Diets in Review Question

Are the point allowances for men different from the point allowances for women?

Michelle asked this question Feb 19th, 2011 3:40 pm

I realize that men and women are different but are the points allowance different for men at say 180 than a woman at 180?

This question is about Weight Watchers Online for Men

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Answers to this Question


Weight Watchers PointsPlus is a universal program. There is no difference between the values for men and women. Each individual is assigned a different PointsPlus target range based on gender, age, goal weight and other factors.

posted on Feb 20th, 2011 4:51 am


Using the PointsPlus Calculator, I entered these values: age 45, height 5'8", weight 180. The femaie calculation was 29 pts per day, The male's calculation was 35 points per day, so YES, there is a daily points difference between men and women of the same weight, height, and age.

posted on Mar 21st, 2011 10:09 am