderson�??s DANCE AEROBICS DVD? Do you realize that I personally produced that video? That entire project was paid for by my personal check. I have a copy if you would like to see it? Do you realize that Tracy Anderson unlawfully negotiated the distribution of this video and kept all but $9,000 of the proceeds?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson and I bought a home in Noblesville IN in August of 06�???
Do you realize that Tracy Anderson threw a huge fit in late August of 06' because I hadn't proposed to her, literally forcing me to buy her an engagement ring at Rock Star jewelry in Malibu CA ($14,000) the last week of August 06�??? Ask the folks there. It is a beautiful store and I�??m sure they would love to have you visit them if you haven�??t already.

Do you realize I had a conversation with Tracy Anderson�??s sister about this forced engagement and her sister was well aware of my apprehensions? Do you realize Tracy Anderson is notorious for throwing completely irrational temper tantrums? Do you realize that Tracy Anderson threw this engagement tantrum in front of our Indianapolis Studio general manager?

Do you realize I proposed to Tracy Anderson on Sept 5th, 2006 at the Four Seasons in Santa Monica CA, the day that ring was picked up from Rock Star after being sized. Do you realize Tracy Anderson accepted my proposal? Kind of strange since Tracy Anderson and Eric Anderson weren�??t even legally separated. Do you realize this looks like a �??PIMP MY WIFE FOR MONEY�?� sitcom except it isn�??t a comedy at all?

Do you realize when I found out that Tracy Anderson wasn�??t divorced I escorted her, at her request, to an attorney to file for divorce? I paid that attorney, at Tracy�??s request, for the divorce filing. Would you like to talk with that attorney? She is a family law attorney in Muncie Indiana.

Do you realize Tracy Anderson continued the lie claiming she had filed for divorce from Eric Anderson for several months thereafter when in reality; she had repeatedly refused the attorneys requests to sign and return the necessary documents to allow divorce filing? Do you realize Tracy Anderson�??s sister and brother in law called the state of Indiana were the ones responsible for calling Tracy Anderson out on the lack of filing for divorce?

Do you realize Eric Anderson also went along with Tracy Anderson�??s lie for monetary gain?

Do you realize that I gave Tracy Anderson and Eric Anderson no less than $20,000, completely traceable, to pay off their joint overdrawn Merchants National Bank checking account in May of 06�??? Do you realize that I paid Eric Anderson thousands of dollars monthly for 3 months because of �??Tracy Anderson�??s�?� incurred past personal financial obligations while the couple was �??married�?�.

Do you realize the question of the day, January 22nd, 2009, is this? Is �??The most married, unmarried couple�?� as quoted in Gotham magazine by Tracy Anderson, really divorced? Interesting to say the least.

Do you realize that I founded Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC, an Indiana company and the California counterpart? Do you realize the corporate documents were drawn up with Tracy Anderson owning 51% and she refused to sign the documents on April 24th, 2006, the day Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC was a legal entity. Do you realize my attorney then had to redraft the documents with me owning 100% until Tracy was �??comfortable�?� owning any part of the studios? Would you like to talk to this attorney?

Do you realize I gave Tracy Anderson�??s attorney, Jack Hittle in Noblesville IN, the original documents showing Tracy as 51% owner in January of 07�?? immediately following Tracy�??s request for me to do so?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson and I sat in Mr. Hittle�??s office that very day and signed the documents? Do you realize that to this day, those papers have never been filed with the States of Indiana or California? Do you realize what this means? I do.

Do you realize Tracy Anderson told me that you Gwyneth, wanted to partner with she and I in Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC in May of 07�?? while you were hosting us in the Hampton�??s? You would be interested to know how I came to be �??ousted�?� from my own business on false promises and forgery.

Do you realize Tracy Anderson blamed her EoLA business partner for all of her financial woes and back taxes and I believed Tracy Anderson? Obviously now, according to her website, she is blaming yet another party. See Gwyneth, you and Madonna are in good company. Many good people such as us have been railroaded by Tracy Anderson.

Do you realize it was Tracy Anderson that actually kept over drafting EoLA business accounts using them as her personal accounts? This is all easily accessible for proof.

