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Ultimate You is a book written by Joe Dowdell and Brooke Kalanick that showcases a four phase total body makeover for women that want maximum results. This book allows you to eat better, move smarter and get leaner in a one of a kind program. Joe Dowdell is a personal trainer out of New York City. He owns the fitness center Peak Performance which is one of the top ten gyms in the country rated by Men’s Health Magazine. Dr. Brooke Kalanick is a physician focusing on metabolic nutrition, fat loss and women’s health. Together, Dowdell and Kalanick have tailored this four phase plan to maximize weight loss without forcing you to spend hours in the gym. Ultimate You is a plan for fat-loss rather than weight-loss and it uses the concept of metabolic disturbance.
This process revs up the fat burning hormones in your body during your workout and continues to burn calories after the workout is over. There are dozens of meal ideas and some recipes are included as well. Through the four different phases of Ultimate You, you will learn about resistance training, changing your hormonal landscape, and how to prepare for the Ultimate You. The four phases of the program are as follows
- Phase 1: Preparation
- Phase 2: Accumulation
- Phase 3: Intensification
- Phase 4: Ultimate You
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- Focuses on your eating as well as exercise
- Program offers four phases to reaching your goal
- Encourages keeping a food diary
- Includes full menu options with exercise
- Uses metabolic disturbance to help you lose fat
- Uses high-intensity interval training for a more effective workout
- Encourages eating more fiber, slowly
- Offers a complete food list that includes carbohydrates
- Program is geared toward women only
The Ultimate You food plan is simple and easy to follow. There are some basic pointers given with this food program and you are allowed one splurge meal per week. There are several lists of Ultimate You foods and no specific type of food must be eliminated from your diet. The Ultimate Youprogram does recommend that you use organic fruits, vegetables and meat whenever you can. It is also recommended that you drink filtered water to avoid some of the common chemicals found in tap water. For an overview of the Ultimate You plan, you simply implement these healthy habits:
- Eat breakfast every day; make sure it contains both protein and vegetables.
- Eat at least five to six servings of vegetables per day; one cup is equal to a serving.
- Eat high-quality lean protein – four to six ounces during meals and two to three ounces during a snack.
- Drink three to four liters of filtered water each day.
- Opt for organic fruits and vegetables along with organic, hormone-free meat, poultry and fish whenever you can.
- Stick with the Ultimate You plan 90 percent of the time; enjoy one splurge meal each week.
- Stay focused on success. Reaffirm your goals at least once daily, more often if you find the program getting tough.
Ultimate You lays out your food choices into two groups. There are four phases that coincide with the food groups. The first group is called optimal choices. These include the leanest proteins; the healthiest, easy-to-burn fats; high-fiber, plant-based starchy carbs; and nutritious nonstarchy vegetables. The other group is called allowable choices. This group includes proteins that are slightly more processed, low-fat dairy products and some grain-based starchy carbs that are still high in fiber. During phase one of the program, you can eat from either group. In phases two through four of the program, the recommendation is that you eat only from the optimal choice group for the best results. There are also some helpful recipes included in the book for those that want some ideas. Some of the recipes you will find are:
- Greek Eggs
- Broccoli & Turkey Eggs
- Smoked Salmon & Avocado Wrap
- Turkey BLT
- Lemon Walnut Chicken Salad
- Cucumber Pear Salad
- Tomato Basil Salad
- Mango Chicken
- Shrimp Marinara
- Asian Chicken Stir-Fry
- Classic Chicken Stir-Fry
- Quick Pre-Prepped Protein & Veggies
Exercise is an important element of the Ultimate You program. You will be performing both cardiovascular workouts and strength training workouts. The main focus of the Ultimate You cardio workout element is called energy system training, or EST. This type of training allows you to focus on how many calories you burn during an entire 24-hour cycle. You will also learn how to get the most effective workout in the least amount of time. Your longest workout session will take you only 28 minutes, and that includes the warm-up and cool-down. Your method of achieving energy system training will be through high-interval intensity training, or HIIT. HIIT is a form of cardio exercise where you alternate between periods of high intensity work and periods of low intensity recovery. Doing this allows you to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Your body will also be burning calories throughout the day, even when you’re not actually working. Below is a sample EST workout:
- Warm-up: 3 minutes
- Interval training: 18 to 28 minutes
- Cool-down: 3 minutes
- Post-workout foam rolling: 7 minutes
- Post-workout static stretching: 7 minutes
The recommendation for what type of exercise you do during your interval training is pretty open. For phase one, treadmill training is recommended. For phase two, cycling is suggested. You are not limited to those specific exercises though. Some of the most common and effective exercises include running, cycling, VersaClimber, rowing machine, jump rope and body-weight exercises. The strength training element of the Ultimate You program is designed to help you build muscle. The Ultimate You strength training component is specifically tailored to impact your hormonal system, allow you to systematically and strategically progress and emphasize full-body routines. The program also features two phases that prepare your body to train. The strength training moves you will do change during each phase of the program. Each phase of the program offers you a different workout program, and there are illustrations of how to do those exercises for your reference.
Ultimate You offers women a safe and healthy plan that is sure to get results. This program involves four different phases and helps makeover your eating and exercise routine. Everything about this book is detailed and easy to follow. Ultimate You encourages eating organic meats fruits, vegetables and eliminating processed foods from your diet. You will also be getting proper exercise through both cardio and strength training. This program offers all of the elements needed to reach your health and fitness goals in a safe and reliable way.
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Ultimate You
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(Page 1 of 1, 1 total comments)Stella Guidry
I like it
posted Dec 22nd, 2015 10:08 pm