Diets in Review Question

Can you eat Weight Watchers foods on the 17 day diet?

Jacquie asked this question Apr 8th, 2011 2:10 pm

I have read a few comments where people are saying that you dont have to eat the food....just eat the ww diet foods? Is this Weight Watchers?

This question is about The 17 Day Diet Meal Plan

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no, you do not have to but this meal plan And no this is not WW. you can get your OWN food from the supermarket...and it will be CHEAPER.. you need to read the book it's called the 17 day diet.....and it works you can find it at any book store

posted on Jun 8th, 2011 12:52 pm


no, this is not WW's this is the 17 day do not have to buy the meal can just go to the supermarket and get what you need and want. the plan costs too much, better to just buy the food yourself. And no you cannot use WW's food. the book is now sold everywhere, read it many people have lost weight on this, really no downside to this diet..especially when you start to see results within a week ...good luck

posted on Jun 8th, 2011 12:56 pm