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson, representing EoLA sold almost $300,000 worth of �??prepaid�?� sessions in Indianapolis in 2004 and 2005? Do you realize that some clients of EoLA bought over 4 years of sessions up front and at a discount ($19 per session)?

Do you realize Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC was in no way connected with EoLA yet I honored Tracy Anderson�??s EoLA client�??s sessions?
Do you realize that the first course of action I took with Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC was to set up a monthly billing plan for new clients at Tracy Anderson Studio�??s, LLC, thus giving a monthly cash flow allowing the company to establish a budget. Do you realize I discouraged any client from paying in full for a year at a time and encouraged a monthly credit card or checking account draft?

Do you realize that when Tracy Anderson dismantled the Indianapolis studio in May of 07�??, that I reimbursed $17,000 to the clients of Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC in June of 07�???

Do you realize that I had always stated, in front of attorneys, that neither Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC nor I personally had any connection to EoLA? Do you realize what I am implicating?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson representing EoLA was responsible for collecting and spending the monies that the long standing Indianapolis clients, EoLA clients, were upset about and wanting refunded when Tracy Anderson abruptly shut down the Indianapolis Studio? Would you like to see the books of from April of 06�?? through Jan 07�?? for Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC? Would you like to talk with one or all of these EoLA clients?

Tracy Anderson spent this money long before she asked me to invest in EoLA. Do you realize this is why she couldn�??t pay me either?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson also repeatedly over drafted Tracy Anderson Studio�??s LLC business accounts, regularly forcing me to inject monies from my personal savings? I am more than happy to provide all financials to you.

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson forged my signature on some of my personal checks? I have them if you would like to see them.

Do you realize that I couldn�??t file my 07�?? taxes because Tracy Anderson wouldn�??t pay her accounting bill with the accounting firm she handpicked after she gained a 51% ownership of Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC in January of 07�??? To this day, I have no financial information from 07�?? for Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC. Do you realize I have had several failed attempts to acquire this information?

Do you realize I asked Tracy Anderson in September of 07�?? to pay off a $12,000 Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC payroll loan with Old National Bank in Portland IN that I had personally guaranteed? Do you realize that Tracy Anderson then emptied the company payroll account the monthly payment was being drafted out of? Do you realize when I confronted Tracy Anderson about this that Tracy Anderson handed the phone to Eric Anderson and then both instructed me to file bankruptcy?

Do you realize Eric Anderson stated he was in Chapter 13, yet again admitting it was only a ploy he and his attorney started to prolong the Sheriffs sale of Tracy and Eric Anderson�??s home located in Noblesville IN and prolong the repossession of Eric Andersons Navigator truck. Do you realize that Eric Anderson stated the filing was to buy time for the Anderson�??s since they had filed bankruptcy only a couple of years earlier? Would you like to talk to my banker? Would you like to talk to the Anderson�??s home owners association or the Sheriff of Hamilton County IN?

Do you realize that Tracy Anderson never opened any of her mail by her choice? Not because of a controlling business partner, husband, or lover, rather because she wasn�??t responsible enough to do so. Do you realize this has been a long standing issue with Tracy Anderson according to both of her parents, both of her siblings, and all of her employees before April 24th, 2006?

Do you realize I found my manufacturing companies unopened invoices for the original 12 machines I designed and built for EoLA, in Tracy Anderson�??s and my garage, when I was cleaning it after the notice of coming foreclosure of our home. Do you realize the envelopes, several of them containing statements and invoices, were in a box full of unopened mail addressed to Young Artists and Athletes, HardCore Pilates, EoLA and Tracy and Eric Anderson dating back 3 �?? 4 years? A simple credit report will substantiate this.

Do you realize that Young Artists and Athletes, Hardcore Pilates and EoLA are all bankrupt companies once owned by the Andersons? Do you realize there are more?

Do you realize that my children�??s college fund is what ultimately set up your New York Studio Gwyneth? Do you realize that my children are the most important people in the world to me and your business associate and �??partner�?� has much to answer for? Do you realize that you are involved with blood money stolen from 4 children and a community of 6,700?

