Diets in Review Question

I really don't have one?

Arletta asked this question Mar 4th, 2014 1:54 am

I put that I have a question, because, I'm not sure if the like and dislike is about the article (which I liked) or about the weight loss (which I don't).

I have absolutely no idea how anyone could think she looks lovely or healthy. I've seen pictures of survivors of Nazi death camps who looked healthier.

However, that she went overboard, in order to make sure that she lost a lot of money, does not necessarily mean she has an eating disorder or that she will continue to be that thin.

She was an athlete. Athletes will often lose extraordinary amounts of weight, in a short time, to achieve a goal of meeting a weight class or to have less weight to have to move about when they are performing. Not all of them develop eating disorders, though some do.

So, she may, now that she has met her goal, find a balance between having too much fat and not having enough of it. I hope that is what she does.

I, also, hope that the show finds some way to help people find that balance and prevent this from happening, again. It is scary.

This question is about Rachel's 60 Percent Weight Loss is Nothing to Celebrate; Biggest Loser Should be Ashamed

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