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Women Food and God

Women Food and God

Heal you relationship with food and heal your life.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Women, Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything is not a diet book. In fact, it is the kind of book that puts diet books and weight loss pills out of business.

Written by Geneen Roth, who has also authored, the New York Times Bestseller, When Food is Love, her latest book explains how your relationship with food, as conflicted as it may be, is actually your doorway to freedom.

"What you most want to get rid of is itself the doorway to what you want most: the demystification of weight loss and the luminous presence that so many of us have called 'God'."

Roth has more than three decades of experience studying, researching and writing about what drives us to compulsively overeat, compulsively diet and compulsively agonize over our bodies. The basic premise articulated in Women, Food and God is that the way you eat is a direct image of the core beliefs you hold about being alive.

Through her descriptive analysis in which she draws on the experience of countless women she has helped in her retreats, she provides instruction, motivation and inspiration that will enable you to look beyond what's on your plate and discover the fulfillment you have been longing for.

Women, Food and God has been praised by O: The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Time, Elle, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, and Roth has been featured on the Oprah Show, 20/20, Good Morning America, NBC Nightly News and The View.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Not a quick-fix or sugar-coated self-help book
  • Does not tell you what to eat or how to eat
  • Looks far beyond food, calories and carbohydrate and fat grams
  • Encourages honest self-exploration
  • Encourages looking at yourself as an already whole, complete and peaceful spirit
  • Attempts to lead to significant body, mind and spiritual transformation
  • Likely to result in weight loss without the use or need for a special diet, rigorous exericise or calorie counting
  • None to speak of

Women, Food and God is not a diet book that tells you how many calories to eat, what foods to avoid, how to eat healthy when dining out or whether or not to eat past 7 p.m. Rather, it shows you how what, how and when you eat is about your own beliefs about life and how your feelings of anger, resentment, incompleteness have led you to use food as a way to escape them and numb yourself to them.

Roth instead encourages you to face these feelings head-on through honest and open exploration.

Roth classifies troubled eaters into two categories: Restrictors and Permitters. Restrictors use food to control their life and their body and permittors use food to numb themselves.

Through Roth's own practice of "Inquiry" which is a kind of meditation in which you sense the physical sensations in your body and observe the thoughts and emotions that surface, she provides you with a series strategies and questions to employ so that you can uncover the hidden meaning behind your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

In addition, she has seven eating guidelines that you are encouraged to follow. Those guidelines are:

  1. Eat when you are hungry.
  2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. (This does not include the car.)
  3. Eat without distractions like the radio, TV, computer, anxiety-provoking conversation or music, newspapers or books.
  4. Eat what your body wants.
  5. Eat until you are satisfied.
  6. Eat with the intention of being in full view of others.
  7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.

There is no exercise plan.


Women, Food and God, is an illuminating and inspiring book by Geneen Roth that helps you uncover who you are through your relationship with food. In doing so not only will you reclaim your own grace but you will also lose weight without ascribing to any rigid diet.

Roth has firsthand experience with her own food and weight struggles having lost and gained over one thousand pounds throughout her life. But through her own self-exploration, she has maintained the same weight for the past 30 years.

If you are someone who struggles with food, weight and body image, then Women, Food and God, is a must-read. It is truly a doorway that can offer you liberation from compulsive eating and dieting that you never thought were in your power.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

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