Do you realize that the Indianapolis employees of Tracy Anderson Studio�??s, LLC prior to June of 07�?? would negate any claims by Tracy Anderson that anyone was in control of Tracy Anderson or the chaotic studios other than Tracy Anderson herself?

I have the complete employee listing and contact information if you care to decipher the facts of Tracy Anderson�??s uncanny ability to project her worst into the lives of others. Case in point; her ridiculous �??Letter to Clients�?� on her website. That letter personifies the real Tracy Blythe Anderson, and is nothing more than a textbook psychological projection of her fears, wrong doings and pain imposed upon others.

Do you realize that I wrote and initiated a business plan for Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC in the spring of 06�??? Do you realize it involved several studios opening around the world, several DVD�??s, a clothing and shoe line, equipment and book sales? Sound familiar? Do you realize I supplied my bank and my accountant a copy of this business plan in 2006? Do you realize what this means? Would you like a copy of the business plan, partner?

Do you realize that I am about to prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, in a Hamilton County Indiana Courtroom, that Tracy Anderson, Tracy Anderson Method and any other business entity or partnership Tracy Anderson has set up or been involved with since January of 07�?? is nothing more than a crude attempt to deny yet another businessman/business partner his or her investment and returns. My $800,000 investment is anything but forgotten.

Do you realize because of my trusting in Tracy Anderson, not only have I lost several million dollars personally, an entire community, Portland IN, lost a vital economic project. This project would have generated millions for an economically depressed East Central Indiana. My profits from Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC were going to be dispersed to finish building Xplex-llc, the worlds largest Extreme Sports and Motorsports Park. Do you realize that you can verify this at www.xplexpark.com? Would you like to talk to the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of Indiana about me and my Xplex Project?

Gwyneth, you and I met on several occasions. You and Chris genuinely welcomed and accepted me into your home. My daughter played with your children. So who am I? I am the man Tracy and Eric Anderson conned. I am the man Tracy Anderson was raving about until the minute you mentioned involving yourself in Tracy Anderson Studios, LLC. I believe you to be a good woman, a good mother and a good wife. It is interesting however as to whether the definition of a good person includes doing proper due diligence on one before you defame and try to assassinate their character. Does this mean anything to you?

Madonna, we also met on several occasions. I find it both humorous and redeeming, not in a negative fashion, that you, once voted the 3rd most powerful woman in the world, are in the same position I was in until June of 07�??. You are completely suckered and stuck with Tracy Anderson and her �??method�?�. You of all people are smarter than this.

It is quite interesting that both of you, Gwyneth and Madonna, have endorsed Tracy Anderson as a product and neither of you, with all of your resources, did any due diligence before doing so. I hope at the very least that this gets the attention of a few fact finders and attorneys within your organizations, before someone gets hurt and demands the studies and research materials trying to prove negligence.

I do not want either of you to suffer any significant loss or repercussions stemming from your association with Tracy and Eric Anderson.

I encourage anyone, everyone, to investigate these facts and the Realization�??s I have provided and attempt to discredit even one.

Do you realize the real story here is sad? A young woman, so warped, so insecure of her abilities and inabilities, that she resorts to trying to ruin the lives of philanthropic and caring human beings for the benefit of only herself.

Do you realize I promote the success of others as a way of life and I wish you Gwyneth, you Madonna and even Tracy Anderson, success attained legally and honestly and with integrity.

This isn�??t the place to go into detail about my journey while I�??ve been associated with Tracy Anderson. This is a brief reality of a day in the life of one of Tracy and Eric Anderson�??s many victims.

My name is Glynn Barber. I can be reached via email,

posted Jan 25th, 2009 11:13 pm



She's like a pint size Jillian! Maybe you have to be a bit crazy to be the best trainers. Tracy's DVDs are awesome and really make me work hard. I actually mix hers and Jillian's DVDs so I don't feel like it's the same person/method all the time.

posted Jan 9th, 2009 10:06 am



Tracy know what to work and how to work it and with the bodies of Gwyneth and Madonna as inspiration, I can't wait to see what results I get.

posted Jan 9th, 2009 10:02 am


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