Diets in Review Question

What snacks does Nutrisystem provide?

Kristen McGee asked this question May 10th, 2013 2:14 pm

I have been trying Nutrisystem for 3 days and and am really struggling. Some of the foods are not that great, and I still find myself really craving the old gooey cheesy salty foods. Also, between, about 3:00 pm and dinner I start pacing, waiting for dinner time. By the time dinner comes, I cannot get enough. Then, after dinner, just before bed I find myself REALLY wanting to snack, and I lose control. What can I do to help this? ALSO...Why can't I eat fruit for my smart carb in the morning, and have a meat for my powerfuel in the afternoon? I feel like that would tide me over better.

This question is about Julie Knapp Lost 100 Pounds with Nutrisystem and Reclaimed Her Life [VIDEO]

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