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Celebrity personal trainer Holly Perkins, BS, CSCS created Women’s Strength Nation, a movement to bring women together in a conversation about strength, inside and out. The mission of Women’s Strength Nation is to improve the ratio of women to men in the weight room and give women everything they need to feel confident walking into the weight room of any gym.
Through online resources and Women's Strength Nation LIVE events that feature individual and group exercises, group workouts, workshops and lectures, women can learn the indisputable science behind how strength training affects not only the body, but also the mind. Learn how a woman should train differently than a man, despite the fact that all the information out there is written for a man and a man’s body.
Using strength training as a metaphor for building strength inside and out, we learned that in order to illicit change, you must have adversity. Like your muscles, you must be torn down before you can be built back up.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Created by well known and respected celebrity trainer and fitness expert Holly Perkins
Strength training has a profound impact in the fight against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, and so much more.
Strength training empowers women. It helps women to feel strong while improving self esteem and self image.
A tight knit community for support.
Access through live events and the website.
Common sense approach; no fads, no gimmicks, just sound fitness guidance with educated, scientific support.
WSN focuses on eating for your goals, whatever they may be. Above all else, in terms of nutrition, nothing is good or bad, it just is. It either serves you or it doesn’t.
WSN encourages you to track your macro nutrients and aim to hit a daily percentage. That percentage breaks down below and depends on your goals:The below numbers are percentages of your daily diet and are listed as Carbs/Protein/Fat:
General Wellness: 40/30/30
More Energy: 45/25/30
Endurance Sports: 50/25/25
Body Composition: 35/35/30
Weight Loss: 30/40/30
Muscle and Strength Gains: 40/30/30 (with a net calorie gain- you must have excess calories to put on mass)
These should be your totals at the end of the day, but in an ideal world, each meal would hit the macro split for your goals.
This model works for every diet, including vegetarian, vegan, Paleo, people with IBS, food allergies, etc.
Always eat breakfast! Breakfast sets up you hormones (cravings) energy and performance for the day.
Example breakfast that hits 40/30/30:
- ¾ cup egg whites (protein)
- 1 whole egg (fat)
- 1/3 cup oats (carbs)
- 1 cup berries (carbs)
The Women's Strength Nation official call to action is for women to commit to two full body strength sessions every week. Each session should be around 35 minutes, hitting the major muscle groups: legs, back, chest and shoulders.
For women who are interested in a more aggressive program, WSN suggests doing a four day split to hit major muscle groups once per week, where each workout dedicates more time to each body part.
The program through Women's Strength Nation will play hand-in-hand with her new book, Lift to Get Lean.
Strength training is an essential part of a woman's health, so much so that renowned trainer Holly Perkins firmly believes it should be included on the checklist of preventative health care actions along with pap smears, mammograms, and annual visits. Women's Strength Nation is a movement all women can be a part of by learning about strength training and making it a part of their exercise routines to build strength inside and out.
Women's Strength Nation
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