Diets in Review Question

What do you get from the weekly meetings?

hongquan asked this question Mar 23rd, 2011 12:24 am

Hi WW members, can you guys let me know what you get from the weekly meetings? How often do you go to the meetings? Do you stay with the program after reaching your weight target? I am thinking about joining in the program but I wonder how the weekly meetings help.

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I also want to chime in. I have 3 kids and gained (and lost over 50lbs with each). Lost 55lbs on the WW Points (FLEX) Program and started diligently withe the Points Plus program in January. Following the new plan just as I did with the old plan I am not losing weight and it is Week 9 for me. I got on the scale this a.m. for kicks and I gained 2lbs. I am diligently tracking and not using my extra 49 points. I have been a Lifetime member since 2006 and I'm distraught.

posted on Mar 29th, 2011 12:57 pm


I find that going to the meetings keeps me on track. Even if I have gained weight, the meetings help me to refocus my effort. If I didn't go to the meetings and gained a couple of pounds, I don't think it would be easy to get back on a healthly eating program. They are fun, time for me and I go with a friend. We go to starbucks after everymeeting! I suggest you find a friend and go to the meetings!

posted on Mar 26th, 2011 8:02 pm


Me i gained nothing from meetings but there are those who really feel the need to touch base it makes them stay on track plus if you dont go every week you take the chance of membership going so you have to join again. Good luck on third week here and in past lost 100 pounds on it so it does work just requires patience and being true to You.

posted on Jan 31st, 2012 7:30 pm