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You Can't Outsource Weight Loss

You Can't Outsource Weight Loss

Use this guide to figure out why you eat and change bad behaviors.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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A family tragedy left Ed Boullianne looking for answers. His sister died at the age of 46 and he wanted to find out why so many people suffered from poor health and obesity like his sister. His findings materialized into the book, You Can’t Outsource Weight Loss…But You Can Lose Weight and Be Thin Forever. Boullianne is a retired captain in the navy and he shares his weight loss journey through this book. You can learn how to lose weight permanently in this straight forward guide. Outsourcing in the title is referring to taking a pill or having a meal delivered to your house. You don’t have to spend the rest of your life on a fad diet in order to be successful with this book. There are five key areas that the book focuses on to help you reach success.

You will be able to customize your own weight loss plan and implement the needed changes with simple steps. You Can’t Outsource Weight Loss puts you completely in control of your weight loss journey. One of the first steps on this program is figuring out why you eat and then you move to modify destructive behaviors. This book is honest and easy to understand. You will learn that the first step to achieving permanent weight loss is changing your mind. Following the steps within this book can get you to your goals, but you must give in to the steps completely.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Book is easy to understand
  • Author used these steps for his own weight loss triumph
  • Teaches you how to properly read labels
  • Recommends both eating changes and exercise
  • Starts with a self assessment to diagnose why you eat and what type of eater you are
  • Focuses on five basic truths that will help you reach your goals
  • Places you in control of your weight loss journey
  • Involves making changes you can live with forever
  • Plan is simple
  • None to speak of

While you will learn how to eat and how to read nutrition labels, You Can’t Outsource Weight Loss does offer some flexibility. This program is not a diet, but one that helps you make changes that you can maintain for a lifetime. There is a self assessment that breaks down your current behavior so that you know what things need to change. This book encourages having a healthy weight which falls within the recommendation for your height. The five basic truths of the book are as follows:

  • Basic Truth #1: If you’re tired, hungry or craving foods, you won’t lose weight.
  • Basic Truth #2: Only make lifestyle or diet changes that you can maintain forever.
  • Basic Truth #3: Listen to your body.
  • Basic Truth #4: Willpower and deprivation are not weight-loss tools.
  • Basic Truth #5: The human body was meant to move.

Completing the self assessment will help you figure out what type of eater you are. There are four areas to the self assessment in the form of questions you need to answer for yourself. Answering these questions is simple and can be done by keeping a log for a few days. The questions include:

  • What foods do you eat?
  • Why do you eat them?
  • How much food do you eat?
  • How much do you move?

Simply keep a record that answers all of these questions for every meal and you will easily be able to tell what type of eater you are. Once you have figured out what type of eater you are, there are several focus areas available for that type of eater. You are not required to eat foods you don’t like with You Can’t Outsource Weight Loss. You are simply taught how to change the eating behaviors that have caused you to become overweight.


Exercise is important and very much recommended in You Can’t Outsource Weight Loss. Because the body needs movement, there is no getting around the need for exercise. That doesn’t mean you will have to spend hours each day working out. Some of the simple things you can incorporate into your day include taking a brisk walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, playing outside with the kids, gardening and doing housework. Exercise is necessary for good health, longevity and quality of life. It will also help prevent various types of illnesses and diseases.


You Can’t Outsource Weight Loss has received high praise as a book that gives you the exact tools you need to take control of your weight and get healthy. This book offers an easy to understand approach that will get you results and help you see your current state so that you can make the necessary changes to lose weight.

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you can oursource weight loss, you can’t outsourced weight loss, outsourcing weight loss

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