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Your Inner Skinny

Your Inner Skinny

Follow four easy steps and reach your health goals.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Your Inner Skinny: Four Steps to Thin Forever is a book available from New York Times bestselling author Joy Bauer. Joy is also a nutrition expert for the Today Show.

Your Inner Skinny gives you the information you need to be thin in just four easy steps. The book also claims that by following these steps, you could lose seven pounds your first week.

The four steps are release, relearn, reshape and reveal. Your Inner Skinny also includes recreation, which includes your recommended exercise program.

Some of the basic steps for getting started include change your mind, change your eating style and change your loyalties. Joy gives you a great wealth of information throughout each of the steps.

In the release stage, which lasts one week, she compiles a list of do’s and do not's for foods. This stage is also about releasing any previous ideas you have about diets from your past.

In the two week relearn stage, you are laying down a new set of patterns for making food choices that will aid you in weight loss.

Once you reach the reshape step, you are in the heart of the diet. This step can last as long as needed for you to reach your goals. This stage allows you to reshape your body and your spirit.

The final step is reveal. This step is all about you reaching your goal and starting to maintain your weight loss.

Throughout the book, Joy infuses success stories and photos of people that have reached their goals. These inspiring stories serve as a great way to motivate readers to stay on the program.

Your Inner Skinny is filled with delicious recipes and meal ideas as well as sample menus.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Includes both diet and exercise components
  • Book written by nutrition expert
  • Following the four steps leads to significant weight loss
  • Includes recipes and menus
  • Highlights stories of individuals who have lost big following the program
  • Book has a simple approach
  • Step-by-step approach keeps the program from being overwhelming
  • Some of the food rules might be a bit difficult for some at first

The first seven days of the program are stricter as far as eating than the rest of the time you’re on the program.

For the first seven days, you are given very detailed lists of the foods that are allowed. Although the foods are healthy, there is no lack of choices so you shouldn’t get bored during the first week. There is also a list of unlimited foods and beverages that you are given. This helps in planning meals and allows you to eat as much as you want of a certain group of foods.

Joy offers pocket-sized printouts of her lists of foods on her web site so that you can always know what foods are allowed and carry that with you. All of the recipes and menus are interchangeable so you don’t have to feel restricted to eat exactly what’s given as a recommendation. If there’s a recipe in the book that you like, you can simply sub that out if you find there is one that you don’t like.

Below is a snapshot of one day of eating, but the book includes numerous recipes and menus to choose from. A sample day of eating with the Your Inner Skinny program might look like this:

  • Breakfast: Breakfast turkey melt made with a whole grain English muffin, turkey breast and reduced fat cheese
  • Lunch: Roasted red pepper & mozzarella melt, unlimited carrot sticks, celery sticks or other non-starchy vegetables
  • Snack: Naked turkey/ham roll-up made with unlimited lettuce leaves
  • Dinner: Sweet and sour chicken served over a small portion of brown rice

Exercise is an important part of Your Inner Skinny. Joy expresses the importance of being active in order to reach your weight loss goals. She also talks about how exercise can benefit you not only physically, but emotionally as well. She even recommends that you even stop calling it exercise, so that the negative thoughts associated with that word won’t keep you from doing it.

  • During the release week, you must do 30 to 60 minutes of some sort of low-impact cardiovascular exercise each day for seven days straight. There is no exception to this part of the program. Joy recommends walking since this is the first week of the program and that may be the easiest option available. You can choose to do your workouts in full portions or bite sized pieces.

During the relearn stage, you will do 30 to 60 minutes of walking or other low impact cardiovascular exercise seven days per week. Three of those days you will add speed play into your walks and three to five days per week you will do enhancers. Enhancers are stretches that help with your strength and endurance.

During the reshape stage, your workout routine intensifies. Five to seven days per week you do 30 to 60 minutes of walking or other low-impact cardio. Two to three of those days add in Speed Play to your walk. Two days per week you do Enhancers and add in resistance training.


Joy Bauer has made her program easy to follow and she’s also provided a wealth of information to help you stay on track. She introduces exercise and eating healthy right away, without making either of those things overly complicated.

Your Inner Skinny can be a great resource for those looking to lose weight in large amounts and those that want to keep it off.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

you’re inner skinny, your inter skinny, your inner skin

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